Dream Diary (interpretation)

in #life7 years ago


Everybody dreams every day but we just don't always remember our dreams. My husband for example has few dreams that he remembers from all the years sleeping. Me on the other hand remember almost all my dreams since I was the age of 7. I can often describe my dreams in details. Some dreams did not have any meanings but some really were giving me signs that something is going to happen. I also read online that people who can remember their dreams very well, are more likely to wake up couple of times in the night. That's true in my case. I do wake up many times in the night, so I am actually quite tired during the afternoon :-(. I hear also small noises during the night. Sometimes I feel like a Dobermann.

I remember very well my first dream when I was 7 years old. I dreamed that I woke up and saw my family, but they were only skeletons in the dark. My parents brought me to the doctor, asking why I only see people being a skeleton and the doctor told us that my eyes were replaced with the eyes of a dead person.


My second dream that I remembered good was a very funny dream. I was sitting on the toilet, a public one. Then I looked down because the floor felt very soft. I saw that the floor was made of mattresses. Suddenly I wanted to sleep on the floor, which was made of mattresses. When I woke up, I realised I peed in my bed. I was 9 at that time.


In my third dream I was falling into a large black hole. I had this dream couple of times during my teenage years. I had a difficult time when I was a teenager. So I think this dream had to do with that.

In my fourth dream I was sitting at the table with a man. The man was holding a piece of paper with the number 84 printed on the paper. When I woke up I was thinking what it actually could mean. Then I did something crazy. I bought a lottery ticket with two end numbers 84. I won 100 euros! Unfortunately that was my last dream with numbers :-).


In my fifth dream I was swimming in water, probably in an ocean. This dream I had couple of times in the past. Now not anymore. The water was very clear and had a nice temperature. There are different dream interpretations about swimming in the ocean. But I do remember the times I dreamed of swimming in the ocean, I got some money back from the Taxation authority. Sometimes you get money back, for example when you paid too much tax you get some money back.


In my sixth dream, which I had couple of times too, I dreamed that my front tooth fell off or was very loose. If you look at the Indonesian dream interpretation, it says that it could mean that a family member is sick or dying, depending on which tooth/teeth. Well I experienced once that my corner tooth felt very loose and my half brother had to go to the hospital. He had an asthma attack. However, the other times that I dreamed about my tooth falling off or being loose, there was nothing with my family, luckely. If you look at the Western dream interpretation, it says that it has to do with insecurities or anxiety. I think this was the case because I remember I had my internships and I was always very nervous going to my internship. Every time I woke up after this dream I was touching my teeth checking if I still have all my teeth.


In my seventh dream I was at the airport, sitting in the waiting room at the gate area with my trolley bag. In my waking life I was not planning at all to travel or thinking about travelling. I was actually busy writing my thesis. This dream I had 3 times. I really had no idea what the meaning was of this dream. But after 3 times I understood it. I was writing my thesis and every time I showed my thesis to my lecturer for approval he rejected it 3 times. It wasn't good enough for him. :-(. Well, I am not a good writer and never liked writing. So writing a thesis AND in English was a big challenge for me.


After these three similar dreams I had a dream I was sitting in the airplane and the airplane was taking off ;-). When I woke up that morning, I checked my e-mail and my lecturer sent me an e-mail. He wrote in his e-mail: Congratulations! Your thesis has been approved! So I was VERY HAPPY!


My ninth dream was during my pregnancy. I dreamed many times about a paradise. It seems that many pregnant women have these dreams. The paradise I was dreaming about was a paradise you usually see in paintings or made with a computer program. An imaginary paradise.


In my tenth dream I dreamed that I brought a bull inside my parents house and told them that this bull is for my sister. The next day I told one of our visitors, an Indonesian woman who was a friend of my stepmom about my dream. She said that my sister is going to have a baby boy. Well, I called my sister who lives in Canada and asked if she knows already the baby's gender. She says no, but was hoping for a little girl :-D. Then I told her about my dream and the possible interpretation. Well, she did gave birth to a baby boy :-D. She has now 3 boys!


My last dream I am going to tell you was about the IT. I dreamed this last night. Yesterday I watched the new IT movie. I really LOVE horror movies. I liked the movie very much. They made the clown very good and scary. The story was however not so good as the classic IT. So in my dream I was home with my kids. My house was however not my current house. In all of my dreams when I dream of being "home" I am never in my own house. So I was home with my kids and I was living in an apartment. The whole floor was our house. The IT was chasing after us and we were running like crazy from one room to the other room. Every room had a balcony and the balcony has a door that leads to the next room/apartment. Every time we were in a different room, the IT transformed himself from an object to the clown himself. I remember he transformed from a red pencil to a clown. Super scary dream!


Well this was my dream diary. Of course I have many many more dreams but it would be an endless post :-D. If only I could paint, I would paint all of my dreams as a memory.

Source pictures:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


That is awesome details and great recollection of so many different dreams @cleverbot

Yes, but what is your ultimate goal?

Dream is another reality, like an alternate universe...You are really lucky to remember whatever happened in the other World as i wish to call it...

It is very nice to be able to remember dreams. But I also have really terrible dreams that I wish I couldn't remember them.

Awwwh, my guess was right.

Especially dreams of my late mom and it feels she is around trying to talk to me, those are painful dreams for me.

That must be terrible for you. But at the same good when she is trying to communicate with you.

Hi @fathin-shihab. Interesting dreams. Most of them I see are predicting something in your life. This means you are a sensitive person. I like the 8th one, what a pleasant dream and what pleasant news! The 9th one is very beautiful.

I hope one day you will dream all the numbers for the lottery ticket. That would be a lucky dream! :) Keep on dreaming good things...

They are indeed interesting dreams. I am very happy i can remember my dreams and that some are giving me sort of signs. I hope one day i will have that dream again with numbers :-). Thank you @diamondinform and enjoy your day!

That was really interesting loved reading this post :)

Thank you☺. Happy you liked it.

Thanks for sharing your personal dreams, they are very interesting. Since I learned about Freud's opinion on how dreams work, I can easily interpret them. He says that each object in a dream is an association of something related to it. There is something like a censorship in our dreams, so we can continue dreaming. Otherwise, if we dreamed everything directly as our subconscious knows it, we would often wake up. For instance you can dream about your teacher in kindergarten who wears your aunt's shoes - she will be an association of your aunt. I had similar experiences, when I am thinking about someone, but I dream another person with the same name. Hope this helps to interpret some dreams in the future.

Sometimes we dream of something because we were thinking about it during our waking life. So these dreams are not valid to be interpreted But sometimes the dreams can be interpreted because we were thinking about at all. Thanks for reading my post and commenting :-)

Your dreams are your predictions, excellent blog and interpretation @fathin-shihab

Yes, some of them are like predictions. Thanks for reading my post and upvoting me. ;-)

You are welcome - original with lot of creative spirit @fathin-shihab

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