Do Two Wrongs Really Make a Right?

in #life6 years ago


Well, taking the literal interpretation of that saying, not really. Although I must admit a little revenge can taste so damn sweet!

Living in London for many years now, my external world is slowly evolving into a society of PC-cultured noisy race horses. A movement I most likely will not ever be a part of. You can't say this... but can say that.. don't do this... but you must do that... Conform, conform, conform. I bit too much "controlling dictatorial mob rulership" if you ask me. Of course, humanitarian rights are a large facet of what makes up this new-age "modern world" we are entering into. Of course, I agree with some elements as well as disagree with others. Seems fair I think. Afer all, it's my "humanitarian" right to do so. However, the latest hysteria to hit the headlines in the UK, got me somewhat confused.

IS jihadists Alexanda Kotey and El Shafee Elsheikh were recently extradited to the USA and, because of American law, now face the death penalty. With both members accused of playing a part in multiple murders of innocent civilians, it could be seen that this punishment fits the crime. I certainly don't have any issue with it. However, apparently, the people within the land I live in, do. There is a huge uproar calling for these men to be given life sentences as opposed to the USA's ultimate form of "barbaric" retribution. The main reason being that they were residents of the UK (West London to be exact, being much nearer to where I live than I would have liked) and somehow that warrants them some kind of immunity. After reading further, it transpired that an informal agreement was made with the States and us that "under no means should UK-based residents have the death penalty imposed on them, just as a matter of principle". What the hell? So, anyways, our PM, under pressure from these far left groups, has engaged in discussions as to how this matter should proceed. Though I do find it strange that the poor victims of ISIS had next to no negotiations to speak of, yet here we are, defending an extremist group whose "lives" depend on it. I mean, what is going on? Did I miss something?

The fight for equality in this world has reached such insane, fever-pitched heights that we think it "righteous" to waste time and valuable resources on rescuing deplorable monsters from the jaws of death? Again, unless I'm missing a vital piece of information in all this, I find myself speechless at the actions of these campaign groups and of Teresa May in bowing to their demands. There are numerous other ways in trying to do good for our planet. An issue like this should be the last on anybody's list, surely.

A world gone mad, it seems. I shudder to think what levels of craziness the next decade will bring with it. Would love to hear your opinions on this matter.


Hope you enjoyed this post, please look out for more on the way... (author: @ezzy)


I'm right there with you... death penalty to ISIS, i see no problem with that! At least we wouldn't be paying taxes to keep this monsters alive! Why should we!? Why should society keep monsters that have no regard for human lives?! To me, all the pedos, serial killers, terrorists would get the exact same treatment... Just piling monsters inside a building and paying so that they are kept alive is to me a stupidity! Imagine if that money was put to good use! Building farms in Africa to make Africa one of the largest continents in the world a better, safer and more advanced place! Imagine if all that money went to research to cure cancer, HIV, etc... instead, we are using that money to feed monsters, build "homes" for monsters...

I look at this as I look at the human body, they are bacteria and virus, would you rather create a cist where the bacteria and virus are kept inside or would you rather just eliminate the problem and have no cist?

But this is just my opinion, I understand perfectly other people having another opinion... I'm not one for political correctness bulshneit, I want humanity to evolve, I want to solve the problems of our society, hunger, disease, poverty...

Another good solution and alternative to the death penalty that I think should be adopted ASAP is: make the damn prisoners work for their food and water! Yeah, give them more room and let them plant crops, etc... at least this way we wouldn't be paying to keep them alive, they were the ones working to stay alive! Because going to prison shouldn't be like going to a 5-star hotel!! Going to prison shouldn't be like going on cool vacations where we get free food, free tv, sleep, we can read, sometimes we can even go to the internet, we can play basketball, etc..

Damn... my comment turned into a full blow post, sorry for such a long rant :P

Damn, looks like I'd be voting for you if you ran for election, lol! But serious;y, I said pretty much the same thing in another comment earlier. Keeping these monsters alive at our expense? Especially for the most atrocious of crimes when there is little to no shadow of a doubt of guilt? Eradication suddenly doesn't seem so bad.

And yes, if that is not an option, put them to work to survive. After all, the law should see them rescinded of all humanitarian rights once in their hands. ISIS are one of the most violent and despicable organisations on this planet and just be association, individuals are classified the worst scum of this world. Seems fair that they should be treated that way.

Blinder of a comment, man. I'm seriously impressed! :)

The death penalty is a touchy subject even here in the United States. Within the US there are certain states which have banned the death penalty, while other states stand proudly by their decision to keep executing death row inmates. It is even a contentious subject to myself...with myself. What I mean is that I am for the death penalty when you know that the person accused of the crime is guilty. The problem is that this is not always the case. It is very rare, but innocent people end up in jail for murder and other crimes which call for the death penalty. So if we "the people" end up executing the innocent man for crimes which we though he committed, but he had not. Then my question is are we "the people" guilty of murder ourselves. With age I have come to believe that life in jail is a much tougher sentence than the death penalty, and I feel that the prisoner is better served by giving them a life sentence. For one thing...if the prisoner is innocent they have time to prove their case. If the prisoner is guilty they still are facing harsh consequences and we have not brought negativity upon ourselves. Thats just my thought...have a great day!

Great comment, man. I'm also torn between "death penalty" punishment and life in prison. Also bear in mind that life means a hefty tax payers bill to keep them going throughout their lifetime. But I'll make a suggestion that I know may come across as extremely controversial. With forensics being quite advanced these days and the likelihood of someone actually being provably guilty or not much higher than before, surely this in itself could warrant a case of capital punishment. If someone is the extremely rare circumstance where they are innocent but still sent down, it's may come down to choosing which is the lesser of two evils. I know prison populations are at breaking point at the moment and they are letting prisoners go "early" or being more lenient in sentencing, because of this.

Bless and thank you again. :)

Where I'm from, such people would be given the death penalty, except of course, if they're backed by political bigwigs who finance their terrorist operations.
In that case, they are not even given life sentences, hell, you even wonder whether they were actually caught and arraigned.

The system is broken, and now we are. Nothing is ever straightforward, and people make compromises for the silliest things.
Everyone was to be politically and socially right/correct, and sometimes, this harms us instead.

Spot on, @yvonn... I was amazed that it's even an issue in the country I live in. What a damn shame.

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@ezzy super.. enjoyed a lot while reading this awesome life blog.

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In this unequal world there is a difference between laws and rules for poor and rich.

Today the rules are for the most asshole, if you have money the rules do not matter a shit we live in a perdition
happy day @ezzy

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