Tonight, is my night. Making time for myself after a great week!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life8 years ago

I just got home from my last client of the day. It’s around 16:00 on a Saturday and I’m knackered. But what a fantastic week it’s been for me. Business wise as well as personal I’m over the moon! I decided to just write about my week for once and take it from there.

I was given this bottle this week, I'm going to have a glass tonight!

Cool solution!

The week started off installing a cool WIFI solution for a client of mine who just moved into a huge farm and wanted WIFI coverage across the board . I’m his go-to IT guy for years and I proposed a solution with professional access points.

I’m good a configuring equipment but I’m insanely bad at screwing things to ceiling and walls. It’s just not for me, scares me to death, to be honest. So, I asked a colleague, that can drill a hole without breaking things, to hop along, and secure the access points properly for me.

It is such a pleasure to play with professional gear! You hook it up, configure it and then it just works! No hiccups in signal strengths, no bad spots with coverage. Investing in good things is so worth it.

We did a great job and the client was insanely happy. Perfect start of the week.

Visiting my grandmother and Sam’s great-grandmother.

On Thursday I went to see my grandmother with my mom, sister and little Sam (my sisters baby boy). My grandmother is getting older and doesn’t feel comfortable to go far away. She had not seen the newly addition to the family yet so you can guess she was looking forward to it!

Sometimes a picture says more than words. 82 years difference between two humans

Sam was having cramps and my sister was trying to comfort him. He was crying. She had to fix her hair at some point and decided to put Sam, unexpectedly, in my arms. The moment he hit my arms he went quiet! This was either good luck (most likely) or it’s my positive energy I been radiating lately! It was an amazing experience that stunned my family, haha. Made me very happy.

I still have trouble figuring out how to hold him properly

The biggest job yet!

The best business thing that happened this week was by far getting the biggest job ever. A colleague and I got it after we worked hard to get it! YES! YES! YES! It’s happening. It’s a job for a big plumbing company! And I can’t tell you yet what it is because that’s would be bad for business but we got the signature in the mail this week! So, it’s on! Woohoo. This could be the train ticket to the next level station!

I always thought Bianca’s saying: "positive energy attracts positive things" was a bit of Voodoo type thing stuff. But I don’t think so anymore. The way you approach life makes all the difference!

To celebrate the deal I was given this bottle by my colleague. He's a wine man, I'm more into beer. But this bottle has fancy stickers and stuff so it must be fantastic.

Making Time for me.

Now I’m home alone. Bianca is working till 23:00 and I have the whole evening to look forward to. She did ask me to do the laundry so that’s my only task yet before I have total freedom.

Doing the laundry btw is not that difficult. Throw the clothes in the machine and after throw them in the dryer. But why hasn’t nobody invented a folding machine yet? I’m so bad at it and it takes me so much time. I wish someone could make a post about proper cloth folding technics to speed this process up.

I need to do two more rounds and then it’s finished.

Tired, but almost done with the laundry

I have no intentions of cooking tonight. I’m going to order a steak with fries! And I think that will go perfectly with a glass of that wine I got. After I’m going to watch a film or maybe chill reading Steemit or maybe I’ll play a game. I haven’t played a game in months!

My dad always says free time is enjoyed best after hard work. When you feel like you deserved it. I think he’s right.

I love life atm. So much is happening and finally I can see a sustainable future shaping in front of me. It's a fantastic feeling!

signature Follow Me @exyle


Awesome, thanks for sharing your life. I love connecting with family, especially when I haven't seen them in a long time!

Also great wine, I love wine that is foreign to the united states. Especially one from Italy, they make amazing wine!

Thanks for your nice comment! I agree totally with your words! And man..this wine is amazing! Next steemfest lets have a glass.

Your welcome, Yeah I just saw all of my family recently at thanksgiving!
Yeah it looks like good wine! I ust had a 2010 malbec wine from Argentina last night and it was delicious. I will definitely take you up on that glass of wine at the next steemfest ^_^

Wow, that sounds like a great evening you got planned. Should have made it a boys night out if we lived closer, lol! Sam is a little sweetheart and I'm not surprised he fell fast asleep in his uncles arms. Great stuff! Seems you got an awesome family. :)

Nothing like having a good rest after a long week of hard work so I'm glad your gonna have a well earned break. Looking forward to more posts from you in the near future, man.

Till next time, bro! :)

Haha! We will go out and hit some pubs in the future man. Maybe in London or in Rotterdam but it will happen! Sam is great I'm so proud of him. You don't think it was luck do you :). Yes! Rest after a long week of work is great! The wine is amazing btw. I had a second glass. It's too good! Thank you for your everlasting support. Till next time!

What a lovely post! The great-grandma-picture is outstanding, there is nothing stronger than unconditional love. Hope you enjoyed the wine.
Upvoted and following you for future stories.

Thank you! Yeah! I love that picture as well and the wine was amazing! Sadly it's all gone now :)

I love your positivity and energy! CONGRATULATIONS on jobs well done and the pending big job. Mindset is everything. It's something I have to tell my husband nearly every day. Throw positive vibes out into the universe and ride the wave. ;)

Thank you! Changing my mindset/energy towards positivity has changed me so much! (for the better). I hope you will be able to convince your husband of it too! I will keep riding that wave!

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