Procrastination Level Up

in #life6 years ago


Procrastination is not a new phenomena, and I think most of us here do it fairly often. We try to avoid the not-so-fun tasks like doing the laundry and dishes, a deadline at work, or going to the dentist. But because I am special kind of lazy and stupid, I have taken procrastination to a whole new level by procrastinating about the good and fun things too!

At this point in my life and current occupation of digital nomading, I’m fairly free to go where ever and when ever I damn well please, but instead of doing that, I’ve been cooped up in my tiny apartment for two weeks. Good job Eve.. I suck at being a digital nomad, someone teach me your ways!

I hate being in that apartment most of the time, it’s small and the view sucks. I used to be stuck there because I had to work in the city, but now I don’t have to anymore, yet, I still somehow choose to be there. I could have been in the countryside for all that time, but for some reason, I wasn’t, even though I always enjoy the countryside hillbilly life.

I could have also hauled my tiny ass abroad, to explore the world.

I’ve spend the past weeks looking up possible travel destinations, but never reserving anything. Hours and hours of looking at flights and hotels, finding some pretty nice ones but failing to make a decision on where to go. London, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Rome, Barcelona, Croatia, all valid options. With every possible decision, I ask too many questions from myself, and if there are any negative answers, I abandon the travel plan. How is the weather, is it expensive, is there wifi (this is a must), is it a safe destination, do they speak English, does the carpet match the drapes, how far is the beach, and the list goes on…

I acknowledge that these are definitely first world problems and I’m very privileged and blablabla, but I wanted to share my thoughts and see if there might be someone else out there that has similar problems inside their head.


Am I the only one who procrastinates like this?

I need a support group!

Ps. I AM currently in the countryside, but heading back to the city tomorrow. To plan (read:procrastinate) for something new to do.


yes, I am a terrible procrastinator .. but i think you get further than I do.. I keep thinking of going places or doing shoots, and somehow always seem to find a reason to do something else. Of course I have the excuse of a full time job, but that falls away on my days off and holidays.. its a terrible affliction .. procrastination.

Finally, someone who actually read the post and understood what I was talking about! I keep planning shoots too, but always end up dismissing the plans and doing everything impromptu. But I guess it has worked out fine for now :D

Haha! Yeah I read some of the other comments.. they're pretty out there! I think 80% of my shoots end up being impromptu and the rest are carefully planned.. as luck would have it, a lot of the impromptu shoots end up being really great so it kind of balances.. at least that's what I tell myself to justify the procrastination ;)

I justify it with using natural/available light, so I can not know when and where it's going to be good.

hahaha! yes, that is an excellent excuse, used it many times myself ;)

Whereas I am a terrible procrastinator, I often end up back the the deeper question of "Why am I doing this? Who am I trying to impress?"

I'm pretty sure I am just a far better planner than I am doer. And when I sit in a state of complete honesty, I'm actually pretty happy sitting in a state of not-doing. And just planning to do things, and living the experiences vicariously through research.

I procrastinate "good" things, too. In fact, sometimes I am guilty of procrastinating them more, as best I can tell because I enjoy the feeling of "looking forward TO" something. More than "having done" it.

I'm also a master of analysis paralysis!

I think I do the same, enjoy the experience while planning a fun thing, and not necessarily needing the experience of really living that plan. Though what often ends up happening, eventually, is that I go through with a plan that I had already thought out long time ago. So the execution comes seemingly abruptly to others, but was actually a well thought out plan.

I was going to leave a thoughtful comment but I'll do it later :p.

Reserve the massive self vote for that carefully crafted comment.

The comment itself was a joke because of procrastination. It is only 19%, I would not call it massive when I give out 70% of my voting power. But if you wish, please remove the flag and all the best :)

Much better. I just hate that random comments hang in the top of the comment section, valued only by the comment creator themself.

Fair enough, I will keep that in mind for future comments on your posts. Thanks for removing the flag, here is an upvote for the positive interaction :)

Just keep the selfvotes out of my eyesight and we're good :P I actually think your comment was pretty funny :)

I am so tempted to upvote this comment I'm writing :p. keep up the original posting Eve.

Resist the urge, temptation will ruin us all!

Nice to see another geek on this platform (: @whatageek

go geeks!

A nice angle! Procrastination is not always bad as you say, stop me doing the crap things an build my dreams and ten year plan haha 💯🐒

Like who cares about making dreams come true, I'd rather stay in my bed apparently! 😩

Ahh but that's probably because you still need time to develop your dreams 😉, enjoy it! 💯🐒

And what better way to dream than to take a nap, awesome!

Right on perfect ;) 💯🐒

You need a motorcycle! And then just follow your nose ;-)

I'm too much of a princess for that ;) but a car would be great.

Cars are way to comfortable, you never get wet or covered with dust, no mosquitoes between your teeth... plus where is the fun of driving, leaning in a curve or have the acceleration of that engine almost pull you off the vehicle.... looks like I'll have to take you for a ride.... vrrrrrrooooaaaaarrrrrr 😎

Hahaha. I would definitely enjoy going for a Sunday drive, but not using a motorcycle as the means for transport on the regular.

Enjoyed reading this!!! Funnily enough ive just started writing an article daily on my procrastination thoughts. Trying to turn my procrastination into something of value, food for thought for people. Would appreciate you checking it out, or giving me any tips.

Am I the only one who procrastinates like this?

No you are not the only one who procastinates😲 I think its part of being human, Les Brown do say if we are discipline enough, we will reach our goals.
Procastinations hinders us from out set goals.

I wish you well on your trip

steady post you like me ... you have success how about me? is there any ease for me a little from you? best friendship from @ fauzan11

  1. Procrastination helps you avoid criticism.
  2. Procrastination helps you avoid rejection.
  3. Procrastination helps you avoid losing relationships.
  4. Procrastination helps you avoid disappointment.
  5. Procrastination helps you avoid failure.
    There may come a time when feeling safe through procrastination no longer feels good to you. You decide that you don't want that type of protection anymore and instead you want to grow and get your gift out into the world. When that time comes, I invite you to consider helping the parts of you that learned to procrastinate out of fear learn another way to keep you safe from perceived dangers in the future.

Procrastination helps to AVOID relationships, all sorts of them ;)

That's a bonus! haha

@adisrivastav Good description of the procrastination mindset. All lies though right?! Why do we lie to ourselves? All of those things you mentioned become self fulfilling prophesies when stuff does not get done. At least that’s my experience with procrastination.

Come to think of it, procrastination hurt me in a lot of ways, unfortunately. The only good thing about procrastination for me was getting experienced with being under pressure when I had last minute tasks to complete. @eveuncovered

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