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RE: Happy Mondays?!. Really???

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I would start by having a good hardcore session of breakdancing with music that isn't violent but definitely upbeat and pumping, so not to call in the demons closer than they need to be.

Next, anytime anger comes by, its direct observance will set you free, no pushing, no pulling, just observing it like gale force winds coming over the ocean. If the blinding is too much to take or the winds overpowering and choking you, sink deeper into yourself but still observe its fierce power to disturb the water on the surface of your soul... Like waves over the surface of the water, the winds have tremendous powers to move the water but it doesn't move you anymore just like if you actually were at the bottom of a pool looking up toward the light and, therefore, the surface, you remain unmoved and could easily go back and forth to the surface to breathe over and over till it has passed.

In relation to the tiredness in the morning, it might simply relate to a lack of healthy sleep which in itself, can be caused by tons of different reasons, possibly compounded together and leaving you sluggish in the morning... A few pointers I tend to obey and have stayed away from help me have deeper and deeper sleeps: No heavy dinner including (Meat and fatty foods, garlic and onions, etc.) or heavy snack before going to sleep. I never eat within three hours from going to bed, otherwise your stomach still works on digesting while your body wants and needs to actually rest. I stay away from sugars as well as processed ones, such as white sugar (8 times more addictive than cocaine!) and booze.

Same goes with drugs/booze as they first seem to be relaxing us, but on the other hands wake up the nervous system and keep it runnnning faster and faster as you indulge more and more and more becoming more and more subject to tensions in the entire body, even when you sleep. There are many different kinds of breathing techniques to help relax and sleep too, including the famous five long breaths of 5 seconds inhaling and 5 seconds breathing out. I'd stay away from music that turns the mind towards hanger and hatred, both with the harmonics used in the music as well as the thoughts, words and rhythms, that can only help sustain the subject in one's mind. Anger is the only enemy that will work on you 24/7/365 days a year, and it never sleeps! we are our own worse enemy that way, if we let it be so...

A quick note on proper oxygenation: An open window, lots of plants in the room can help a great deal too! If you suffer from snoring, try to sleep on your right hand side or belly, if necessary, and tilt your head up passed the point where, when you fall asleep, your tongue gets slowly down into your throat and makes you feel like your are choking. Having your head tilted upwards solves this problem.

I hope some of it might help you and, if you have any questions, shoot it my way. Hopefully, I'll be able to help in one way or another. Take good care brother, thrive on as the whole of humanity and the world needs your light too!

Namaste :)


"Next, anytime anger comes by, its direct observance will set you free, no pushing, no pulling, just observing it like gale force winds coming over the ocean. If the blinding is too much to take or the winds overpowering and choking you, sink deeper into yourself but still observe its fierce power to disturb the water on the surface of your soul... Like waves over the surface of the water, the winds have tremendous powers to move the water but it doesn't move you anymore just like if you actually were at the bottom of a pool looking up toward the light and, therefore, the surface, you remain unmoved and could easily go back and forth to the surface to breathe over and over till it has passed."

Thanks. That's all very deep.

The paragraph above... I appreciate where you're coming from, but all I can is... it's just a lot harder than it is. At least for me. I've fought anger since forever.

I have more or less given up, but in the act of giving up, I let go.

But I won't deny I still shitty, a lot.

The letting it be is a first step toward empowering yourself forever! As soon as it is you can focus on other things, other thoughts.

Good courage to you! Namaste :)

Just learnt that from my own therapist. Letting it be. No resistance.


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