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RE: Happy Mondays?!. Really???

in #life7 years ago

"Next, anytime anger comes by, its direct observance will set you free, no pushing, no pulling, just observing it like gale force winds coming over the ocean. If the blinding is too much to take or the winds overpowering and choking you, sink deeper into yourself but still observe its fierce power to disturb the water on the surface of your soul... Like waves over the surface of the water, the winds have tremendous powers to move the water but it doesn't move you anymore just like if you actually were at the bottom of a pool looking up toward the light and, therefore, the surface, you remain unmoved and could easily go back and forth to the surface to breathe over and over till it has passed."

Thanks. That's all very deep.

The paragraph above... I appreciate where you're coming from, but all I can is... it's just a lot harder than it is. At least for me. I've fought anger since forever.

I have more or less given up, but in the act of giving up, I let go.

But I won't deny I still shitty, a lot.


The letting it be is a first step toward empowering yourself forever! As soon as it is you can focus on other things, other thoughts.

Good courage to you! Namaste :)

Just learnt that from my own therapist. Letting it be. No resistance.


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