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RE: No Matter How Positive You Keep Your Thoughts - Is It Still Possible To Be Reeled In Something Awful?

in #life7 years ago


it's just a matter of minutes isn't it
yours seem worse cause it's newly bought I don't want to imagine how you probably feel having seen my hubby's face so gloom for the first time that day
I'm sorry for you, too

don't ask for it to be your turn :P
the world would cry to loose a talent like you :)


Matter of seconds I would say...the change in mood is just unbelievable! Just couple of seconds it was fun...then BANG... My face really changed and I did not want to sit in the car again!
Oh my god I can't forget that day! But my mom is a different type, I felt sorry for all the words that my neighbour heard that day! Hahaha!
Oh that's such a lovely compliment!
Thank you so much!

i could imagine hahaha
pepper cussed, too I guess?
well, cheers to life!
I hope you get over your trauma already!

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