Time to party! My packing list for music festivals

in #life7 years ago

What's up dear Steemians?🙋

Festival season isn't too far away anymore here in Germany, and Europe in general (yaaay!). Oh how I am excited to finally be back on the floor again and join thousands of amazing souls in celebrating life, love, peace, unity and happiness together!

And as I love to increase my anticipation by daydreaming about the festival and thinking about what I could take with me and maybe have to buy in advance, I thought I'd let you guys be part of my joy and packing list. Maybe it inspires you or helps you to make your festival even more exciting!

Some of you might already know from my past posts that I am a Goa and Psytrance lover. So my list could slightly tend to become a ravers festival packing list 😉
If you are more that kind of Hip Hop or Metal festival visitor, I hope it helps you anyways and can be extended by you, fitting to your personal festival needs 🙂

I wish you all some unforgettable festivals, lots of magical moments, nights full of bliss and goosebumps and days full of wonderful encounters, deep conversations and a feeling of freedom.

Much love and good vibes! 💖

Yours Linda

Hygiene & Health


  • Toothbrush + Toothpaste
  • Hairbrush and/or comb
  • For those who need: disposable contact lenses to prevent yourself from losing or damaging your glasses
  • Birth control (such as the pill and condoms)
  • Tweezer in case you step into something small and sharp
  • Desinfecting agent
  • For the girls: tampons, sanitary pads or menstrual cup, makeup and makeup remover, nailpolish
  • Shaver and shaving foam
  • A small mirror
  • A little bottle of 2 in 1 shampoo and shower foam or some biodegradable alternatives if you only have the possibility to wash yourself in a lake or river
  • (Blistering-) plasters (For the case you step into something sharp or dance so much that your feet are hurt. Especially if you have blisters, you'll love yourself for having some blister plasters with you, believe me)
  • Some digestive and throat friendly tea in case you get sick or hoarse
  • Foam or professional silicone ear plugs if the music gets too loud for you or you want to sleep better
  • Something to protect you against the heat and sunlight and of course the mosquitos
  • Skin Cream
  • Lip balm (I love coconut oil as it is helathy, tastes great, dosen't make your lips even dryer and even has some anti-inflammatory effects)
  • Deodorant spray, perfume or essential oils if you like
  • Hair tie
  • Bubblegums and herbal candys (good for your voice)
  • Towel
  • Medicine and atiallergics if you need to take some
  • Painkiller
  • Magnesium tablets if you get some cramps from dancing too long
  • Toilet paper and paper towels – sometimes there is no toilet paper there anymore and you're more than happy to always have a little bit in your pocket

Clothes and accessoires

shoes-2425122_960_720 (1).jpg

  • T-Shirts/Tops
  • Pants/yoga pants/skirts...
  • Pullover if it gets a bit cold (even in summer it can get pretty cold sometimes. At least in Europe)
  • Jacket and rainjacket
  • A second pair of shoes, as it is sometimes such a good feeling to just change shoes after dancing so many hours and already have hurting feet. Even if I have to say that I LOVE to walk and dance barefeet, but sometimes the ground can be very cold at night or after rain
  • LED sneakers
  • One underpant and pair of socks per day
  • Bikini/Bathers
  • Some comfortable clothes to sleep in
  • A sport outfit, if you want to do some sport activities like yoga, hiking, fitness or something like that
  • Your favourite beautiful, crazy, funny, colourful, impressive festival clothes and accessoires
  • Depending on the weather: gumboots
  • Watch (So you don't need your smartphone to see what time it is and you won't miss your favourite act or workshop)
  • Festival jewelery
  • Sunglasses



  • Tent
  • (Self-inflating) camping mat
  • Sleeping bag
  • A small pillow to sleep more comfortable (there are even very space-saving travel pillows. I have got one and it's super cool!)
  • A LED or flashlight light you can place in your tent, if you need to pee or search something in the night



  • If allowed: A camping cooker plus equipment needed, pot, lighter and matches
  • Cutlery
  • Bowl
  • Cup
  • Bottle opener
  • Can opener
  • A lamp to have light in your camp by night
  • Card-, dice and other games to play with your fellow festival campers (this is a good way to meet new people)
  • Smartphone or MP3 player plus headset to listen to some other music, if you need some variety to the festival music for a moment. And maybe a music box to listen to it with your friends
  • Big trash bags so you can clean your camping space and leave nature clean and tidy and you can even cut some holes for the head and arms in them and wear it as an emergency rain poncho
  • Some signs or flags or something that makes your tent unique. This way you'll find your tent without searching for it by night and if you meet some people you want to invite to join you later, you can easily tell them to just take a look for the sign to find you
  • Picnic blanket to sit down and have a chilled break with your friends and fellow dancers
  • Knife to cut things like food
  • Clothes line and clothespins to dry your weat clothes
  • (Combination) lock to keep your tent and stuff inside save
  • Sewing stuff if your clothes or tent get damaged
  • Pocket ashtray
  • Tools and tape needed to make small repairs

Food and drinks


  • Water or a so a straw with an integrated filter which allows you to drink from every source of water (except saltwater) as it filters even the dirtiest water from 99,999999...% of dirt and bacteria
  • Any other drinks you like
  • Sirup
  • If camping cookers are allowed: Some good can food (there are even very tasty and sometimes pretty healthy organic can foods out there), noodles and tomatoe sauce, soups and other meals that are easily and quickly prepared
  • Crackers
  • Oat meal and juice or fruit compote make a great breakfast. You can add yummy ingredients such as nuts, raisins, chocolate chips, dried fruits or anything else. And you get your vitamins!
  • As the body loses lots of salt and minerals due to the summer heat and the wild dancing, it is great to take some roasted and saltened nuts and some chips with you
  • Snacks like energy balls made of healthy ingredients, fruits, self-made energy cookies with oat/nuts/seeds/etc., cereal bars, ...
  • Pre cooked foods like potatoes which you can process to yummy meals
  • Oil to roast foods
  • Spices, salt, pepper
  • Broth
  • Bread and some things to put on, that stand the heat such as spread in little cans or glasses, jam, or some dips
  • You can bake or buy some yummy pastries in advance and take it to the festival
  • Dextrose in case your circular flow is weak due to hypoglycemia (which can happen pretty fast if you sweat a lot and don't eat enough while dancing a lot)

Festival stuff


  • The festival tickets!
  • Train/bus tickets/drivers licence to get there
  • The ID card
  • Health insurence card
  • Only the keys to get back into your appartment/house, leave any other keys at home in case you lose your keys
  • A purse that fits in your beltbag or on you can wear safely without losing it
  • Some money to buy food, drinks and cool stuff from the traders you often find on festivals. And to participate in the workshops that have little costs for the material and things like that
  • LED toys to dance and play with
  • UV body paint and paintbrushes
  • Toys such as devil and flower sticks hula hoop, poi's, things to juggle etc...
  • Belt bags are super cool as you can carry all your important stuff with you (for example money and smartphone to take photos) without having to carry a handbag with you or put them in the pocket of your pants, which can be really annoying sometimes
  • A „Free Hugs“ sign to connect with people and gift them with free hugs. They'll love it!
  • Effect glasses or a small kaleidoscope to wacth the decoration and light and be even more amazed
  • Powerbank and charging cable so you can reach your friends and take some photos all the time without fearing to have a dead battery before the ened of the festival
  • Soap bubbles
  • Sketch block and pencils/colors to draw and doodle a bit next to the floor and catch the impressions or create beautiful memories
  • Some funny or noticeable markings (funny hats, colorful juwelery...) so you and your friends will find each other way faster on the floor
  • Incest sticks, candles and other things to make your own little festival ritual with your fellow ravers or visitors :)
  • A diary or "remember-book" to write down everything that inspired you, made you laugh, gave you the goosebumps and things like phone numbers and adresses of nice people you met, and anything that you want to keep in mind forever
  • Costumes and funny/neon/uv active/colorful/trippy clothes and accessoires
  • Timetable of the festival if not handed out there
  • Instruments and songbooks
  • Hammock

What do you always take with you when you are going to a festival? I would love to read your must haves in the comments! 😊

Thank you very much for reading and your support, which I appreciate more than I can say! 💖

Here's a video with festival impressions and music I really like. I hope you enjoy! 💃

✨🎜You want to know why I love Goa and Psytrance so much and listen to some of my favourite tracks? Here you can find my post with 33 reasons why I love this music and the people and 33 amazing tracks I listen to a lot!🎝✨

Source of the pictures is Pixabay

I guess this is a girl's list :)
But then my list always gets longer than I want. And I end up on Ozora, having way too much stuff with me that I carried all the way from home.

For years I had this awesome idea that I never actually went through with, so here it is:

Make the list AFTER the festival is over, on the last day. Then you will definitely know what you needed, and what just looked good on paper.

German festivals require more stuff as well, just to prepare for the weather eventualities. Thinking about Freqs again this year, I haven't been in years and I am really getting excited for some floor action out in nature. Winter has been too long again.

Happy packing <3

Hahahaha, this could truly be! :D
I hope guys can profit from it anyways :D

Oh my, I know what you mean. When I go to a festival or travelling, I almost everytime have way too much stuff with me :D
I guess I need to improve that skill :D

Making your list AFTER the fesitval is a brilliant idea!! Thank you so much for sharing!! :) :) :)
This way you can make sure you only take with you what you really need!

Oh yes, winter has been so long and here in Germany it just came back with full force this time :D
I guess German festivals indeed require more clothes and stuff due to the weather. But that can't keep us from stomping, dancing, enjoying nature and coming back again and again and again :)

Thank you so much for reading and your amazing comment my dear! :)

Happy packing to you, too! I hope we meet one day on the floor and dance together :) <3

Only a matter of time probably. I always meet my crew eventually.

looks like you are going to have a really good time. Its going to be #lit ✌👌😂 it would be cool to go to Coachella. One day i wanna go to Coachella. Hope you have an amazing time @endorphoenix 👍

Hey dear @joordanzzz! :)

Thank you so much! :) I hope this festival season will be a blast to us :D
Oh yes, Coachella sounds sooooooooooooo nice!! I would love to go there, too! :) :)

Would be so amazing to go there with you! That would be so cool! :D

Thank you very much! I hope you have an amazing time, too! :)

Wish you a wonderful day and the best festivals ever :D

Super list. Love the FREE HUG sign :) You have this sign always with you?

My list also includes: stove percolator for excellent coffee and some great coffee. But more importantly, my collection of hats (post here).

Thank you so much dear @qsounds! :)

I indeed have the free hugs sign with me on festivals, and on partys I just offer hugs to people by asking them if they want a free hug :D
Most of them love it! :D
It's such a great way to connect and spread love and good vibes on the floor :)
Glad you like it :)

Wow thank you so much for adding your amazing points to my list! Definately on my next list! :)
And I LOVE LOVE LOVE your hats Oh my goodness!!
You must have a fantastic style!! :)

Thank you! Yeh the hats are a feature not so many others dance around with. When going to a 'normal' party, I usually get questions like "do you where that all the time?", "Why do you where a hat?" and so on. Lets see, the idea is that in some time more and more people are adding extra features to their outfit, and I like to stimulate that.

It's so cool you wear them so proud! And the fact you see hats, especially such wonderful and special ones like yours, so seldom, it makes them even more fascinating :)

Oh yes!! I would love if people would put more and more extra features to their clothes! It's time to say goodbye to society's boring fashion standards and trends and to wear the funny, fancy, stunning things we love! :)

I like how we can become a living piece of art be wearing beautiful clothes! :)

You are very inspiring my dear! :)

Thanks so much :) And yeh, agree, kets try not to be normal and inspire others to do the same!

Yes!! 😊😊😊
This is a great goal!! 😊

We will never be normal and are proud of it, right? 😁

im traveling europe soon world trip july 2018! going To Psy Fi festival holland; !! truffles and weed legal!

Oh wow!! This is so cool! I am so super glad you have the chance to travle and experience all these awesome things!! :)
Psy Fi must be SO amazing!! I really want to go there, too! I hope you have the best festival time ever and enjoy the weed and truffles!! :) :) :)

Am sure its gonna be fun all the way

Thank you my dear @rosyblessing! I just love festivals :)

That's what I call living! Have a great time, enjoy and celebrate life!

Aaaaaaw, thank you so much my lovely friend! Dancing, laughing, art, workshops, nature...That's really the right thing for my hippie heart :D <3
So happy you like it! :) <3

Thank you so much for your sweet words :-*

Hi sweet @endorphoenix,

This is going to be super helpful for people that do not have the slightest idea of what and how they should prepare for festivals. You've said it all.

You'd make a good event planner! 😄

By the way, when is the Festival starting?


Hi my amazing and super awesome friend @williams-owb! :)

Thank you SO much for your beautiful compliments and your support!! :)
I would love to be an event planner! :D
Especially for Psytrance festivals :D <3

The festival I visit (but I guess more will follow :D) starts on July 20. :)
But there are so much more in Germany and Europe, and a lot of them start earlier.
I just can't wait to dance!! I hope we can dance together one day my precious friend! :)

Cheers! And many hugs <3

I just can't wait to dance!! I hope we can dance together one day my precious friend! :)

That would be awesome. I'd be glad to learn some dance moves peculiar to you over there and teach you some 'shoki', 'shakiti bobo', 'shakushaku' dance moves 😀

Oh yeeeeeeah! I would LOVE it!! That would be the best thing ever!!
I love to dance and it would be such an honor to learn your countys dances <3
It's so awesome that one is called "Shoki" as my family had an African grey parrot and we called him Schoki! (We once met a lady in Switzerland with a parrot on her shoulder and he was called like that, because this is what they call Chocolate sometimes :D And we loved this parrot and name so much that we bought our own and named him after his Switzerland brother :D)

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