The Meaning of Life

in #life8 years ago (edited)


What do you really want? I mean what do you really desire more than anything else in the world? 

You might think that there are a lot of different answers to that question depending on who you ask and maybe there is to start with. But if you dig a bit deeper you will find out that there is a universal answer to that question. The answer is of course to be happy. 

Now how does it come that people having such a hard time being happy? Now you say that this question must have trillions of different answers depending on who you ask. I mean just look at the world! But what were you about to say if I say that you can narrow it down to one answer. No matter who you are, what you have been thru, what you are going thru, there's only one thing keeping you from being happy. Are you ready for the answer? Don't let the simplicity fool you. The answer is your ego. 

You'll see the ego is preventing you from living in the present moment. And it's virtually impossible to feel unhappy in the now. Quick example, if you're depressed, regretting or dwelling you're living in the past and if you're anxious, worried or afraid you're living in the future. And just to be clear, the only moment that exists is the now, you can't do something in the past or the future because when you do, it is now. Another example is when you telling you're self, I will be happy when I have this or that, or I will be happy when I have achieved this or that. It doesn't work like that, to be happy when you have this or that requires that you are happy now. You simply can't push your happiness to the future. And to be brutally honest it's actually a choice whether to be happy or not. You can name any bad side of an emotion like anger, hope, frustration, guilt and so on. And it's all caused by your ego. It's the little voice in your head telling you, you're not good enough, you can't do that, you're ugly and so on. Do you get it? It is fucked, because the ego can only work with your previous experiences and it's only job is to keep you safe and holding you back from progressing. That's why you get a clash between the ego and you're true self that wants to do new stuff and so on. 

Now you might be wondering, how the hell can I shut this ego up. There are ways and I will probably write about a few later on, but for me has the book Creating A Bug Free Mind by Andy Shaw been a true game changer and if I could I would recommend it to everyone. But that's not why I'm writing here today. 

It's actually so that I got to experience something wonderful recently. Something so powerfully beautiful that not a single drug in the world could compare to. "Except maybe dmt, haven't tried that yet" But this lasted for a much longer time and it's still there, so it should beat dmt as well. Most of you have already guessed what it is. It is love of course. I got to meet the love of my life, my twin spirit. Connection on every single level, heart, mind, body and soul. And especially to begin with it made time stand still, it made every single problem go away, it made everything very simple, it made me see everything from a new perspective, it made me to be only in the now and it made me happier than I ever have been before. So what really struck me was that love must be the meaning of life, because it kills the ego and you're finally your true higher self that you are supposed to be. 

Much love to you all!
/Emanuel Lindqvist


I see your point but many, if not some people might find this a little bit unhappy and cannot agree to your point. But its their ego not yours, right?

I will try to read the book and hope to find some inspiration like you did. :D

Haha yes absolutely right, but I can see that your ego isn't closing the door on you straight away and that's good:) Yes I trust you will find tons of inspiration and before you buy the book you can register on all the free stuff on his site:
They are also really effective :)

@pierce-the-veil: I enjoyed your reference to DMT.

I have had similar ego death experiences in my many experiments with psychedelics and spirituality.

Do you agree that it is healthy to forget self-identity from time to time, in order to gain a true appreciation for what you truly are?

This of course, is reported to feel like "death" to some people during psychedelic use.

I have a theory that fear of losing the identity of the self is the true underlying cause of the Fear of Death. Not typically death itself. Fear of ceasing to exist as you are, you see?

Death by the way, is merely a transition to a more expansive phase.
(I have had a near death experience nearly every single year of my life, and have had my heart stop beating on more than one occasion).

I talk about this on my radio show: PiercingTheVeil.

In short, thanks for your post. Keep up the good work.
Upvote for you.
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I definitely agree with you that it's healthy to forget your self-identity from time to time and I would wish for everyone to go and experience there own "death" in some way, whether it's just to shut down the ego or take it all the way with Ayahuasca. I myself is planning to do Ayahuasca in a near future, but I know that it's not for everyone. And absolutely, I think you might be spot on with the theory about why people are afraid of their own death. And it's to bad, cause there's nothing to fear. And I like how you say that death is just a transition from the body to a more expansive phase, well put in words:) Thanks for your reply and I will check out your radio show:)

Why does happiness and comfort depend more and more on financial stability? It's heartbreaking. If you get in a hole, is there a way out... I don't want a beautiful life, just a comfortable one. Any advice?


I would say that happiness defiantly doesn't depend on financial stability but certain comfort comes with a price. You can be happy and free without financial stability. Happiness is a inside out thing. If you choose comfort before freedom, like most do, you gonna be stuck at the same place and that will soon be uncomfortably. Now I don't know exactly what you mean with a comfortable life, because I don't know your preferences?

This is a good article and a helpful one. I'm including you in my TOP5 Lucky Find Psychology articles for today.

I'm happy you like it and if I can be to any help I'm even happier. Thanks for your reply:)

Lot's of love to you too, Emanuel Lindqvist!


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