Answers To Some Common Questions About A Money-Free World

in #life6 years ago (edited)

The few paragraphs here below paraphrase the essentials, including also EC input, if you do not have the time to watch Turner's video right away.

Money will forever prioritizes economic growth at the expense of 99%. Even though people do not want to do it, they just cannot refrain themselves because selfishness is embedded in monetarism. No charity has ever changed anything to the top down system. Even worse, charity is used to funnel donations for political purposes. No charity has ever prevented any genocide. Local charity works better but still is inefficient because the main cause of sufferings is never addressed.

Corruption is too embedded in monetarism, because the goal is wealth accumulation for 20% of population. And for the rest it is the struggle to stay afloat. This limits also the freedom of expression which is regulated by a top seeking to protect itself.

Money keeps people into survival mode as the ability of chasing money is the prime motivator. The end result is a human disconnect from reality and regarding others and oneself as commodities, valuing success according to the income.

Once the obstacles created by money are removed, no longer exist, people get finally a chance to really improve themselves, help others and learn what they could not.

Today we have the knowledge and technology to make everything abundant, but wealth concentration -- greed -- causes scarcity. Cooperation gives much better results than competition, which ends up damaging the fabric of society and the ecosystem alike

Man's cosmic purpose is to transcend his primitive instincts and quit using the latter for domination. Man isn't an animal as he is capable to wonder about his existence within the Greater Scheme Of All Things.

Man will always compete with himself, which is the only upside of competition. Jobs that nobody likes doing will be handled by the community until automation offers the a long-term solution in that area. However today, automation and computers could replace many jobs already and corporations stand ready to do without millions of workers.

Capitalism and communism work the same way, both need the collusion of wealth to remain sustainable. So a money-free society cannot be neither as the model is based on a cooperation free of coercion (as much as possible). In an abundant world, worries and notions about 'property" have completely become obsolete.

Overpopulation is a half truth. It can be fixed with education and the end of competition since only poorer people have more children as they worry about their survival when aging.

Colin Turner (FWC) answers some common questions about a money-free world.

Colin Turner, founder of The Free World Charter, answers a few basic and commonly asked questions in relation to a money-free future society.

Neither political nor religious, these ten short principles could form the foundation of a new, advanced society that uses no money, is free, fair and sustainable. They are based solely on nature, common sense and survival.

FAQs and common criticism

Natural Laws phrased so that everybody can understand why any bits of coercion turn these immutable Principles against humanity

  1. The Mind generates everything: sets everything into motion. Holistic thinking thus starts with the awareness of the power of our thoughts and projections.

  2. Life translated into motion: everything spins and vibrates. The spoken language is frequency, determines humans' thinking as wavelengths and literally can spin out of control if there is a lack of access to data, all of which also determines agreements or lack thereof.

  3. Life if subjected to rhythm: what goes up must go down, what comes around goes around. What is neglected or ignored comes back like a boomerang. It amplifies either negativeness or positiveness, exponentially.

  4. Life sustains polarities at all levels, there is a negative dot in the positive and positive dot in the negative. Personal choices thus reflect on experiences, level of knowledge and therefore are all perceptions of any given moment. Hence the imperative need to remain centered at all time in order to avoid the pitfalls of any polarized (divide and conquer) arguments and an inner fragmentation generating confusion.

  5. Everything is a mirror of something, and called correspondence, which exponentially amplifies polarity levels and the princinple of rhythm, either positively or negatively. External dissonance mirrors internal dissonace, and otherwise.

  6. Everything is the result of genders, masculine contains some feminine traits and otherwise. Humans have a left brain hemisphere (masculine) and a right brain hemisphere (feminine) and are thus prone to gender control by 'group thinks' defining norms.

  7. Everything is cause and effect. Or Karma. In a nutshell, any train of thoughts not sustained nor validated by personal responsibility brings about upheavals and will exponentially strengthen either negativeness, or positiveness.

The main challenge of a money-free future thus lies in the ability to accept their pre-existence. Man didn't create them. Although the latter belong to the realm of physics, they also represent the forces of creation all together. In a nutshell, such an implication is behind the choice of the Earth Custodians' slogan: Life first, its Wholeness and Oneness! .............. MORE:

Let's aslo keep in mind, that Everything Is A Lie (Max Igan)


To listen to the audio version of this article click on the play image.

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Any thoughts on how money is a great tool? How it allows our scarce resources to be used the most efficiently? Or how resources will be allocated without any price knowledge?


Just get rid of it because you communists don't like it?


Drones, Nano Smart-Dust and Bio Weapons: NASA's Future of War 2025

Well, government agencies are not known for their efficiency. Government agencies are not funded by the free market. They are funded by deficit spending.

Come on over to the free market, we have cookies! :-D

Nice one. Followed/Upvoted and all that. I've also written a few things about abundance and money being outdated:

Cryptocurrency is the First Step to NoCurrency

What is Money

I found this post by peeking at @zoidsoft's feed. Working on a filter to make finding content easier. More to come.

yes cryptos could be a transition... I agree with the "trust and reputation" factor being more important, all currencies being faith-based

Tnx for your comment @edicted

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