Cryptocurrency is the First Step to No Currency

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)


Have you ever seen Star Trek or a similar science fiction story where everyone lives in a "utopia" and money doesn't exist? Always in these fictions they never seem to explain how the world operates without money, only that it does. The blockchain is so powerful that it could eventually make this fantasy a reality.

As we enter the age of abundance and cryptocurrency slowly decentralizes the wealth and resources of the world we may fail to need any sort of currency at all. We see a faint glimmer of this possibility with Steem. Here at Steem we attempt to gauge the reputation of our peers with a numerical value. I believe more and more complicated and robust reputation systems will appear as time goes on. In the end, a person's reputation might be far more valuable than the coins they've collected. We may see a shift of mining coins to mining reputation.


If these systems are good enough to stop exploits we no longer have need for money. For example, let's say in the future the only way to interact with a certain blockchain is to give them your DNA. If you're found out exploiting the system your DNA could be banned from the blockchain. The threat of being banned might be all that is needed to keep the vast majority of users in line.

Take Steem for example. If the reputation system was good enough, the power of your votes wouldn't be stake-based, it would be reputation-based. This is what I have previously been calling Proof-of-Trust and it doesn't really exist yet... but I expect it to someday.


It's been amazing to grow up when computers were just being invented and watching the blossoming of technology. I watched science fiction become reality. Still, I'm positive that all the really cool shit like curing death and vacations to Mars are going to happen right after I die.

It's hard to tell where exponential growth will lead. Here's to hoping we live to see the good stuff.

Hello @edicted yes cryptos could facilitate the transition if many understand what you explain...

I dont see any growth in the world but pollution and too many debt slaves

mining reputation

What? Care to explain this part?...

the reputation systems of blockchains may prove to be more powerful than the currency of coins. goods and services rendered could be given solely on reputation and have nothing to do with money. as long as you contribute more than take your reputation would be very high.

have you ever been to a military town and seen random people pay for veterans with a "thank you for your service"? It's kinda like that.

cryptocurrency is growing worldwide that's good

This is a very interesting concept about the blockchain....I hope a lot of ideas will come about

Oh man that's too much but I'm beleive it!

Nice view, potentially a good sense of judgement

It's chilling to think of from where we are now. But consciousness and times and technology are evolving so quickly and then tripling and quadrupling their rate of growth that this could come very soon.

Interesting thought. I think too that at one point there will be reputation based tokens. There's even a necessity for that given the advancements of technology. Soon enough (maybe already today?) it will be possible to perfectly fake video sequences, voices and possibly even externally control behaviour.

This means, that at one point it won't be possible to distinguish between reality, fake - and with the neural integration of networks to our brain also unwanted behaviour and surreality. What it will need then is a way to make sure in a fail save way, who somebody is, where this person has been, done and in the case of neural networking also how far that person has meddled with other peoples consciousness and reality and to what extend that person has done it himself or has been controlled by others.

The result of this will be something like a reputation token and it will determine, to what extend someone can be trusted with resources.

The downside of that scenario of course is that it is quite totalitarian in both the sense of the extent to which people will be subjected to algorithmic behaviour patterns and it will also open the gates of hell to alter and form character and behaviour structures on the most fundamental level.

I bet that in 30 years from now, we all will have some sort of a warning light system in our brains embedded like cars have it today. And these lights will give us a red flag when we are about to do something wrong. It will be just the other way around as it is today. Now we have debates about the negative effects of porn, violent games and movies. In the future we will have debates about what to prohibit in real life and what will be limited to the virtual world. Depending on what you have in going in your virtual world and what mechanisms you have installed to prevent imagination spill overs to the real world, you will get a reputation.

Scary and crazy, yes. But I believe our grandchildren will be very, very different from us.

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