Alcohol and I. I don't drink alcohol. I haven't for 30+ years...

in #life7 years ago (edited)

So the last time I recall drinking any alcoholic beverage I was 16, and of course that means it technically was not legal. Though I kicked it to the curb quickly as I was entering the worst phase of my life related to alcohol and I came to HATE IT with a passion.

Yes, I was 16 and I hated alcohol and would have strongly been in favor of banning it. No at the time I had very little knowledge of prohibition other than it existed and moonshine and other mafia related things grew like weeds during that period. I didn't really know anything beyond that. I did think that the people that called for prohibition must have been geniuses.

Keep in mind I was 16 and I was very angry.

Why was I angry? Well I was raised by alcoholic parents. Both of them. My mother would try to quit or claim to, but would get sucked back into it because of my father. I got to see the cycles of "quitting", followed by "I only had one", and soon right back where things started. I saw those things many times... I had promises made to me many times as a kid before weekend to soon realize if my parents went to the bar Friday night that anything they said about the weekend would not happen.

By the time I was a sophomore in H.S. I was at my peak. I was not suicidal, but I was 100% fearless. I had no fear of any bullies, or anyone way bigger than me, or even multiple people at once. I figured the worst that could happen is they would put me out of my misery. I had several cases where I by all rights would have had my ass handed to me and they would invariably back down. Later in life I decided it was my total lack of fear, and my very sincere "let's go attitude" that inspired them to back down. I'm not saying this was a good thing on my part. It was not, it was reckless. In hind sight I was very lucky.

I didn't give a damn if my parents divorced, in fact at the time I thought it might be a good thing. My dad I believe finally realized this and my mother was actually considering divorce I believe. My dad locked himself in a trailer for 5 days and quit cold turkey. They both quit, but he was the one that had it the worst. He sat in that trailer and felt like spiders were crawling all over him and he shook.

After that life was very different. Things became very good, not just for me, but also for my parents. My dad found new passions in woodworking and furniture crafting, whereas before he was simply a carpenter that did what he needed to do in order to get the money for some more alcohol.

I witnessed first hand the improvement in their lives. They both still smoked marijuana the Schedule 1 Drug. What a joke... if you want to know which one is legal and way worse there is no comparison. Alcohol is far worse.

So yes for a long period of my life I was very anti-alcohol. I hated it. I'd use it to fuel speeches in Public Speaking and Critical Thinking and many other things. I was also the epitome of showing that someone could be wild, and fun to be around without needing drugs or alcohol. I was invited to pretty much every party. I didn't go to all of them, but I would occasionally.

I think it was because I was young and naive (now I am old and still naive) but I still could carry on conversations about all manner of things just like I post here. I'd like to believe I have improved with experience and I'd also like to believe that though I am still naive, that I am simply naive about other things. :)

I no longer advocate banning of any substance. I believe people should be able to do whatever they want with THEIR body, but they also must be responsible for the consequences of their choices. Deal with what happens, rather than trying to FORCE people to live a certain way. Yes, I've changed.

I even helped run a liquor store a few times for some clients when I was a computer consultant. I remember noticing the large variety of drinks and being curious. I've only had wine, wine cooler, champaign, beer, and peppermint schnapps in my life. Anything else I have zero clue what that taste like. So I get curious, but there are other reasons I do not partake of alcohol.

I am okay with people drinking, as long as they are responsible. What happens or does not happen is on them. As such I even joke about them today. On slack and with co-workers I shared or interacted with the following memes related to alcohol today.

Though the one that actually made me think of writing this post was the following one...

That one actually is inaccurate for me. I am fairly certain if I drank enough alcohol to actually get drunk (I have never been drunk or hungover) that I could easily end up in prison.

I am very familiar that alcohol can be great at lowering inhibitions. This might help some people. For all I know it might even help me as long as I didn't cross that line into drunkeness.

You see not all inhibitions are bad. Some of them are in place for very good reason. When I was very young I enjoyed the few fights I was in. I didn't go out of my way to start them, but I can say I enjoyed them. I also had a few times in my life I literally saw red and truly realized I had the potential to be dangerous. That was due to me bottling up anger. I stopped doing that and I've never been close to the seeing red again.

It did make me realize that dropping my inhibitions might not be a good thing.

My dad could be a raging violent asshole depending upon which alcohol he drank. Later in life people couldn't imagine him as such. In fact if I said he could be like that they'd look at me like I grew two heads.

People that know me would also be surprised if you said I was violent or aggressive. I am not. I do worry though that without my inhibitions I could be. Thus, I am content not to drink. Though I am curious and a little jealous about the sheer variety of flavors I am likely never to experience.


I, fairly young, decided I was too much of a miser then to pay money to get my brain fried by alcohol.

I never ever drank alcohol.

Here is something interesting from a guy that is very insightful:

Great article. Thanks for sharing it.

Good for you for abstaining, even better for not insisting that everyone conform to your beliefs.

I believe EVERYONE should be able to make their own choices. They simply need to be responsible for the outcomes good or bad.

Agreed, 110%.

It seems like everyone wants the ability to make decisions (even for everyone else) but nobody wants to take responsibility for the consequences.

Nice article,looking forward to your next posts :)

I had a problem with cocaine and heroin from a young age I started to sell it in bigger and bigger quantities. I realized it was not the life for me a gave it up. It's tough but congrats on making through your situation. The brain and chemical dependency is a tough situation to handle from all aspects of the circle (of the family).

Glad you got that under control... My dad had a cocaine problem before the alcohol problem. We lived close to Aspen, Colorado (home of the stars) back then and cocaine was everywhere... late 70s, very early 80s. In fact it was not uncommon to go to parties there and have bowls of cocaine just sitting out on the table.

Well my dad had a nervous breakdown inspired by it. He actually never touched it after that, and we moved to where we had intended to be living before getting stuck a few years near Aspen.

It was in this new place that alcohol became the problem...

Funny thing... they smoked pot all throughout all of that. It was never marijuana that was the issue.

I don't smoke marijuana either. Though I am fine with people doing it. I am too much of a mental control freak of my own mind. I experimented with it about a month in my youth and there were some things I just didn't like. Mainly I'd get time distortion.

I think weed can be beneficial to many aspects of other drug dependencies for sure. It helps alleviate the withdrawals of opiates and the anxieties. I personally think that being in a sober mind state is the ultimate reality. It is the most bizarre reality we live in and there is no need to spice it up, although we do anyways. Sometimes it is just pain people are running from (it was for me)

I drink very rarely, Im busy smoking all day ^^*. I have developed a strange relation towards alcohol, where I need to drink a lot of water when I feel a little drunk. I feel the alcohol drying me up, which is actually a big reason for the hangover and dmg to your body. I also tend to eat something salty before I sleep.
I drink maybe 2 beer a week and if I party im good after 2 cocktails and 3 beer.

Oh and I can totally see your rage towards alcohol, it is a very deadly and dangerous drug indeed.

Speaking of getting drunk, do you come to Steemfest in Lissabon, my dear friend?

I'd like to come to Steemfest many places. I need to get my passport and to do that I need to get a new birth certificate since my step father adopted me when I was 6, changed my name, but never got me a new birth certificate. Tracking down the paperwork necessary to make the happen hasn't been the easiest thing.

I'd definitely be interested then. Though honestly I am not viewing Europe as particularly safe at the moment. Though is anywhere? I would like to travel some day and I will.

So not this time... but perhaps in the future.

Europe is a very save place. More people get shot daily in the US than we have death by terrorist attacks in a year across Europe. I also don't think Steemfest will be held in some sub-urban ghetto ;). I'm not too much in the news of Portugal but it should be at least as save as the US.

I would love to get you some good alcohol free beer from Germany, so we can Prost !

I'm not too much in the news of Portugal but it should be at least as save as the US.

I didn't know it is in Portugal. Yeah it should rock there.

Also the U.S. is a VERY big place. Certain parts of the country are dangerous, but most of the country is not at all like the news likes to portray. It wouldn't surprise me if the same is true of Europe.

The western news just love to report about death in general. What was your saying with "blood in the water" or something?

"If it bleeds it leads"

Yes that is all our news is about. Ratings. Fear, blood, terror, and division. The ratings thrive on these things. Thus why they rarely write anything designed to try to unify or bring people together.

and only rarely give them hope. People are always told what not to do, but what is left if everything human is immoral?

Did you see Münchhausen yet btw? I made a small post about him, he is essentially a libertarian I think.

Nope I haven't. Can you relink it for me here if you already shared it. Weekend coming up so I may have some time.

It's often hard for me to find time for serious videos and podcasts... I read way faster than videos and podcasts.

I saw the Adventures of Baron Munchhausen a long time ago when it first came out, but it's been a long time since I watched it.

Captain Morgan and Diet Pepsi is my biggest weakness. Oh I LOVE that drink. The mix of upper (caffeine) and the downer (alcohol) makes for the very best buzz. I love the way it makes me feel and the way it makes my stomach feel. But I know, I cannot drink too much or too often. It is very dark shit, second only to tobacco.

haven't for 30+ Nothing at all ?)

If you count the alcohol content in Nyquil or something like that the few times I've taken something like that. Or something that was cooked in it at a restaurant. Then no I've had alcohol rarely.

If you don't count those things then nothing at all.

I have not given up alcohol, but I did quit cigarettes and that was tough. We moved to an area where they were about $8 a pack and I started smoking more and more to the point where I would buy the roll your own to save money. Then came the nicotine gum/lozenges, then dual using them and still smoking. Had enough and just finally quit. Addiction sucks and it can totally control the lives of some people.

I've heard stopping smoking is harder than kicking alcohol. I can't really tell from any personal experience since I do neither.

It certainly took numerous attempts and I had cravings for months after I quit. It is amazing how many movies/tv shows use cigarettes to add "dramatic effect" and it was so frustrating to see. Literally as I am writing this I see someone light up on this Netflix movie I am watching.

My man, I respect the HELL out of this post. You have taken me back to a time in my youth where I was very out of control. I, like you, struggled with alcohol use when I was younger.

I started drinking when I was 12 years old. No one ever knew, I kept it that way intentionally. I knew something was wrong with me, so for me it was no potential bragging right. I knew I was doing something self-destructive, but at the time it was the only thing that was helping me, so I didn't want to stop. It almost ruined my life before it ever began....

I can now safely and confidently say that I am now able to have a few drinks and still possess the willpower to stop myself and tell myself I had enough for the evening.... and even with that, it happens few and far between, usually when my band has a show. Sometimes even then, it'll be a coin toss. I am in a very good place now, where my willpower is strong. Plus, cannabis use not only feels better for me, but it's also a much more helpful form of use (medicinally and otherwise) for me.

Anyway.... I give you kudos for posting this up. I can relate to struggling, being a recovered alcoholic myself who started and continued at way too young of an age, so this post really hit home for me. Your post has reminded me of a younger me, of a time where I really could have lost everything I had yet to gain out of life, and having looked back on it just now as I have, I want to thank you for putting this up, because it has allowed me to remind myself of how truly blessed of a life I have in the here and now. And it humbles me and makes me feel far more grateful for what I have. You're a good dude, and a thought-provoking intellectual to boot, and I respect you my friend. Well done. :)

Thanks. All I can say is I'm glad you're back. I missed you my friend.

Likewise dude. It feels really good to be back. I've been promising I'll try to be on here more often again, but I just may not be able to make that happen. But what I can promise is that I'll be on here when I absolutely can be. I've certainly missed our conversations as well as me being able to let out my stress through posting. And there will be many more band-related posts from me as well now that we have started playing out again. My wife sure loves to catch us on photo and video! :D

Set your wife up with a steemit account. It's better than a 401K program.

I've discussed it with her and she seems very interested. At this point it is literally just a matter of finding the time to do it so we can sit down together and I can show her how to set it all up and start posting. Our weekly schedules are just a little screwy so we don't really get a lot of time to spend together in the first place, so it will have to be a day that we can both commit to getting it done. But it WILL happen, I promise! :)

They have a waiting list so I'd recommend getting her to at least make an account.

I don't drink alcohol either. I'll read your article later.

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