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RE: Alcohol and I. I don't drink alcohol. I haven't for 30+ years...

in #life7 years ago

I drink very rarely, Im busy smoking all day ^^*. I have developed a strange relation towards alcohol, where I need to drink a lot of water when I feel a little drunk. I feel the alcohol drying me up, which is actually a big reason for the hangover and dmg to your body. I also tend to eat something salty before I sleep.
I drink maybe 2 beer a week and if I party im good after 2 cocktails and 3 beer.

Oh and I can totally see your rage towards alcohol, it is a very deadly and dangerous drug indeed.

Speaking of getting drunk, do you come to Steemfest in Lissabon, my dear friend?


I'd like to come to Steemfest many places. I need to get my passport and to do that I need to get a new birth certificate since my step father adopted me when I was 6, changed my name, but never got me a new birth certificate. Tracking down the paperwork necessary to make the happen hasn't been the easiest thing.

I'd definitely be interested then. Though honestly I am not viewing Europe as particularly safe at the moment. Though is anywhere? I would like to travel some day and I will.

So not this time... but perhaps in the future.

Europe is a very save place. More people get shot daily in the US than we have death by terrorist attacks in a year across Europe. I also don't think Steemfest will be held in some sub-urban ghetto ;). I'm not too much in the news of Portugal but it should be at least as save as the US.

I would love to get you some good alcohol free beer from Germany, so we can Prost !

I'm not too much in the news of Portugal but it should be at least as save as the US.

I didn't know it is in Portugal. Yeah it should rock there.

Also the U.S. is a VERY big place. Certain parts of the country are dangerous, but most of the country is not at all like the news likes to portray. It wouldn't surprise me if the same is true of Europe.

The western news just love to report about death in general. What was your saying with "blood in the water" or something?

"If it bleeds it leads"

Yes that is all our news is about. Ratings. Fear, blood, terror, and division. The ratings thrive on these things. Thus why they rarely write anything designed to try to unify or bring people together.

and only rarely give them hope. People are always told what not to do, but what is left if everything human is immoral?

Did you see Münchhausen yet btw? I made a small post about him, he is essentially a libertarian I think.

Nope I haven't. Can you relink it for me here if you already shared it. Weekend coming up so I may have some time.

It's often hard for me to find time for serious videos and podcasts... I read way faster than videos and podcasts.

I have links in my article to watch the movie. It is a great film for the whole family. I watched when I was 6. It also has a fast pacing that you would not expect of an old movie.

I saw the Adventures of Baron Munchhausen a long time ago when it first came out, but it's been a long time since I watched it.

I think you maybe watched a remake, the remakes are no good. Im talking 1943

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