
O yeah buddy I just have a different perspective. I have spent the last ten years of my life connecting people "who get it" and don't worry there is a lot of us ready when the times comes. God bless :)

So how are all these people networking?

Offline and online. As effective and efficient as we can. and did you see you made the @ocd post congrats :)

I did. That was very cool!

Does a forum need to be setup or anything like that? I would really like to see a group like this communicate and grow.

Yesssss and that is the next step. Finally progressing to that stage. What do you have in mind?

I can setup a forum and grab a domain if we have users for it.

O yeah as long as it is safe and secure I am sure it will work out fine. Nothing more than 300 users at the moment if that helps. But with capabilities for future growth if need be :)

Okay cool. I've got a shared business server with A2 hosting and it can handle 300 I'm fairly certain. I also have an ssl certificate for all the domains I host. 300 is a good number to start out with! Any thoughts on domain name?

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