Exposing my vulnerabilities

in #life6 years ago

shower time.

cold water turned on. waiting. it's temperamental.
a minute later, it kicks in
now for the hot water.
in I get.

I crouch down. arms around the knees
in a crouched fetal position.
I don't know if I can continue.
the facade is cracking.
the pretending I am fine is fading.
I just want to cry.
but I don't have the energy to.

the words of a friend pass through my mind again.
they hit close to home. I know how they feel
'I can't even do depression right it seems.'
it's a feeling I know all too well.

the thing my friends who aren't depressed say to me the most
'get over it' and 'its all in your head'
'harden the fk up' but they are just words.

they don't know what its like to have to muster the desire to get out of bed each day.
they don't know what its like, to head down to the waterfront of an afternoon, and look out into those waters
and wonder

to just wonder, that, if I walked into those waters, and just drifted out to sea
would anyone notice?
would anyone care?

I know for some this may come across as melodramatic.
as 'being the victim'
but before mum passed, I always had this depression.
the thing that stopped me was in the back of my head
'its not worth people suffering, for life, for your moment of weakness'
but now she's gone.
and that voice that told me to stay strong
it doesn't speak so loud anymore.

I'm sure I'm not alone in this feeling.
in fact, a quick google search will show you that 1 in 4 people suffer from depression.
that's some pretty staggering odds.

I'm on a bus right now, and there are 3 people plus the driver.
I am that 1 in 4.
by the time i get to my destination,
40 minutes from now,
4 Australians will have lost their battle against the voices in their heads.
the voices that tell them stupid shit.
that they are worthless.
that no one cares.
these are the voices the kids in the playground used to use on them
because they were born to poor parents, that couldn't afford the basic necessities in life.
not even that.
because they didn't have the newest Nike Air's or Reebok pumps.

but you know what? we DO care.

we care because we have been that kid.
we care because money can't buy what we have. money cant buy respect.
so the next time you see someone being spoken to in a poor manner
do something about it. because you never know.
that person might go home and make an attempt on their own life.
worst still, they may succeed.

i feel i should end this by apologising about how dark this post is.
i am struggling at the moment.
this time 2 years ago, i was meant to be spending time with my mum for her 54th birthday.
instead, i was spending it, holding her hand, as she took her final breathes.
it was hard, but i think it would have been harder to not be there.

image courtesy of pixabay

thanks for reading. this was quite hard to write, but it needed to be said.


Hey brother, I can say I know what you are feeling.
When I found myself contemplating why I am here on this earth and how I can set myself free.
The voice of God spoke to my heart and told me

We live for others and to find our purpose is to be there for someone other than ourselves

Then about that same time a best friend of mine killed himself over a girl he loved that rejected him.
My family was devastated my mother, dad , and my sisters. We all loved him and even as I write this I wonder what I could have done to give him another choice.

He was a great guy, but in that moment of weakness he made that choice and killed himself in his bedroom. Left his family to clean up the mess, the blood that gives us life was splattered all over his bedroom. Fragments of his skull were embedded into the sheet rock. That family has never recovered from that.

I say my friend that we must live for others. If we live for ourselves we don't have much reason to carry on. So love and love more keep loving don't let circumstances rob you of your love.

I have not had those feelings in a very long time. I have filled my life with love and thoughts of those I love. We keep it strong with forgiveness and humility. I never say I am sorry, if I have wronged someone I ask for forgiveness. Its healing, cleansing it works to keep love alive.

You must find something to love more than yourself. Then you have a reason to live that is not dependent on your personal performance, but on how much you love.

that's my main problem. I put everyone else before myself.
'oh, Are you having a hard time? how can I help?'
my new year's resolution this year was actually 'it's my turn now. do it for me'

and then the stuff in March happened, where a 'friend' bailed on me, owing 6 weeks rent. so that's why I been down more than usual. as I am expected to repay the money that I was left in debt with.

needless to say,


oh snap.. ty @curie . you have given me the desire to go on. in hindsight, i kind of wish id have spent time formatting it a little better, but alas, this is just raw dunstuff. its not about looking pretty to me, its about the info i want to share.

raw is good. well done!

ironically, there was just an article on the news about it - pointing here https://www.lifeinmindaustralia.com.au/

I don't know if I can continue.
the facade is cracking.
the pretending I am fine is fading.
I just want to cry.
but I don't have the energy to.

This touched me.

Love and Light

thankyou. im glad i have reached at least one person. it was easy to write, but it was a hard thing to actually post it.

I see, hard to post,
but to you we all will toast!
Its necessary.

By your bravery
even more than one in four,
Could be helped to see.

that moment the pony does his best post ever and you feel so proud of your friend!
sending all the hugs i can give

from the simpsons, where the dde checks into rehab - 'and thats just page 1 of my 10 age confession'

well we are here to read all 10 pages dont be afraid to keep sharing your thoughts and feelings if it helps is better to let it out than to keep it within, also those who said

'get over it' and 'its all in your head'
'harden the fk up'

dont really get it how it works and you shouldnt listen to them!

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i think this is the most honest, sincere and bravest post you have ever written. it comes from the heart and connects to an infinite number of other hears wandering lost. hugs

that was the hope.

I agree with yo 100% on this, Torico.
Hard things to write down and put in a post, but there are a lot of us who have felt like this at one time. And for a lot of us, it's always in the background, waiting to sneak up on us again.

Absurd amounts of love, being sent your way. All the love. Tons of love.

Absurd amounts of
Love, being sent your way. All
The love. Tons of love.

                 - sunravelme

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Even I agree completely.

All I can say is I hear you... and hold on and be strong. I am so glad curie came along and 'found' you. If not, there those of us who are here for you, always and any time. Hugggsss always...

Standing ovations because you wrote from your heart, because you were brave, and because we are here for you in the good the bad and the indifferent. This is how you slowly stop surviving and start living.

someones having a steak this week :D
wow, just saying those words makes me drool a little

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