My Recent Decline of Activity on Steemit- A Reluctant Letter

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Dear Beautiful Friends,

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For the past few weeks I have been a bit sporadic in terms of community engagement. I've told people that the reason for this was the holidays due to out of state family along with getting our winter business going, making for a hectic schedule. These things are true, but they aren't all of it. In fact they're a bit secondary, just adding to the larger reason.

I haven't wanted to talk about this, especially not so publicly for two reasons. The first is that I don't know enough yet and the second is that...talking about it, especially writing about it, will force me to focus on it. And especially considering the first reason, I'm not quite ready for that.

But I find myself worried that people here I care very much for might be feeling neglected, which is what prompted my decision to tell you what I do know, which is that my father has been diagnosed with stage three cancer- They've found spots on his lymph nodes and bone. They have yet to do a full work up, which is happening this coming Friday, and will determine exactly what kind of cancer, if there's more than one kind, if it has reached any vital organs; and they have basically told us that there's a great potential he is already in stage four, they just won't know until he's undergone this testing.

A handful of you know that my dad has had health problems for a number of years, that he no longer walks, and that we've had multiple scares involving emergency trips to the hospital. In light of this it might seem that I would have been prepared for the current news. I feel as if I should have been.

I realize this post is coming off fairly matter of fact and a bit impersonal. Right now it's the only way I can put it across because if I start to write about my feelings there's a high likelihood of my falling apart, which just seems pointless before knowing anything concrete. Especially since there is a chance, however slight, that it could be a non-aggressive type with a potential of remission.

Also I completely understand if this information makes people feel uncomfortable and they choose not to comment. If you find yourself struggling with what to say, please don't feel obligated to say anything. I truly only wanted to explain the greater reason for my sparse activity here.

I probably should have just waited until I did know more, actually I'm not entirely sure I should post this. Shit.

To sum it up, I've been spending more time than usual at my parents house, though so far we aren't doing a lot of the sad stuff, all of us seem to be in limbo with too little information, yet just enough if that makes sense. And all of this trying not to let my mind wander through the possibilities, probabilities, and eventualities is super draining, but I feel as if there is no other way to handle it right now. But that drain is making it incredibly difficult to spend a lot of time on here talking to people, in fact I've only been doing it when I've been able to push it completely out of my head for a bit.

@son-of-satire asked me in a comment yesterday "How the fuck have you been?" I told him "I've been fucking good." That's the first time since we've known each other that I've lied to him- well sort of lied, I was good at the moment I wrote it, and any moment I've spent not thinking about it, which is any moment I've been on here recently.

I believe that once we do have the information it will free me in a big way. I will be able to cry and hurt and start the process of acceptance. I'll be able to write a post that is from the heart instead of the head, find some release for this pressure.

And I'd like to ask that until this happens everyone not ask me how I'm doing, because I don't have a clue. Just know if I'm on here talking to you, then just as I told Scott, at that moment I am fucking good. And bear with me.

Thanks everyone, I truly hope I didn't bum you out, and I promise that soon I will...well likely bum you out thoroughly for a moment, lol, but I know me, and I know that I'll find a way to get back to the sunny side.


Generously created for me by @son-of-satire

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So sorry to hear this tragic news. Stay strong and hoping that there is more positive news on your father's health in the future.

It's amazing how much seeing your handsome face in my comment section lifts my spirits ;)
Teasing aside, thank you, truly, it means a lot.

I realize this post is coming off fairly matter of fact and a bit impersonal.

No it's not at all. I'm in tears reading this my sweetheart, so it's anything but impersonal.

We know damn good how strong these bonds between fathers and daughters can be and how much they mean to us. They're our rocks, our role models, our best advisors and our sparring partners. They provide these extra wide shoulders where one can perfectly lean on, being this the probably warmest and safest place on Earth.

They should be immortal because they'd deserve that for having protected us during their whole lives.

I am with you, no matter how far your home might geographically be away from mine. Please take one big hug and then another one, take them all.

I'm here for you whenever you need me. Also text me on FB if you want to talk in private. I'm there! Always.

Love you much :-*

Sorry, I really had a hard time replying to this one, because I can feel your empathy, I know how close you are to your dad.
I will definitely take all of your hugs and I love you too.

Oh wow! What a truly shocking read! I'm gonna get this bit out of the way right now and say "I'm sorry to hear this horrible news", but I'm sure that's probably the last thing you want to hear. It's too generic. What I really want is for this BS to get the hell out of your life, allow you to get back to normality again and your father to be fine.

Please know this though. We, who have been touched by your friendship on this platform and love the great person that you are, "are" there for you. Use us for that, to the fullest extext if need be. Your true friends ain't going anywhere and will give you all the support you need. Whatever it is. Life deals us these harsh cards sometimes but it's the actions we take right after, that will provide some semblance of a solution.

I'm here for you any damn time, I promise you that (as I'm sure all your other steemian friends are too). Please be strong... Wait for the updates to your father's condition and proceed from there. I know that's easier said than done, but separating out the main problem into sizeable chunks will help making future matters easier to deal with...

Bless, my lovely @dreemit... Without a doubt, we will speak soon.

I will tell you straight out, I am pretty well drunk right now. It's been quite some time that I've broken my rules and passed the point of a good buzz, let alone typing to someone on social media in this state which is a huge no no for me, but, I couldn't leave your response unanswered for a whole day, since you were one of the people I was thinking of as I wrote this post.
God, you are a beautiful human being. I am proud. Proud that I have such good taste in people, that I seem to find the best of the human race whether it's in the physical world or the digital one. I know one day we will meet in they physical, and I will hug you with all of the love I feel for you my darling, gorgeous friend.

I am very sorry to hear it. My Mom's husband is in a life and death battle with Cancer as well. It is a nasty, horrible disease. Sending thoughts and best wishes.

Thank you, and I'm sorry to hear it. Hugs and love to you and your family.

I have no words that may express what I want to tell you. First of all, I sincerely hope that it is a non-aggresive one and remission is in the horizon.
Thank you for writing this, mostly because of you than because of us, writing about this maybe makes it real or something to deal with, but on the other hand it allows us to be there for you, as you said once a few months ago, it may be online but I consider you a true friend and I want you to know I´m here for you for whatever you may need.
I don´t want this comment to be too long, I just wanted you to know you have your steemit family here, if you want to talk, I went through a similar situation 5 years ago... I´m sure the sunny side and the feeling fucking good is inside you and it will come in time.

Hugs and kisses :* :*

Ah Eric, you are such a beautiful man, I felt your heart from the first moment we spoke. I know you would be here for me. I did mostly just want to let people know where I was at, and I'll update. But I truly do believe once it's not up in the air I'll be able to start wrapping my head around it, and I'll talk more about him and my mom.. yeah.
I am sorry to hear you went through it. But I can see that you are like me, most often the cup is half full :)
One day those hugs will be in the flesh and not the cyber world, a big squeezy bear hug ;)

Aw lass, I knew that something had dampened your fire a little. I am sorry to hear of this. I hope the news turns out to be as positive as it can be. My god lady had a similar thing with her dad but I will talk to you about that off line as it were

My thoughts are with you and your family my friend and I hope that everything turns out OK in the end but regardless of what diagnosis your father receives, he couldn't be in better hands than those of the family that he himself created, especially you @dreemit. You are a credit to the man. If there is anything at all we can do for you or your dad, all you have to do is ask.

I think...I need to come to Scotland :) Though that's not on the table quite yet, at some point it definitely will be. Your country has always called to me, and now three of my favorite people in the world are there. It gives me something to look forward to.

I just saw your chat, LOVE, I'm writing you there now if you see this :)

Sorry to hear this news. It is never easy to learn that a loved one is in danger of losing their life. I lost my mother to cancer when I was a young boy and it hurt terribly! Spend as much time with your Dad as you can and always remember the happy times!
Thanks for sharing.

Oh, losing your mom young, that has to be terrible, I'm so sorry.
Good advice, thank you for your sweet comment.

I'm with you, I send you love and energetic embrace.

I'll take that embrace, thank you :)

I’m sorry about your father and I understand, I’ve been there and it’s tough. Youa and your family are in my prayers. Nothing can be said to ease the pain so I’ll keep this simple (hugs)

Hugs are the best :) Thanks darling.

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