A Special Happy Whiskey Wednesday to every steemian showing their beautiful dedication-Featuring my incredible brother singing Stevie WondersteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

So many things have happened over the past several days on steemit, it has been like being on the kind of amusement park ride where you can't decide whether you love it or want off. For myself, I've settled on the former. I'll be riding this ride as long as the steemit park remains open. Not only do I get to create on a daily basis; not only do I have people enjoying my creations; but I've also met some of the most awesome people that reside on this globe.

I went to bed shortly after reading about Dan's resignation, and honestly I didn't know how to feel about it. But early this afternoon when I got on, I found several posts from some amazing people, spreading positivity, enthusiasm and love. If you want to feel the same kind of encouragement I did, go check out the pages of @surfermarly, @meesterboom, @sift666, @merej99, @papa-pepper, @steveec ...and those are just to name a few, just an example of why steemit.com is the best social media site with the greatest community in the cyber world.

My initial intention for this Happy Whiskey Wednesday was to put up a video taken by me of my brother playing his first show out since the birth of his daughter, at the Angry Goat Pub in Rochester NY.

Amazing truffle parmesan fries- that my friend Ian promptly ruined by dumping yellow mustard on-and a glass of Southern Tier's Pumpkin Ale...that I found in Ian's hand when I came back from the bathroom ha! It's all good though, he bought me two more ;)

The fry ruiner Ian, holding my beer, with my brother, and friend Jon in the background

The only blurry picture I'll subject you to...

Because unfortunately my camera experienced technical difficulties, and I was only able to get a couple of clear pictures before they mysteriously went blurry and the video wouldn't work for me at all. But I have a backup plan, a video taken of my brother singing a song I'm dedicating to steemit and all of my amazing friends-Stevie Wonder's Signed Sealed Delivered.

And if this happens to be the first time you've stumbled upon a Happy Whiskey Wednesday post, here is the backstory:

Once upon a time a group of friends of mine on social media (when facebook was in its fledgling stages) started the tradition of Happy Whiskey Wednesday as a way of bringing some fun to the middle of a work week. It was our own cyber happy hour...s.
We would post kick-ass, upbeat songs to one another; we even turned it into a contest at one point as to who could bring the most fun and excitement to the party. Often the hilarity would go on into the night, with dozens of ridiculous pictures (and comments of course) added to the mix. So if you feel the urge please do join in the fun, either by making your own post or posting down below in the comments with videos or anecdotes, or really anything that floats your boats! Today especially people, it's a good day to engage in happy vibes!

And now for the main event:

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire


I'm a bit preoccupied today with thinking about a presentation I have to do next week at a parliamentary select committee. So wasn't exactly in my happy place. But ya can't beat Ed singing Stevie to get that happy vibe back!

Ew, mustard! What is it with Ians and mustard?

That sounds nerve wrecking! Oral presentations of any kind are not my forte. I'm glad my brother could lift your spirits :)

Haha, I like spicy brown mustard on certain things, but definitely not yellow mustard, and DEFINITELY not on my truffle parmesan fries, LOL!

They're not my forte either. But this is kind of important, so I'm putting on my big girls trousers (or the "yes, I am a credible health professional" blouse I have to go and buy) and doing what needs to be done. I'll probably post about it in the next couple of days. But if you're curious in the meantime, see my discussion with lifeworship on his last post...

I am curious, and wide awake, so I will do that ;) Ask me to do a written presentation, no problem, but speak in front of people? Ugh. I don't know why either, I am not shy, I've even been called socially gifted (debatable, lol) but there's something about being put on the spot. I nearly dropped out of speech class in college because I kept freezing, and it was the weirdest thing because I had no idea I would even be nervous until it happened. I figured out I could use props to focus on and ended up okay. But when I had to do the maid of honor speeches at not one, but two weddings (my girlfriends suck, haha, kidding) I'm surprised I didn't puke all over myself! Everyone said I did great, but I was literally shaking.

Yes, I shake a bit too. I'm ok presenting to people who want to come and hear what I have to say about nutrition or health (now, after doing lots of work on myself). But the political stuff - I'm really not cut out for being an activist. I'm a lover, not a fighter, baaby, baby.

His voice is definite smooth like a fine whiskey. :) Love his cover of this!

In case you missed it on FB, this was how we did Whiskey Sunday at my house. LOL

Hahaha!! Awesome. I did miss it, I generally get on briefly to check messages then I'm off again.

Oh yeah, and I told you about Ian ruining my fries and stealing my beer, lol.

Great post - and a great song by your brother - did he put it together himself? It would be great to hear him singing that with a bit of a band - bass and drums, anyway! Thank you! Your Happy Whiskey Wednesday is a bit like Camel day but I prefer the Whisky!

He did indeed, he recorded an album of his original songs last Spring, and a few of those had some bass and percussion with it, but in general he's a solo artist :)
Thank you for listening! I prefer good micro brewed beer myself ;)

Happy whisky wednesday!!

Thank ye kindly sir! xo

Excellent post dear friend @dreemit, the same happened to me I went to sleep with the terrible news and in the morning I cross with many publications very positive and reassuring. Thank you so much for sharing your wisky nights

I'm glad to be a part of the reassurance! People like you my great friend @jlufer, will keep this platform going strong no matter what!

something beautiful and complete this

Thank you!!

I'll be riding this ride as long as the steemit park remains open.

I loved that one and would sign it right away!
Thanks for keeping up spreading the good vibes @dreemit, that´s exactly what we all need now. It´s fun somehow that we´ve met in the middle of that drama. Maybe I would have missed your excellent posts otherwise. Moral: Even the supposed bad experiences may lead to something good.

I am not 100% sure about that drink and text thing, haha
But I am definitely IN to have fun - on wednesday and all the other days of the week.

I recommend reading Grasp the Taste of Whiskey. I think it will speak to you


I think that might speak also!

Hahaha, ohh, people.

As they say here. Whit ur they like! :0)

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