Making A Difference - Why You Matter More Than You Think - Featuring @aboundlessworld

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Making A Difference - Why You Matter More Than You Think - Featuring @Aboundlessworld

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Have you ever considered if what you’re doing matters? Have you questioned the impact you have on the people around you? Do you lay awake wondering if you’re making humanity better as a whole?

I know I have. In fact, I’ve spent a sickening amount of time contemplating the questions above.

Think about the people you know, the people you love and respect. Chances are, you know of someone who is making a huge difference in what they do. I can name a few people I know who are currently “crushing it”, and changing the world in ways I can’t even begin to comprehend.

At first glance, it may seem these amazing stories of people changing the world is far beyond what you’re capable of. But what if I were to tell you honestly, that you can have just as big of an impact simply by starting small?

Here’s the reality: Your presence here on earth is far more than you’ll ever know. I’m not saying that to make you feel good about yourself, or give you a false sense of power.

It’s the truth.

Really, whether you accept it or not, you’re changing the course of humanity. The degree to which you do so rests entirely in your hands.

Big change, small movement, it doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is that you move.

Challenge people to question the rules. Stretch people to live. Encourage people to find meaning in their life. Express your passion. Don’t wait to hit a homerun when a single will bring home the winning run.

Small movements aren’t about being perfect. Perfect isn’t real.

You Matter

Far too often we think we need a ton of money , an extensive portfolio, or fancy title before we can start making a difference.

Don’t waste a second thinking that’s the case. To make a difference all you need is a flame, and the good news is that flame begins burning from within.

People often ask me why at just 24 years old I’m “qualified” to write about my experiences. What do I know?

The truth is, I’m not different most. I have dreams, and I make my fair share of mistakes. I often come up short, and am far from perfect. The only difference between me and many others is I am believe in the power of taking risks. I share both my successes and failures and more often than not people can relate.

It’s simple to forget how easily we can change the world. Small movements start with small deeds.

*Run a bath for your loved one who just had a rough day at work.

*Write a personal note to someone you love, with a pen not an email.

Send a birthday card with stamps.
Hold the door for someone.

*Listen to someone.
Ask someone how there day was and really listen.

*Live your passion, nothing is more inspiring than seeing the light in someone.

*Share personal stories and the lessons you learned.

When having a conversation with someone see them for who they really are.

*Give secretly.

*Stop a rumor.

*Forgive someone.

While this list is small and not complete, don’t underestimate the power of one small action, you never know how far your kind deed will go.

Recently while writing at Starbucks, I overheard a girl working talk about how poorly her week had been going. As the store was closing, I left a note on the table wishing that her week would get better. I didn’t expect anything in return, yet needless to say I’m confident the note brought a smile to her face.

Kindness doesn’t cost a dime.

Accept Your Influence

Knowing that you can make a difference in the world is sometimes scary to accept. To realize you can literally alter the path of the world is nerve racking. Yet it’s important to accept the influence you own.

You don’t have to have the audience of Oprah to make people wake up to who they really are. You don’t have to be a best selling author to impact people with your words. You don’t have to have a nobel peace prize to radiate peace with every step you take.

Your painting can bring a smile to someone’s face. Your poetry can lift someone out of a deep slump. Your passion for design can lead to the construction of a magnificent building. Your love for numbers can help accelerate an important mathematical discovery.

Ignore the universal voice that says you don’t matter. Instead tune into the station that says you do. Don’t let the noise of the world drown the voice of your dreams.

The biggest realization I’ve had over the past few years is this: You can create change. You can create amazing relationships. You can make the world a better place.

Action is the worlds greatest currency.

If you choose to remain passive in how you live, you still have an impact. If you choose to remain quiet on issues that drive you that to influences humanity.

I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know, but we often forget that everything, I do mean everything, starts small. And everything you do or don’t do has an impact.

Accept that influence that you have.

Making A Difference

I receive many emails, from people telling me how much they want to make a difference. And it bothers me that many of them won’t. Not because they can’t or don’t have what it takes, but because they forget that that moving matters. They let their fears defeat them before they even take off.

Dreaming big is important but dreams only become reality when you move. You can’t hit a home run if you don’t swing. Yet so many people sit waiting for the perfect pitch and in the process strike out looking.

Far too often we think that because we are a “nobody” we can’t better humanity. Yet with the world as connected as it is, helping just one person can potentially affect the lives of thousands.

Don’t buy the notion that because you don’t have thousands of followers on twitter or a popular blog you can’t better the world. Every step you take is a stepping stone for a better planet.

Making a difference, big or small, matters now more than ever. Believe it.

Just Move

Create a small movement. Show your excitement. Share your fears. Drop your excuses on why you can’t change the world. If you hold back, fear wins.

You don’t have to perfect. You don’t have to have things figured out. Just share your journey both the ups and the downs.

By the end of your life you’ll have personally affected thousands of people. Don’t let your current situation prevent you making that difference today.

As with most things in life: it’s not can you make a difference but instead: Will you?

Your legacy begins today. You matter far more than you think.

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@dragonslayer109 features authors to promote new authors and a diversity of content. ALL STEEM Dollars for this post go to the featured author

Don't just follow me, follow the author as well, if you like their post - @aboundlessworld. Thank you


@Aboundlessworld @dragonslayer109

I don't believe anyone changes history significantly. Everyone builds on the steps of another. Much like a colony of bacteria moving left and right without any single one of them making you sick.

We all learn from our mistakes. If we all were perfect than we are not humans. Accept the fault within yourself and accept and correct them is the true change of a human persona. Great post.

yes we all need to make a difference, but by being a solid whole as one we can have more impact !! But i loved the message of your post !! steem on !!

Nice post @Aboundlessworld. Keep helping others and keep spreading happiness @dragonslayer.

It’s simple to forget how easily we can change the world. Small movements start with small deeds.

Thank you for this inspiring article. I hope you don't mind if I use this comments section as a platform to share my attempt to make a difference.

I just started a charity blog post. All the money earned will go to the charity in the article. UPVOTE for Charity! - Round 2

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