UPVOTE for Charity! - Round 2

in #charity8 years ago (edited)

All Steem Dollars earned from this post will go to support Ask Me Why I'm Here (AMWIH) 

So please click generously. 

Followers of mine may recall that I ran this exact Steemit charity drive last Sunday. My results were pretty abysmal: 

Only 48 cents earned... 37 cents after you take away the curation rewards. 

I figured that 37 cents would basically be an insult to hand over to my friend to help his charity, so I've decided that I'm going to run an UPVOTE for Charity! blog every Sunday until I reach what I consider a worthy amount. 

Every week I will have a little blurb, like what you see below outlining the amounts earned from each post.

Financial Report

  • WEEK 1 - 48 cents (37 cents)
  • WEEK 2 - ...TBD...

Since last week's drive was not a success, I'm going to repost all of the info on AMWIH here: 

This is Jon (left). He and I have been friends for 15 years. What has always struck me and probably every friend that Jon has had is his overwhelming capacity for love and generosity. 

About 2 years ago, Jon started a charity with a very broad purpose - to reach out to and connect with anyone in need. It doesn't matter if your needs are physical or emotional, Jon and his team would be there to show you love.

Every Sunday, the group visits locations in Oshawa and Toronto, Ontario. 

The question is in the name: why are they here?

Here's a blurb from the group's Facebook page:

Quite simply this movement is based on the idea of making an offering in public with the use of signs - it can be free hugs, waters, sandwiches, clothes, or whatever you might think people would want - then giving it freely to whoever decides they want it with no judgement or requirement of anything in return. The phrase ASK ME WHY I'M HERE is used to start conversation and increase connections in your community. 

They are there to give of themselves and their resources to anyone who might need it. To share the love and make a difference.Among other things, they offer:

  • Free sandwiches
  • Free water
  • Free hugs
  • Free conversations

And they do make a difference. Some people haven't felt heard, taken care of or loved in many months, years or maybe even for their entire lives.

They are there to make a positive and measurable difference in the lives of the needy.

My little anarchist/voluntaryist blurb: The people involved in this charity may not be voluntaryists themselves, but this is voluntaryism in action. Changing the world is not a matter of force, it's people coming together and working together, helping each other and evolving into something greater. This requires no coercion, no violence, no government. Only love.

Help pass the love around. 

Let's see if the Steemit community can help accomplish great things and make the world a slightly better place.

It only takes one click.

Or maybe a few clicks if you take it upon yourself to share this post (that would be greatly appreciated.)

All pictures are taken from the AMWIH Facebook page. Except for the "goals" thermometer... I made that. 


Hey Seth, maybe in future posts like this you can talk about some specific cases where Jon has helped people... while respecting their privacy of course. I think it can capture people's imaginations a lot better. I can see you're already doing much better than last time though. 🙆

That's a good idea. I'm trying to make this charity drive a surprise for him and his group, so I'll have to find a way to ask him about it without tipping him off or see what i can find on Facebook.

You got mine Vote and I followed you !

This better go viral. Upvoted ! :)

I really hope it does. That would be amazing.

I can't do anything really. My vote is worth like peanut butter.

But Charity Upvoting could be a good concept. Thank you for being the starting point to it :)

When i started this last week I thought I was the first, but then I found a few other blogs doing charity drives. I'm glad that others are having the same idea. It's a great way that we can use the platform to make a difference.

I just hope the post gets some traction this time...

Thanks for your vote. Every bit helps.

Great post , we have ti give back and get more , positive attitude ,,,

Loving the initiative you're taking with this project just make sure you provide proofs with it.
Or you might find your self in some trouble down the line.

Once it's over and I reach my arbitrary, not-yet-determined goal, I plan to make a follow-up post proving that I transfered the funds to the right party.

Do you have any advice about what the best proof would be?

Providing proof of transaction would be the best possible action or a picture of you handing said money over. Would likely be the best course, unless your friend has access to the internet and can make his own account and can verify you gave him said money.

Got my upvote and follow!

Of course you have my upvote for this!

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