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RE: Psilocybin. Why Aren't We Using This Drug In Small Amounts To Treat Depression? The Little Fungus That Could Be A Big Threat To Big Pharma

in #life7 years ago

I've heard about different studies in this area and the results look promising. As well with MDMA.
I can tell you from experience, there is something about shrooms that make everything look brighter and feel more upbeat.
The last sack I got (3 years ago), I only had just a little bit each time. It was great. Life seemed more vibrant and I was still able to function in daily life. See: Not tripping balls.
I think there is something to it. And for anyone who has never tried psychedelics..Ya try at least once . Because there is no describing to a person who hasn't tried what it is like. There is a sort of awakening there.

Sidenote...What part of your post is cheetah upset about?


I think cheetah grabbed some parts where I found a researcher and the quotes which made it more succinct than I could be in driving the point of the write up. The problem with Steemit is that it's best to keep it short and as you can tell I'm normally long winded.

Ha! I tried to upvote to put you on top of cheetah but it didn't work. My post needs an upvote.
Also... I made a post about a cool discovery I saw in an article today. It hit close to home.

Ha ha. Yes, when I was a teenager I used them and remember it as a pleasant experience. I worked for the NHS for ten years and over 5 of that in mental health and I have to say I saw more downward trajectory from patients and clients on SSRI's than I did up. I firmly believe that we have natural remedies and disciplines that would be more effective in the treatment of the many different types of DSM listed illnesses.

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