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RE: Domestic Violence - Know The Warning Signs

in #life6 years ago

Damnit @magicalmoonlight why you gotta bring me to tears. But no seriously as I'm typing out this comment my eyes are full of (who's cutting onions in here?).

  1. Let me first off say although I don't know you personally, I do still care, and am so glad you were able to find your way out of your abusive relationship. The amount of strength it takes to do so, is something no one will fully understand unless they are in the situation, and I pray others will not have to understand that strength.

  2. I'm so glad you also included men in this post. Often times they are forgotten. Due to the expectations men have to "be men", it oftentimes is so hard for them to even admit that they are in abusive relationships.

  3. There are so many factors that come into play that lead to people finding themselves in and then staying for long periods of time in such relationships, that it's so easy for others to judge. And it's so important that those in such relationships see hope of escape in others stories. Your broken silence is so important and you are heard.

As a trans person I have seen so many of us in my community, just accept the abuse, because we feel like it's the best we can do. I am also the child of an abusive relationship. The cycle is real.

Much love to you, and you are heard


I hate it when people bring those darn onions to discussions. Thank you so much for your kind words. I still have a lot to learn but I hope I can help another person to end an abusive relationship before they get the worse part of it. You are right about men, they are mainly the sex to abuse but that does not mean they don't get abused. Men getting abused is very real and should always be discussed as well. You bring up an extremely important part about trans/bisexual/homosexual getting abused and it also being swept under the rug. It is never okay and I am so sorry that some people in your community feel that they need to accept it.

The cycle is very real! Part 2 will explain all about that and how it truly damages a child for the rest of their life

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