Is it Time to Buy a Piece of Paradise?

in #life7 years ago (edited)


To buy or not to buy an islet that is the question. Something that I can call the diabolic island. But isn't that having something to call my own (not a living thing) or should I say something that is under my name would be a mark of adulthood and stability? Soon to be a 35-year-old child who is not going to run to the hills anymore, sigh...even though I still revel in my nomadic freedom, there's a part of me that says it's time to build my own eco-paradise for real. I just don't have the courage to have something to lose. But what if I suddenly die while walking on the street and that didn't happen still? Heaven beside you, hell within...

So where is this coming from all of a sudden? I just finished fixing my new place with the plumber men who were helping me with some manly stuff. The locals who kind of implanted FUD in me - why are you throwing your money for something that's not going to be yours? It's that time to invest! Oh my Gawd, my plumber men made my feelings even worse. Though I appreciate them entertaining me for a while. I'm already aware of the price of a piece of dirt around here but to be told - sure I can find you a lot for this amount (secret) - 200 SQM at least. Stop dreaming if you want a beach front. But can anyone just stop reminding me until cryptos go up? Yeah baby, I'm gonna grab those before the gringos go on marrying spree around here and steal the sweet deals. Don't be cheeky big boys, leave something for me. But the rural folks around here are just as diabolic - be nice, be kind soon you'll get the prize. Welcome to the jungle.

Hey, I don't want to just take the plunge and panic buy. Paradise will always be here, hopefully. I'm going to stick to my goals this year. I believe that my tiny money should be invested in something that's going to bring more cash in order to finally get a piece of paradise. Maybe I'll just make it my next year's goal, who knows? I guess this is just the problem when people are making me realize something, I get really confused. I get confused because I want everything. I'm confused.

It's like owning something means - hey I'm not your bitch anymore! There's a part of me that says this is my ticket to the world...literally, this is my ticket to the world. Salvation and damnation.

I'm aware of the repairs, bugs, maintenance, wild animals and all the worries of owning a piece of paradise - throw more money hey! But it is quite mature of me to even think about settling down, isn't it? Transcend my primitive savagery - nomadic no more. I pondered for a moment...then shrieked after getting surprised by a frog in my bathroom - oh visitors from the jungle. Don't overstay your welcome... How can you live alone (Think crazy)? The plumber man asked as he shook his head in disbelief. I don't really know. I don't even know how it was possible that I traveled. Believe me, I can be better. I will continue adapting to my dying day.

Then I said hi to my neighbor - I could feel the hidden contempt. But still, I was being extra nice or extra diabolic. I have to stop being an entitled bitch. Let it go - what's in it for people? See what I mean? I really need to get that piece of land soon and succumb to isolation. Let the slow society wonder - how is she able to pull it off? Then I'm also getting tired of the good old - what do you do? As if that defines me. I'm always struggling to explain the details. Perhaps I might hold a cryptocurrency seminar to bring enlightenment to this world. I'm just an entrepreneur wannabe, someone even questioned that... You mean just jobless? It's like if you are not one of them, you are just sleeping around. Come on people, don't feel bitter or better than anyone else. Let out your inner child and be happy.

Should I decide to see the world again, perhaps I could rent out that piece of me... sell my soul to the devil or something? I don't know the future. Baby steps as always. So tadaaaaaa....the answer is not yet. I'm not going to own something for now.


I figure I already own "everything"... But since I can't keep it all in my house, I tend to leave my "stuff" in the "Stores"... I love keeping my stuff in the Stores... It's like having "Free Storage" with people taking care of it for me, for when I need it... Sure, I pay a small fee to get it out of Storage, but I tend to pay for things that make my life easier... Anyway, I like to travel, but I sure wouldn't want to buy every nice place I saw...

COIN MAN by @pocketechange A Penny may cost a Dollar...

Cool coin man! Free storage is a good idea.

I thought you might like that one... lol...

Yeah buying land and a home is a big step! That is a lot of responsiblity. But if you could turn it into your 'eco-home' that would be pretty cool. Not many people are trying to be concious about how they go about these things.

At the end of the day you may have a home base of sorts, but your traveler spirit will never die. You may actually find it useful to know you have a place to return to to gather yourself after long travels and knowing that you can always leave when the desire for adventure returns.

May I ask about where you are thinking about having a home?

Yeah, traveler spirit will never die! A home to come back to is what we want...

I'm thinking about just right here... :)

Now I am confused, lol. Follow you intuition. Besides, you can still make more crypto ;) Me personally, I am saving till it's worth at least a million so I can live my quiet life of solitude ^.^ Advocating blockchain is something that will stick with me forever though!

Yeah, advocate blockchain anywhere in the world! That's a cool plan you have.

I would do it!

I am planning to buy something in the future. If everything goes to shit I still have a roof over my head or land I can hunt on or something

Hunting sounds fun! I hope you make that happen.

I get it. It's hard to know what we really want. There's what we think we want. What society says we should want. What our family, friends, and neighbors say we should want. What the financial and spiritual gurus say we should want...

But, what do I really want...? And why???

And will acquiring that really make me happy?

For myself, I am coming to the conclusion that there's really nothing that I really want that will make me happy regarding things. I want to be free to enjoy the activities I want to participate in. And to spend time with the people, or alone, by myself, that I want to be with.

Sending you good karma but no advice, either way. Be true to yourself.

Yeah, it's like what if this is not what I want? Maybe I should give it a try anyway.

Thanks as always!

Hopefully your tiny money will work for you and help you to get your dream place. It's a human instinct to wish all the things he like. It's a common problem for all of us. May you attain more than your goal. No one knows the future but let us hope for the best. By the what about your travel agency plan? Keep sharing @diabolika

Awww thanks @kamchore. That plan is going to happen by hook or by crook.

Dream is worth sacrificing Getting a spot on an island overlooking the beach is worth the suffering and work to get it
To succeed and to achieve the dream of life

True, beach house is super cool!

That temptation is always there... sometimes I'm tempted to buy something to build up some equity... but then I remember I can never sit still long enough to make it worth it... maybe some day

I agree but I feel like it is also tiring not to belong to a place, house or to anyone. The price of freedom!

I've never owned property either, but it's truly because I've never been even close to a situation where it could happen.

Especially in paradise... that would kind of be a dream come true.

Those things in our dreams can be real...

The best of the Tallomites know to share the land! The smartest among them know it be best to have a 1-house per person policy and end rent-seeking:) But that would mean ending unthinking lowly evolved limbic lizard brain thinking...Hey, isn't that what the Kristos wanted of humanity?
Damn! Bloody wind storm! They always keep me up all night!
Gives me time to try and get a decent take of old blue eyes....

Diabolic nature of things, sigh. Awww bloody wind storm...I hope the picture above can make you feel better. 😈

PS It says look at the bright side.

Oh, ​you want me to learn some Metheny! Okay, then, Bright Size Life:)

Meanwhile, I shall remain in the darkness...

I'll see your sunshiny paradise with a snow-filled​ hell!0121-mtwashington-jpg.jpg

I love playing in the snow. I'maa let out that inner child lol.

I'm a basket case today just from the low-pressure and winds that kept me up all night!
I might be tempted to throw a snowball at you:D

Sigh you are so diabolic lol...anyway I might just join the fun and throw one at you too. 😈

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