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RE: Is it Time to Buy a Piece of Paradise?

in #life6 years ago (edited)

The best of the Tallomites know to share the land! The smartest among them know it be best to have a 1-house per person policy and end rent-seeking:) But that would mean ending unthinking lowly evolved limbic lizard brain thinking...Hey, isn't that what the Kristos wanted of humanity?
Damn! Bloody wind storm! They always keep me up all night!
Gives me time to try and get a decent take of old blue eyes....


Diabolic nature of things, sigh. Awww bloody wind storm...I hope the picture above can make you feel better. 😈

PS It says look at the bright side.

Oh, ​you want me to learn some Metheny! Okay, then, Bright Size Life:)

Meanwhile, I shall remain in the darkness...

I'll see your sunshiny paradise with a snow-filled​ hell!0121-mtwashington-jpg.jpg

I love playing in the snow. I'maa let out that inner child lol.

I'm a basket case today just from the low-pressure and winds that kept me up all night!
I might be tempted to throw a snowball at you:D

Sigh you are so diabolic lol...anyway I might just join the fun and throw one at you too. 😈

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