The rise of content creators,possible future combination:synereo+steem. Also Introducing wildspark by Synereo

in #life7 years ago

Hello steemians!
Ever since I joined steemit, It had been one joyful ride to another. Earning my fair share for being a content creator is an amazing experience to say the least. But like moths to a flame, the fact that steemit exists, actually drove me to search out other platforms similar to steemit.

TSU!. . . . or what is left of it

Many will not know about this, and i didnt actually, until I started doing some research into platforms similar to steemit.
This was apparently a turning point, after the introduction of youtube several years back, when content creators could finally make a few bucks for their content.

No fancy currency

The Tsu network wasn't built on a blockchain, but rather was built like a conventional social media site. The distribution of funds to creators and curators was done by sharing percentages of the its ad revenue. Unfortunately, the Tsu network wend dark around late 2016 for reasons unknown to me.
if you were on tsu, please enlighten more

From research, Tsu was a hub for content creators, gathering over 4 million people in its first year of operation, compared to steemit, Tsu looked to take over the social media network with its system of paying content creators and curators.

Wildspark by Synereo (formerly QRator)

straight off the synereo website, the developers clearly state

  • Synereo’s Attention Economy
    The Future of Content Creation, Publishing and Distribution
    Synereo is developing tools which allow content creators to easily monetize original works without having to turn their channels into advertisement real estate, while granting their followers the opportunity to be rewarded for getting the word out.
    source :

I dont know a lot about what synereo is about yet, but i believe it aims to reward content creators, and curators with synereo(AMP) coin(just the way steemit pays you in steem)

From the news going around, wildspark aims to reduce the stress associated with the strict monetization laws of certain cooperations( youcoughtube . . . .and others).

The process is quite simple, and really innovative as well

  • “Following the investment of AMPs in a content, the curator gets a unique link that they can share with their followers and friends. If more people use the link and ‘Amplify’ the content, the curator responsible for content discovery gets a share of the contribution.”
    source here

Synereo + Steem!

A possible combination in the future could be the utilization of synereo to boost up a steem post, by investing AMP into a post you think is worthy of being distributed. Said link can then be shared round the steemit network.
I see a future whereby steemians will utilize AMP in order to distribute their content around the web, not just necessarily on steemit alone.

The rise of the content creators

Imagine posting a song on youtube, rebloging it on steemit, and using the wildspark extension to propagate the song everywhere else for maximum profit.. . . . . .

These new networks utilizing the new crypto technology are the first steps to content creators getting full value for their works.

No more incessant take downs

No more bringing down the hammer for voicing out

No more underpaid artists slaving away in the basements

This technology and process of money making is still relatively new, as early adopters, It is our duty to push through, make this known to the general world, and cause a financial revolution the likes of which we have never seen.


Ive never even heard of these. There is the horrible fact that a lot of artist create excellent art but because they are not signed to a major label or maybe they are signed to a major label they don't get the pay they deserve at all. Back when I was creating and recording music I figured out quickly that record labels take a gigantic cut from your work and tell you if it wasn't for you you wouldn't have "made it". not only that but you are locked into a contract with us and we get a portion of royalties for life. smh its a crazy industry built around legalities and greed. screw that.

O yeah, I've seen my fair share of the greed. N m a producer and the label I worked with screwed over my artists so much that I started losing clients.

These days I'm solo, working things out on fiverr, and doing some indie production.

Most former tsu users can only tell you what they heard themselves.

The official statement can be seen on but I heard (ofc not sure) that...

-they had legal issues due to a money transfer licence for the US they didnt get
-that tsu was just a project to be driven against the wall to take out the rest of the investor's money.

I sure am thankful for the people I met and the ideas tsu gave us.

Thank you!

Looking forward to see what synereo will be like. I heard one guy there couldn't deliver and they had to start over (ouch!) so all thumbs up to them for enduring through that

Yeah, synereo seems to have had a downtime along their history from my research, I was very surprised when I found out they changed the namenof their app from Qrator to wildspark in less than 2 months.

Thanks for the information on tsu, if that second part was indeed true, policies need to be put in place to avoid further occurrence of such.

Wow, I built a team of 200,000 with tsu when it went down! 😂

that was part of the downfall, the mlm background really didnt help when you had early adopters not caring about the platform and just logging in to cashout off the back of their downlines

Down lines? O mehn, tsu had a referral system? So many of those kind of networking I know has crashed, and all due to the same problem early adopters always cashing out

Beautifully said, @ steevc can explain more about the tsu network.

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