Resurfacing... The Reality of Just HOW Time Consuming "Life" Is!

in #life6 years ago


I have been largely absent from these pages, for a few days. Somewhat uncharacteristic, I suppose, given that I have posted pretty much daily (or more) for 20 months or so.

OK, so in my defense, I did have a birthday (yesterday) which is more of a "physical space" kinda thing, than a sitting at a computer kinda thing. So now I am 58, woo-hoo!

Above that, though, LIFE is just really time consuming.

EVERYthing clamors for out time.

This morning I started checking email (across six email accounts) after having been "out of the loop" for a couple of days, and I was reminded of this, once again.

By the fact that it took me from about 6:45am till almost 9:20am to just process all the inbound mail and notifications and God knows what else.

I realized how most of everything is pretty much a "sales pitch" of some kind. There was very little REAL mail.

Subscribe to this, buy that, have a trial period of the other... Buy, Buy, Consume, Use, Consume, Buy, Buy, BUY!!!

The fact that simply erasing/saying no thanks to everything took almost three hours is a bit alarming. And I have to say that one of the things I REALLY appreciate about Steemit is the absence of advertising and promotions... ASIDE from the various spam posters to peddle their ideas and wares here. Heck, I even do that, myself... trying to sell art and such. But still...

Well, this will be a "shortie" for now, as I have to go spend more TIME "doing work," which mostly consists of fending off people who want to SELL me something, while talking others into BUYING something.

Ironic, isn't it?

How is everyone doing today?

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Happy Birthday and welcome back.

Thank you @oldtimer! It was only for a couple of days, but it was still a good thing to break away!

Above that, though, LIFE is just really time consuming.

Kind of an oxymoron. Like the time I heard some celebrity who got grim results for cancer and his reply was "I just don't have time to die" lol

Anyway Happy belated Birthday, my friend :)


Not life itself, really... but the things I suppose I have "chosen" to fill life with, in order to cover the eternal cost of the basics of living.

I'm learning this more and more myself! I used to be OCD about trying to respond to everyone who talked to me, but these days.. I just can't even keep up.. I have to realize that and let go to an extent.. At some point it just becomes too much and you have to focus on the things you find more valuable, and.. Reconnecting with myself and nature is one of those things as I've spent too much in front of the screens. BUT.. The screens are still important and have their place in my opinion. It's just tricky finding that right balance. :) Sorta like the Goldilocks thing! Not too much or too little, but.. Just right! Heh. Also.. Happy belated birthday!


Yup, finding balance is tricky. And it's still a "new frontier" of sorts, for those of us old enough to have lived in a world without email, and later without broadband internet and smartphones. Sure, the screens are important... and we have deliberately chosen to have a couple of mostly online businesses to "being attached" is pretty voluntary... but that still doesn't mean I don't pause and consider my "technological attachments."

Getting out matters, for sure. Nature heals. I try to get out a lot, too...

Welcome back!

LOL - I clear most of my emails each day in about 1 min just by deleting every email that is from a name I don't recognize.

I end up deleting most of mine, too. It's usually about 300-odd messages a day... it still takes a little while to scan them all, which I do... just in case there IS something "real" in there.

They are only real if you want a deal on erectile dysfunction drugs :)



happy birth day youngster.
I hear you about the email.
sux don't it?

Thanks Everitt.
It was actually nice to put the technology aside for a couple of days.
Marketing seems to be an inevitable part of life: If you support free markets, you have to deal with people marketing stuff to you. I'm OK with that, but it still sucks.

I haven't been posting as much lately either. I've been otherwise busy.

I've 'put the technology aside' by using my lithium Ion powered cordless hand tools to fabricate building materials comprised of synthetics and composites to enhance the appearance, utility and convenience of my home and shop.

Just call me CaveMan...

Happy Birthday!
Everyone wants to buy something. But for this you need money. Therefore, it is necessary to sell something: either time or knowledge, or physical strength ... Correct?


In a sense, it's the modern "cycle of life." Now the trading is just more "in our face" than when I would trade a bag of corn for a basket of apples.

So now I am 58, woo-hoo!

Aha! so, with 58 already eh? ¡Happy birthday mate!

And since you're getting dangerously close to the age of access to my club, here's my 'present' for you:

A short tutorial in spanish language so that btw, you can also learn some jocular spanish and know what is the general behavior of the members in our club so that you are well received. };)

Happy Birthday!!!
Sure, time is time consuming, but fortunately life is not just buy-consume-use, but life is also to celebrate a birthday in a nice way ;)

Thanks Silvia!
It was very nice to spend a couple of days mostly being concerned about food and friends.

Belated Happy Birthday Wishes @denmarkguy. 🎂 🍰 🎁

Glad you got a couple of days off even if you did have a bit of a pile to come back to. 😊

Thanks Gill!

It was really nice to mostly "worry" about food and hanging out with friends and a bit of local-ish family. Just underscored the reality behind my often recommending "technology breaks" to people.

I know what you mean @denmarkguy. I'm making a concerted effort to spend less time on the computer although it's hard at times when I'm doing research for a little break away plus trying to sort out a load of financial stuff. 😊

Yeah, I know what you mean. I actually have a couple of online businesses (eBay; our art gallery store) so I seldom have much choice in the matter... which I sometimes regret, but then I remind myself it also buys me a measure of freedom. So there's that.

Yeah. Most of my business endeavours for the last twenty years have been online @denmarkguy and I sometimes wonder what I would have done with all that time had the internet not been invented.

I would probably have spent more time coaching and probably stayed in the corporate world which, although I so desperately wanted to get away from, would have meant I spent more time around people.

No point in spending any energy on regrets but it would have been a different life. It is so easy to loose years, literally, in front of a computer screen.

I am doing great! You and my newborn daughter share a birthday ☺️

Cool! August was always "birthday month" in our family; there were something like eight or nine people in the extended family with August birthdays. Oddly enough, I'm now the only one still alive, from that group...

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