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RE: DAILY DIGITAL DETOX: A Steemit Community Life Series & Reminder. E.6 - Intentionally + Regularly Unplugging + my Quick Engagement Poll to you!

in #life8 years ago

These are good reminders for a lot of people.

My wife and I own a small alternative art gallery, and I "deliberately unplug" 6 days a week simply because I am there to engage with and interact with the customers who come in... so that's seven hours, every day. Aside from that, I consider walking around outside-- or on the beach-- to be a natural part of my mental health/wellness.

Although we both make a substantial part of our living online, my wife and I "connect" over morning coffee and breakfast every day, and over afternoon coffee after I/we get home from the gallery, and again over dinner, which we sometimes cook together. No technology present, except her iPad for recipes, perhaps. If our adult kids are visiting from nearby Seattle, we're far more likely to have game night (Monopoly or Cards Against Humanity or something like that) than anything involving technology.

Problem? I realized it was a problem when I was spending too much time in old style AOL chat rooms back in the 1990s... and I pretty much unplugged from excess technology then... I don't tend to tell others how to live their lives, though... so no points for that. Although I'm unlikely to hang out much with someone who's more interested in being with their phone than with me!

Don't know what that adds up to in points... but nice "review" exercise, anyway!


Great reply on this, TY very much for that.

It is great to see you and others aware of these things. I found today's (now yesterday's) post in this series here the best so far as comments go, I am really encouraged by this!

Also because weekends on here have seemed to be so slow with posts and comments and feedback I have noticed as a trend.

I am really thankful for your comments, and everyone's here, that took some time. Comments sections are always full of nuggets of good info, I have always said!

Have a good week, I am glad to see how aware you are of things.


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