Of Journeys, and Their Beginnings - and Steemit as a New Framework for Sharing

in #life7 years ago

Where do personal life changing journeys begin? And what are the triggers that set them in motion?

In recent days, I have been perusing some of the amazing articles and people that make up this community… realizing what a great variety of individuals have gathered around a seemingly common purpose of somehow sharing from the heart. 

Red poppies in the sun

Steemit "Sneaks Up on You!"

I think Steemit sneaks up on people, in some odd way. Many come here because they've heard there's "a social platform that pays." Quite a few come here because the venue was recommended by a friend; some (like myself) come here because they happen to be reading an article that was published here. 

Whatever our reason for arriving... it seems like a transformative process sets in, quite quickly. Somehow, the experience becomes "personalized." We might think we came here to "write articles," or to "make money," but a few weeks/months later... many folks-- somehow-- drop into their hearts and the personal stories and anecdotes begin to flow... documenting our journeys through life. 

Typically, this form of self-disclosure tracks a multitude of descriptions of journeys through life-- some through evocative poetry, some through visual art and photography, some through personal essays so moving it makes your chest hurt, some through literal travel journals from the road.

When we look at our fledgling community from a slightly different angle, we see that there are people of a vast age range, hundreds of nationalities... who are all in many different “places” on their journey through life, and towards gaining understanding of their particular places in the Universe. Some are celebrating successes; some undergoing great hardships, but all are travelers through life.

The World is Changing: A Point of Hope

Ornamental onion in bloom

Hope is usually the fuel that drives change. We may not always like change while it's actually happening-- it's scary, daunting and sometimes turbulent-- but at the end we're usually better off, or wiser in some way... or (at least) we have some good stories to tell around the community bonfire, real or virtual.

One thing that impresses me-- and gives me hope-- is the substantial number of people in their 20's who have already progressed well into their journeys... not just through life, but in terms of introspection, understanding themselves and seeking deeper meaning. 

They both give me hope for the world, as well as make me realize that I was barely even an “embryo” when I left home-- at least in terms of self-understanding. Sure, I had all the "functional" stuff dialed in... like balancing a check book, doing a tax return and cooking dinner for eight. But who was I?

I knew nothing of the world and the deeper meaning behind existence and knowing yourself, thanks to a fairly isolated childhood... and now I find myself-- at age 56-- reading the mature words of those who are parents of three, by age 23 and are now traveling the world and making a difference. And I think "wow!" At 23, I had zero awareness of anything that extended beyond worrying about how to secure shelter and food… but is that the whole story?


The Start of the Journey...

Maybe the point at which we “start” our journeys depends on where we have been; what our original environment was. 

Flowering shrubs

Let me "go all woo-woo" on you, for a few moments: Maybe the start depends on such things as “original wounds” and “sacred contracts.” Or perhaps we have “karmic lessons” that can only be learned at a specific time in life. Or perhaps it's all a matter of “environment.

Environment” can offer us strange pieces of the puzzle. 

I grew up in a family that was very progressive, in some ways– when I was little (mid- to late 60's) my parents grew all their own organic vegetables, and we composted, and used alternative energy solutions. Yet… it was not a “lifestyle,” nor were we part of some “movement.” In fact, my parents were outwardly about as conventional and conforming as people could be, with late model cars and a large house in a swank neighborhood– and they loathed “dirty smelly hippies.” 

More red poppies in the evening sun

We did what we did because it made sense, not because we were trying to make a statement.

If I learned a set of values to follow (as an adult) it certainly wasn't to "question and challenge the status quo," rather it was to “conform” and “how to get along” in the world without making waves. 

Thus, at 21, the thought of going to India or Nepal, or joining the Peace Corps, or having your entire life in a backpack as your wander your way around South America for several years did not even exist as a shadow in my reality. Instead, conventional thoughts like “getting ahead” and “career” remained at the forefront of my awareness till I was into my 30's, fueled by the old lessons of “getting along and getting ahead” as the highest and most positive attribute a person could have.

A Changing of the Guard... Sort Of

In my 30's, I started exploring alternative philosophies and ways of life. I went to numerous workshops and retreats, seeking understanding of both myself and the world... and how to make it a better place. What was noteworthy, though, was that I was in my 30's and often the youngest person at those retreats. The "older" participants would comment on "how refreshing" it was to see someone "younger" participate and learn. 

Yellow buttercups in the evening sun

What gives me hope is that in 2017, such venues are generously populated with 20-somethings. It gives me hope because maybe the world itself hasn't changed so much for the better, but the "change agents" are getting younger. Which is as it should be.

We don't need old farts like me to change the world; we need those who will "inherit" the world to change and shape it into something they want for themselves... and their children. Our best role as elders is to advise and say things like "Whoa. When you put those two elements together there will be a big explosion!" before it happens.

Wherever your journey started... and regardless of where it may be taking you... we're all on this trip together. And Steemit is becoming part of our framework; our infrastructure... a place where we share "updates from the road," and learn from each other.

And that's a beautiful thing!

How about YOU? How is your life journey going? When did you start thinking about how we can make the world a better place? Or DO your think that? Even while some of the "functional" parts of the world might be suffering a bit, does it seem like there's a growing subtext of understanding and change happening? Leave a comment-- share your experiences-- start the conversation!

(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Posted 20170624 10:29PDT


Thanks for sharing @denmarkguy. Inspirational as always.

For me personally, I have changed significantly since last year May, when I encountered a indigenous tribe (the Kogi) in Colombia. The Kogi people believe that nature should be preserved, and that we exist to care for the world - a world they fear we are destroying. They have witnessed landslides, floods, deforestation, and the drying up of lakes and river. The Kogi made me aware of the fact that all my activities ultimately have an impact at a larger scale. Since then, I have devoted more attention to decreasing my ecological footprint, with increased recycling, less usage of plastics, eating healthy and consume less meat, among others. Never felt any better.

That's beautiful-- thanks for the share! We receive our wake-up calls in so many distinct ways... although it's often a common thread that such moments of epiphany come at times when we don't expect them.

Thank you... for stopping by and commenting, and for being part of the solution!

pretty much except
I do NOT like to use the word sharing
it has unpleasant connotations.
rather virtue of selfishness (ayn rand)
and invisible guiding hand (adam smith)
PERFECTLY demonstrated by Steemit.

Yeah. I get it. A form of "Benevolent Selfishness."

An excellent post, and one i'd like to respond to with a blog myself soon.

Briefly though, my 'awakening' came at age 20 when i read the Science of Being and Art of Living by the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, which was suggested to me by my late father. The journey and its individual paths are never easy, but i feel content that I've tried to do the right thing, even if it has sometimes not worked out as expected.

Thanks for posting, i feel a little more inspired :)

Thank you-- glad you found something that touched you, here!

TM did help (and continues to help) millions... and any path that leads towards higher consciousness and a more peaceful understanding of the world and our place in it is a good path. I wish for you a rewarding journey!

I would highlight your worlds:

We did what we did because it made sense, not because we were trying to make a statement.

as for me I had an idea _ to change the world_ when I was a student.

Now, I'm helping the world to continue its evolutional path. I'm now here - on this planet - to help people and Earth to change/transcend their vibrations

Thanks! The more we can do to raise the overall consciousness level of the planet, the better off we all are. Thank you for doing your part!

Nice posting... I can not write long comment, because it is 2 am in my country, so it is time to sleep for me. I have read your posting, and thank you for sharing about a part of your life experience. Nice ! :)

Thanks, as always, for your comment and loyal following!

i love the pictures


Thanks for sharing this journey ! Mine has been going pretty great, lots of positivity in my life right now :)

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