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RE: Podunk Perspective

in #life7 years ago

A most excellent post. Love the ideas and perspective you put forth, about getting out of routine. And the idea of opinions placed within us by other's is so very true. Something I fight all the time. I don't know why human nature often seems to go to the negative first, but it seems pervasive. One has to fight it constantly. As you say, people are just people, whatever and wherever they are.

So glad you got to go down south and have such a marvelous time. And re-charge your batteries, whilst running about like a chicken. So very important. Well, time to go on a bikeride. Have a most wonderful night, and thanks for a well-created, very thoughtful post. (Not that the other's aren't also, just really struck a chord.) Well, I babble on in excess.Have a nice night.


Good evening dd!

You never babble, and I truly enjoy your perspective on things. I tend to have a lot of opinionated thoughts, yet mostly refrain from sharing them as I want to keep my blog a very welcoming, enjoyable destination. That said, sometimes I feel so strongly about an issue that I can't help myself, and opinion and bias osmosis is one of those themes that get me going!

I do so hope that your bike ride was lovely. I think I am going to go pass out, for I still haven't recovered from my sojourn to the southlands. I suspect that my fatigue has something to to with the complete lack of sleep and craziness that I encountered as soon as I departed the plane Tuesday night. Today, I reworked the grammar and composition of my boss' entire yearly board report, after I taught school all morning, and I have just sat down from coaching a double header volleyball game. Wow, look at me babble, lol! Good night!!!

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