Politicians visits houses now to meet persons with disabilities to campaign using a bribe and secure a vote right here in our neighborhood

in #life3 months ago



It is a norm for our politicians now here in my country to visit groups or specific sectors of our society like us PWD's to lend a "hand" for us but really is to campaign for their targeted positions in the government.

Some of my Barangay/Barrio officials had visited me to give me some "Ayuda" (Help/Support) in the form of basic necessities like canned foods, coffee, rice. Then the Mother of the Mayor also scheduled a visit for persons with disabilities (PWD) in our Barrio and gave me some Dineros ($) and a gift because she is campaigning for his Son which was the former Mayor of our town who unbelievably lost to an almost unknown candidate for some reason although I know what the reason was, well most possibly the people got some feelings of resentment because of funds which should go to the people of our town was grafted by the barangay officials (pocketed) if not also favored to give some of these funds to their relatives and friends. The former Mayor should factor in that bad and illegal system and not relying or trusting his Barangay officials because otherwise it will backlash on him when people of those barrios would start to feel a resentment and that feeling of being taken aside because of the "grafty" and corrupt Barrio council. Anyway, the representative of our District is said to visit me as a (PWD) which is the sector where I belong at the time of this writing and I am eagerly waiting for him for his "you know what ($)" for the reason which I already mentioned above, yes just to secure my vote for positioning him with some more years as a Congressman of our District here in my Province where I live. Now was the time that politicians are making themselves known to some voters like in some sectors while at the same time leaving out (maybe" the ones that they do not have a support from. In my town alone, the "people" in the Municipal hall who voted whom which is why it is important to really affiliate yourself to the local government or else you will not get a favor back and some of those "thins" that comes from the Municipal Mayor.



Politicians are now enduring the house to house visit no matter how hard it is because it is really worth the effort for them if they win.

I was not born yesterday but the is the reality of politics here in my part of the globe, you really have to be part of the winning candidate in order for you to get the basic benefits like getting an approval for your support requests, etc. just like what I shortly discussed above. Anyway, most of the time, higher positions in the government always becomes a dynasty because the candidates becomes more familiar to the voters which is why some political candidates who are more clever in knowing how to get the sentiment of their constituents will truly get another round to govern and rule in their seat of power. The Barangay officials are one of the most brutal ones which siphons for what basic things should go to the rest of the people in barrios because they are the control faucet from what the Mayor wholeheartedly is giving to the people.



Grafted branch for a fruiting or flowering plant or tree is good but "Grafted funds" is the common thing in politics to favor the only few on top in evil the game of graft and corruption.

But most of the time, these things given by the Mayor will either not go through or only a chump change will only go to the favored ones. For example, they will repack an already packed relief goods, taking out good stuffs like coffee, sugar, and other delightful foodstuffs and then the poor villagers will only receive noodle packs and canned goods if not the relief goods are just bled with all of the item from the packed relief goods items still there but are now not having the same amount. It is just one example on how corruption works because there are many more ways and means here in my part of the planet graft and corruption works within the smallest local administration unit.



Graft and corruption comes in many ways, means, and forms like skimming totally or partially for what belong or given to the people by corrupt lower officials where sometimes to the detriment of their superior like a good-heated Mayor but with a bad set of Barrio captains and councilor teams.

Well anyway at some point I did benefited a lot because of my former Barrio Captain bought an ambulance service for our Barrio which had been one of the best things that our Barrio council had made and benefits the people who needed it in times of medical support via transport in many cases and also during weather calamity like opting to get the service ambulance when the floods are all over the main roads where patients like me having a trouble from going to the hospital because our town really is part of our province which is known for being a catch basin when it rains hard over the rest of our province and nearby provinces. I already used the free ambulance with a dedicated free driver which I know for having a heart to really help the people who needs the ambulance like a patient like me in our Barrio. So in many occasions for my emergency travel to one of the government hospital in Manila where they are offering a free service besides the option of a private medical service. So we went there to fix my left arm's arteriovenous fistula problem with its junction part already aching because of its size where that part had gotten bigger due to the pressure and needs to be operated on as soon as possible to permanently solve my agony which I quite endured for many months longer than one years until I really can't take it anymore. So if not from the new free ambulance service with a dedicated driver from our barangay it would have been a very difficult situation already for me on top of my pain.



Now in cases of emergencies, the people in our Barrio can just notify the Barrio secretary or the Brgy. Captain to tell that they needed the Ambulance to use on their way to the nearest or hospital of choice and it is indeed a very good thing to have this free Ambulance services because of its importance for our Barrio alone.

So I thank God that my Barrio Captain at that moment within his term had chosen to make that free ambulance service a reality for me and for the rest of our Barrio before his term had ended. Right now he is enjoying his retirement by buying properties and some great cars, vacations and good life because really, he makes projects using the support of one of our current Senators to fund his project in our Barangay. Our own Barrio has at least four Barangay hall, the road had a renovation to lift it up, the Ambulance, and the things which I do not about are some of his past projects and these things are not cheap which is why you know why some politicians can really benefit from their positions and that is a given truth which also depends on their ability to enrich themselves in the process.



Sometimes members of the Barangay benefits greatly from the projects of their Brgy. Captain because of his industriousness on house to source funds for that project, it benefits him/her and the recipient and it really depends on who and the ability of the officials if they truly are there to at least make some good changes to help and benefit their unit of community.



Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

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