Cryptocurrencies Makes My Life Happier And Exciting Despite Of My Condition 👛💱💰💵👐🏻steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life5 years ago (edited)


Lessening The Boring Life

It is a hard thing for me stay in bed 24/7, it is really unimaginable if not for what I am doing here everyday plus some other Internet activities which is mainly listening to song (over and over) and downloading and watching movies and it is really a plus factor that I am involved in a cryptocurrency realm where things get more exciting as days or months passes by.

I am really just worried that someday I will die leaving this world and not seeing what happened to BTC, Eth, and of course the steem price but of course I am dead already so I will not be worried with all that. But had it if not been for cryptos and all these things my life really will be unbearable like in my first years as a dialysis patient where I just spend the whole day sitting around close to crying and having the feeling of worthlessness and not being productive at all.


Even If I Could Not Walk, Cryptos Would Make Me Fly To The Moon

But today at least I am earning a bit and feeling happy because there nothing on earth that I could have this kind of opportunity but from steem platform only because I haven't finished college, I have no trades that I have learned nor skills to share but to just only share my thoughts and experiences through creative writing as I see it.

Now my worries of not being treated with dialysis or not being able to afford my necessary and expensive medicines is being wiped-off because of my involvement in cryptos into which some of my relatives or even my close relatives are not believing and seeing it as just a ponzi or a thing which should not getting involved with.

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Earning Money Is Through Cryptos Is Truly A Heaven-sent Opportunity That Makes My Life Not To Go Into Hopelessness

I am just sad that none of them are also in steem(it)/steem platform but my niece which I am not still sure if she is blogging everyday because she just told me that she forgot her password >o< so I just have to check out her account and make sure that she have all her keys before I could support her here. She is underage and I do not know if it is allowed but at least she had done the first steps in being involved with cryptos.

My niece is not yet sure on what to take for College and maybe I can persuade her into computer-related degrees but of course she should take the course that she is liking or passionate about and from some suggestion. But anyway I am just disappointed that my brother is not even glancing in cryptos. I told him about mining BTC when it was still five cents and if he just listened to me we would have been millionaires already (with millions too to have lost as well).


I Just Hope The Some Of My Relatives Could Get The Chance To Go To The Moon With Me

So cryptos makes me want to live another day, it makes me smile and it makes me happy but with a little worry on the side of literally dying and leaving all my cryptos behind. I now just maybe make some will of how they can access my digital assets so that they could benefit from what I had been tinkering and fiddling about from my laptop al these past years.


I Am Certain That I Could Leave This World With Cryptos Behind But I Have To Make Sure They Could Be Used By My Family


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I worry about the same thing... leaving my crypto behind when family doesn't grasp the concept/care about learning how to access it.

Set up LastPass and add them as an emergency contact. Leave instructions there or where to find help. I wrote a post on this a few weeks ago.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you!! I will check it out!

I think I will have to make some instructions and put it in an envelope where my mother could see it and also tel it that my brother @tamaralovelace in case that I would pass-away leaving behind a good amount of crypto.

Sounds like you need to make certain your niece can make use of any crypto you leave behind.... this is in a way your life legacy and it would be sad to just see it end.... even if she just spends it I’d think knowing your efforts while alive has contributed to the future of your family in some way should be consoling in some way for you... maybe your legacy puts your niece through collage to be the next leader of her field... if I was you it would be the one that has shown interest that gets my crypto and I’d be certain to have the talk with her about it being your life’s work and not to take it for granted 🙏

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Yes it pains me too and it is quite a disappointment plus frustrating and disheartening that my brother is not interested in cryptos while I am still not sure if she would indulge in steeming or not @d00k13

Can’t control what people do with the opportunity you provide for them but you wouldn’t want to teach the man whom is vegan to hunt if you get what I’m trying to say.... she showed interest at some level and is the best bet even to just make use of it for her future

I totally relate, every single person I have introduced has shortly thereafter walked away... only the ones likely to get sucked into get rich quick scams seem to be willing to humour me with interest but it’s never about creating to get paid rather it’s always about how to “get rich quick”.

I have wondered many times about my legacy... what impact does my participation have on the platform, my life and those I am in contact with in real life....

The platform - so far I feel as if my impact on the platform is only relative to how engaged I am with the STEEM feedback loop despite what my real opinion of the conduct on the platform really is...

My life - has been where I gain value as finding a therapeutic outlet in writing I had not known has related deeply to finding myself but that only came through the interest in crypto FOMO... essentially “get rich quick” brought me here...

Real Life - having belief in something seen as non tangible by public opinion has put me in a place of continuously being ostracized by my peers... my interest in the platform is also a pain I must now carry as each time they ask how things are going I know they do not have any interest to join in rather it’s just a “told you so” argument they wish to start... best example it’s like the argument between scientists and deeply religious believers, I am the deeply religious believer in STEEM for this scenario.... ostracized by unproven hypothesis taken as proven theory yet looking at historical records(current financial systems as if scripture of the religious) we find data points which make proving anything impossible till after the fact....

In other words, their interest will only come till after the fact. In the same way we have been trying to disprove the stories of scripture with science only to find evidence to prove that these stories were actually historical events which has brought interest to where the truth of that scripture actually lies we are writing that story for future generations to scrutinize

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People are not really accustomed into this kind of social blogging network as I call it @d00k13 so there are just a few people that can do this because most people I think prefers a Facebook-like community where they are just satiated with somebody liking their post not knowing that they should get incentivized as well for using the network and more.

My niece is still young and I just am hoping that she will soon get to know steem some more in the future, I haven't checked out on her lately too.

Best regards Sir. :D

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