
Thank you!! My gift is to inspire, that is what I do! I am not a master of anything but I am a deep soul and a lover of life. Those who inspire from the genuine sacred heart bring good fortune and health back into the fold. If we continue to do and be who we genuinely are even when the world wants to ignore, kill or deny us our worth and value we can be sure we have contributed quality to the mathematical equations of the matrix or what I have coined the "May-Tricks". When we follow our inner light and truth it has a powerful positive light wave effect. We can't judge things so superficially we must mine our own soul and look within and do our homework; it's too easy to jump ship and bail when things get stormy, unsettling our CNS. I have never been in my comfort zone, everywhere I travel I am a fish out of water but it does not stop me from being my true self and reaching out or trying something I'm deathly afraid of. Nothing comes easy for me. There are many who do the "hard work" of battling the collective "spiritual demons" so to speak to set us all free. And there will always be hucksters and con men who copout and reap benefits they have not earned (that is the world of killing and eating) However, if we are too quick to judge we might miss the gifts and fortunes that are being given by the most unlikely souls. Thank you for listening and understanding that makes my journey into the unknown worth my time and efforts spent. It's always wonderful to connect with you @cryptonet.

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