Are You Nesting In A Good Place?

in #life6 years ago

"Some men ease themselves like setting hens into the nest of death."
- John Steinbeck -

As a member of the praise team at church,

once or twice a month I'm scheduled to sing at multiple services.

Between Sunday services, I was sitting on the church patio enjoying the beautiful spring weather.

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Is Your Nest Safe?
Image courtesy of Irina Blok and

NOTE: Clicking on most of the following images will reveal a larger sized version, in case you want to examine the nitty-gritty details.

Sitting alone quietly,

I noticed a long fiber stirring in the wind, hanging from one of the propane heaters. Thinking that it might melt or catch fire the next time the heater was lit, I got up to remove it.

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A Propane Heater on the Church Patio
Original image by @creatr

Looking more closely,

I discovered that a bird had built a nest at the top of the heater just under its watershed cap.

In the bird's eyes, it probably seemed like a really good idea at the time. After all, if you look at the heater, you'll see that the cap extends broadly out on all sides, providing an excellent umbrella to keep water off.

Furthermore, this particular platform for a nest is located about seven feet above the ground, far from possibility of flooding. The pole that supports the heater head is narrow and quite slick, likely impossible for squirrels and other predators to climb.

Therefore, the bird was no doubt convinced that it had found a prime nesting place, somewhere to raise its young in peace and safety.

In the closeup below,

you can see one edge of the clever bird's nest, bits of highly flammable material peeking out over the edge of the fire chamber.

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Looking more closely, I could see there was a nest on top...
Original image by @creatr

But, you can see the problem, right?

The poor, naive bird had chosen the business end of a propane heater for its nesting place.

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Propane and ignition controls.
Original image by @creatr

Check out the controls.

All it would take is for someone, unaware of the nest, to turn the dial and click the ignitor button. Before you know it, the bird and its offspring would be cooked. From a human perspective, the danger of the nest catching fire and dropping flaming pieces on people below is also obvious.

Loosening the retaining screws,

I lifted off the cap and removed the nest. I was glad to discover that it contained neither eggs nor dead birds.

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Thank God, the nest was unoccupied.
Original image by @creatr

Having eliminated the fire danger,

my mind moved on to contemplating the situation and imagining it as a metaphor for how and where we build our lives.

We all build our lives on ideas and beliefs.

We think that we've examined those ideas, and that they provide a reasonable foundation for us and our children. Just as the bird in my story had concluded that it had an excellent nesting place.

By most measures, it did.

However, the bird had overlooked the underlying reality, something beyond its ability to grasp. It was in danger, and had put its family in danger without understanding or realizing the fact.

Are you nesting in a good, safe place?

I'd like to suggest that it may be worth your while to consider that question carefully.

As you can tell by reading my writing, I have become convinced that the man commonly known as Jesus is in reality the one who created the universe and everything in it. He is our Creator, and—that being true—it behooves us to recognize and acknowledge him as such.

What I find remarkable and amazing is this:

Jesus is a kind and benevolent Creator. He invites us to become part of his endless kingdom.

Jesus is spoken of throughout scripture as a Rock, as a solid foundation for our lives. I would not want my life built on anything or anyone else. My trust for this life and for the future are entirely in Jesus' hands.

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The business end of the heater.
Original image by @creatr

Don't build your life in a bad place.

I invite you to read John's book and consider carefully what Jesus had to say about himself. Consider grounding your life on reality, on a solid foundation, on the Rock who is Jesus Christ.

"Even the sparrow finds a home,
    and the swallow a nest for herself,
    where she may lay her young,
at your altars, O Lord of hosts,
    my King and my God."

- Psalm 84:3 -


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@creatr @creatr @creatr

Oh my - not a great place to put a nest is it - glad you got it out of there :)

Yeah... poor bird just didn't "get it."

Thanks, Andy... :D

I'm glad you saw the nest and got it out. Poor little bird didn't know it made a big mistake on where it built it's home. I always try to show compassion when animals find their way into the human world where it is dangerous. Lately I've found myself catching mice to rescue them from my cats and releasing them down the road. Animals see safety and food and comfort but don't realize the dangers of making a home in the wrong spot.

It is sort of a dilemma, isn't it, owning predators as pets? :D

We love our cats and dogs, but they naturally attack the birds and rodents...

Yep, it's a good thing we can intervene from time to time to help overcome the poor critters' limitations! :D

Cute little fella, glad you have a heart and relocated their fam.

Thanks for the cute GIF. ;)

I'm so very glad you saw the nest @creatr... what a tragedy it would have been had you not. God does work in mysterious ways! Thank you so much for sharing this. You touched my heart!

Thank you for your kind remarks.

I've been on steemit about a month, never have I seen anyone who boldly proclaims their faith like you. God bless your kind heart sir.

Thank you, @promisearts, and welcome to Steemit. :)

Trust me, there are many other Christians here on Steemit. If you just keep looking around, you will certainly find them. Meanwhile, I hope you might enjoy my library? Just click on the GIF below to find it.

In my library I hope you'll discover many things of interest, and notice that there is a "Christianity" shelf that focuses specifically on Jesus.



a parable drawn from daily life - something Jesus would teach using metaphors such as building a house on a rock foundation rather than sand - a further illustration - I always felt, even as a child, that technology was dangerous because it was heartless- I don't expect others to share that view but I came across a story by Ray Bradbury that came close - you probably know it -

Thanks for the link...

I read Bradbury's collection of short stories, "Golden Apples of the Sun," many years ago and I recall that story about the flying machine. Re-reading it today, I find it as horrifying now as I did then. All too realistic, believable... and all too utterly wrong.

Don't know if you noticed, but this incident definitely reminded me of the rock and sand parable, and I linked to it at the end of my story.

I love Bradbury's writing, especially The Martian Chronicles. I had the privilege of meeting the man once, and witnessed a very strange situation involving him. I must write the story about that some day...

Beautiful post my fiend. Yes God takes care of the little sparrows and He even more takes care of us. You did a beautiful thing. I love the metaphor you shared. i can so relate to sharing stories like these. Blessings @creatr.

Have you ever heard George Beverly Shea sing "His Eye is On The Sparrow?" :D

Indeed I have many times. I grew up hearing him on the Billy Graham TV crusades. I also have sang and played it. Thanks. @creatr.

God l is simply the all knowing and the creator of all.
Thanks for the awesome piece, life can be at times unfavourable and unfair and this at times make people uncautiously build or live their life in the wrong way.
But jesus the merciful and compassionate is always ready to show them the way and turn their life around for good thus showing them the perfect way and right place to build their life.
Thanks for this, it was really worth the read.

Thanks for your encouraging comments.

@creatr God rewards perseverance, I have found the parrots in their coco nest to be the most sympathetic. A hug

Thanks, my friend.

I am living in the secret place of the Most High, under his Shadow, totally safe.

Amen, and PTL! :D

Here's a fun way to PTL with symbols.... \o/ Thot you might like that :)

Nice... Thanks, and \o/ :D

That's the best place anyone can be

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