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RE: Things You Should Stop Saying to your Chronically-Ill Friends.

in #life7 years ago

Hey Laura.

People talk about the disadvantaged, the marginalized, etc so much in relation to various demographic descriptors. Personally, I feel the chronically ill are the most underrepresented in terms of their voice, their visibility, relative to their suffering.

I could tell you who I think is on the opposite end of that scale; the least oppressed people with the loudest voice, but that would surely get me in trouble with someone!

Anyway, hang in there. I know it's frustrating and lonely at times. Only yesterday, someone was telling me about their business idea for me. They meant well, but it was pie in the sky stuff. When I told them they were overestimating my energy and stamina, they accused me of being a pessimist.

As chronically ill people, (especially those of us with "invisible illness") we rely so much on the compassion, patience and understanding of others, but some days, that seems to be in very short supply.

Kudos for being so open about it. I don't yet have the courage to bring the subject to my main page.


Awwww. I know what you mean man.... I got called pessimistic the other day for saying the meds I was getting likely would not work. Guess what? They didn't. They caused retention. I am not being pessimistic I am just trying not get my hopes up because I can't handle being let down again. Also, I am being realistic because no single med works for many IC people.

I've had similar happen with "You can do this job!" like you experienced. sigh

You are so right and I guess I can't be upset at the people for not understanding something they haven't experienced but even before I was ill I still had a lot of empathy toward ill people. Bah, some people aren't wired that way.

Thanks for the comment. Just reading from someone who "gets it" can be refreshing since most people make me feel crazy for having such feelings.

And you are right about the being underrepresented as well.

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