Unhealthy Expectations IV, Contributed By @Olawalium

in #life5 years ago

…continued… from part 1, part 2 and part 3


We need to stop having unhealthy expectations about people. Just because you are close to someone doesn’t mean it is their duty to do one or two things for you. Let it come from their heart and stop feeling angry when they haven’t done anything. I used to get angry while growing up that dad passed away, so naturally, everyone should have known and then reach out to me or us in kind or cash. What I failed to understand is everyone is busy trying to make their own ends meet too.

I got to the point where I had to understand this fact and I stopped having unrealistic expectations because with more expectation comes bigger disappointment and these people are not bound by anything to be nice to me or to give me anything. It should be an act of free will and never a forced action. I am glad I understood this fact 10 years ago.


A co-worker told me that he is disappointed with our boss because he felt he should have assisted him in the building of his house. I laughed and laughed and laughed. Please, where was that written in the appointment letter? I don’t seem to understand the entitlement we feel sometimes and when I give advice to someone and he or she doesn’t listen, I just keep quiet.

Never hold anyone by the hand or by the button in order to be heard. You should rather hold your tongue than them.

I told him that because the boss is a nice man doesn’t mean he should have that unhealthy expectation. His commitment is to pay your salary and nothing else. If he decides to do something else after that jurisdiction, then it is a privilege and not a right. I asked him that when he bought the land, didn’t he factor how he wants to build his house? He said he did and I asked him why then is he expecting the unexpected?

…to be continued…

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

If you enjoyed this post, follow @Olawalium


Though, there are things called our entitlement, those are things we work for or merit because of what you have done but other than that we never deserved anything. Many will say our parents are responsible for our up keeping fine that is fine but if we expect too much from them we will sometimes meet with disappointment. The button line is that we should limit our expectations.

It is good to have expectations but they should be realistic. The same boss my co worker was expecting to help him, he seemed to have forgotten that he also have a family too. We need to be considerate in our expectations.

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