Playing Smart V, Contributed By @Olawalium

in #life5 years ago

…continued… from part 1 and part 2, and part 3 and part 4.


There is no shame in making that mistake; having the child out of wedlock. You have made one, and then, make sure you don’t make another, by forcing marriage. Having a child for someone is not equivalent to love. I feel the family of the lady also made a huge mistake by asking her to go through with the wedding. They should have called it off. The guy made it all look like he was doing them a favour by marrying her and that is a bigger shame.

In life, we should never forget how things can change so quickly. The guy felt he was comfortable and she had no job, but he failed to believe in the best for his wife and marriage doesn’t run that way. The foundation has been faulty already which is why she said she hasn’t forgiven the guy even after nine years. It took the guy’s business to fail for him to realize how quickly things can change. If this lady eventually agrees to do the court for him, then he should pick a vital lesson from this and see it as a second chance to do things right.

She said she didn’t forgive the husband for what he did nine years ago and since she knew how unsatisfied she was about the guy’s choice, why go along with the marriage? Never marry someone you know you can never forgive. Think of the worst thing that the person can do, and think about the thing that can hurt you the most, to see if you can forgive that person you are involved with. If you picture it and you can’t forgive him or her, then there is no point in getting married to that person.


The father too obviously didn’t forgive the husband and it shows that the husband never made any attempt to make things right between himself and his father-in-law over the years. That obviously showed that they were not close in any way and that is not healthy. It could have been forgiven if they were close. The father could have changed the daughter’s mind if they were close and of course, as it stands, even if she wants to forgive the husband, the father is a huge stumbling block right now.

I am angry about the perceived lack of maturity from the husband. You knew what you did nine years ago, you never apologized for it and yet you are moving around to dent your wife’s image that she is not loyal when you clearly brought this upon yourself! Humans are selfish in nature, no doubt. He is expected to be humble enough to plead by accepting defeat rather than trying to guilt her into seeing things his way. That doesn’t show maturity in any way and it shows manipulation.

I would advise the lady to follow her heart and do what she feels she can live with. She should put into consideration if the man has been responsible if the man truly loves her and if he takes care of the kids too. All these should be able to influence her decisions too.


Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

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This is a serious issue, all of them are at fault. Though the husband made a lot of mistakes. He should have pled after misbehaving. I think the best way now which i know will be difficult is for the family to hold a meeting and resolve issues inorder to make peace to reign. They should think of the fact that the guy never married another lady even though he didn't married her legally. Something, I do see certificate has paper because it can never hold two people together though it serves as a symbol of the love.

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