Forward Thinking Plans and wants for the Communities I support

in #life6 years ago

Dear Steemit Friends,

In today's society most of us work for a living. Working is a necessity in life that none of us can escape, we all work in some form or fashion. Not everyone is lucky enough to do something they love and we are constantly on a journey to find something that matches not only our skill-sets, but our interests. I myself at one time loved what I did for a living and couldn't think of doing anything else, but as I grew in my career and business needs changed, that passion has evolved. I find myself today on my own journey trying to find something I enjoy doing and and trying to make a career out of it.

I currently have a full time job which allows me the flexibility to do something I love - Steemit and projects for the Communities I support. Granted, Steemit does occasionally take the focus away from my actual job, I still manage to be able to allocate my time well enough to ensure all my responsibilities are cared for.

With that in mind, I wanted to share with the everyone my plan for all of the communities I support. I'm sure after you read this, you will realize and agree that most people will have similar goals. My plans do not just focus on myself but for everyone I involve myself with.

How do you feel about your career?

Because I have had jobs and careers that I do not necessarily love and just do because I have to survive, I understand how some people feel. A lot of us want to disconnect and get away from working for someone else and if you feel like me, you are thinking the following:

  • In most cases you do all the work and someone else benefits.
  • You have no control over your career
  • You constantly feel like you need to prove your value
  • You can't do what you want when you want
  • Doing something always requires you to provide justification or proof-of-concept
  • Your decisions are not always your own
  • Concerns about losing your job

If you feel any of the above, we are in the same boat. Always worrying about aspects of your job and career leads to distractions from focusing completely on your job and career. Most of us work for someone and some us (not all of us) just wanna do our own thing. Unfortunately, not all of us can afford to take risks and venture to do our own thing. I can't count how many times I have been told to take a risk, or that not working will force you in the direction to take a risk. Both statements are true, but easier said than done. I could have probably taken more risks when I was younger, but what about now when I am older, what about all of us who now have responsibilities and families to care for?

This is where my plan comes into play

Vision and Mission

I am about to celebrate my 2 year anniversary with Steemit. All throughout my Steemit career, I have felt that this platform and ecosystem has a lot of potential. Not potential for itself, but also potential for its users. The ability to improve lives and free people from their everyday careers. I have lived and visited places all over the world and I have seen how people work endlessly in jobs which do not pay enough to care for everyday living expenses. I have seen first hand how earnings from Steemit can change all of this, in some cases, providing an even better standard of living for some people.

My ongoing plan has been to create and support communities which will help people become successful in doing something they love and get paid for it. An "open-source corporation" is what I am coining this term. Essentially what I want to do is eventually incorporate the communities I create and offer a physical space (similar to @sndbox) where people can go to "work." It's an ecosystem where people use Steemit to support one another and the community itself.

In this open-source corporation there is no hierarchy. It's just people doing what they love and helping each other succeed. You may be saying - "isn't that just like Steemit?" Yes and no. It is like Steemit because it uses the Steem blockchain, but instead of just posting and hoping for support, people will be encouraged to support one another as well as gain support from various community tools.

The initial phase is to create and setup physical spaces where community members can collaborate and/or have resources at their disposal to create content. This includes PCs, office space, and studio space which will be accessible once they join the community. I am considering an initial monthly fee, however over time, would like the space to pay for itself through various activities involving the Steemit platform. This space will employ a number of curators who will also serve as teachers and coaches to continuously guide visitors on how to become better content creators.

Tools such as bots and support from community whales will help to promote content and ensure that people are recognized and rewarded for their contributions.

As most of you know, I have been heavily involved with Steemit Philippines, so I expect to start with that community. I feel countries in SEA have the potential to benefit most from what this and Steemit has to offer. It also has the fastest growing community and probably the most cost friendly environment to kick this project off. With growth in these regions, the potential for 360-degree returns for all is greatest and will allow for easier expansion across the rest of the regions I want to grow.

I want to create a place where everyone can work for themselves, be there own boss, do what they love and get compensated for it. A career where you can do what you want, whenever, and wherever you want. Doesn't that sound like a dream career? It does for me... and I am willing to make that initial investment to not only help myself, but others achieve it.

More to come! Please follow me if you are interested in getting updates as things move forward.

Please also upvote and resteem if this is something that excites you!

Image Sources: [1] [2] [3]


This is really a great idea!

For a working mom like me, Most of the time I just want to stay home and take care of my son personally. But I always think twice, thrice, several times, that if I quit my job, where will I get money to support the needs of my son? Although his Dad have his job and can support him, it doesn't just end there. Knowing that even the both of us are working, our earning isn't enough. Until this platform was introduced to me, I began to have hope that someday, I'll be able to be a full time mom while earning. Earning in sharing what I want and sharing what I love. Even though I am not earning much here right now, I know I will succeed someday, if I believe and if I try harder :)

You know, I've registered Steemit for 37 days. But I am really interested in it. Before, I just worked as an English teacher, and no more other work. I feel very bored because always keep doing the same things everyday. But now, I feel happy when I can share my life with somebody outside. I can wake up at 3 A M to check my steemit, comment, or write blog. Steemit really makes my life better. Always follow and upvote you

Thanks for the support. Yes... Steemit has changed lives and can continue to change your life for the better. You get to do what you love and get paid for it, in many cases, you can make more than your everyday job!

Happy afternoon, friend you are tireless every day you do much more good things, you are an example to follow, I am grateful to find you even in the distance I have learned from that constancy that you always have and that fighting spirit, that your life is always full of successful successes. I'm excited boy hehehe

Thanks @maxili63. I appreciate the kind words and support!

Count me in cloh. Let me know what you need. And wow 2 years on Steemit! I didn't realise!

Right! Time passes by so fast. before we know it another 2 years will go by and hopefully by then everything will already be in place and moving at a steady pace!

Looking for the steady pace part for sure. Here's to more years 🍻

People do not think of the success of human beings, they are short of any work. They work hard and work hard because they achieve success.

We must work hard to earn a living in our society, achieve success in the workplace, your post is very good sir, which teaches us,

We have to achieve success through our efforts. Your post will be very good, sir

Your caption was in mid-logic because the words were planned

We have to work hard to earn livelihood in our society because of hard work, success can be achieved, your post is a very good sir, which teaches us,

Because of the good success of human life, people have been working hard to work because they bring success to men

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