How Big Oil Conquered the World: An Informative Documentary About A Global Conspiracy! Part #12

in #life6 years ago (edited)


I recently watched How Big Oil Conquered the World.

This is a great documentary to watch if you want to learn of how Standard Oil took control of our world economy. I highly recommend for you to subscribe to Corbett Report on Youtube and follow Corbett's website to stay informed on the elitist's plans to take over our world!


@corbettreport is also on Steemit, Corbett Report is one of my personal favorite alternative news outlets.

I have already released Part #1, Part #2, Part #3, Part #4, Part #5, Part #6, Part #7, Part #8, Part #9, Part #10 and Part #11 of this series. I highly recommend for you to read through these first to better understand this post.

Last time we will learn how the secret Bilderberg meeting was planning political and business responses to a monetary crisis they believed would threaten the dominance of the US Dollar.

Today I will discuss how the oiligarchs amassed riches beyond anyone's imagination and how they invented the public relations system.

Oil Monopolization At It's Simplest

In the last part of this series we discovered how the oiligarchs managed to increase oil's price by 400%.

In the second part of this operation, Henry Kissinger negotiated another deal.

In exchange for US arms and military protection, Saudi Arabia would price all their oil in dollars and those dollars would be laundered through treasuries in Wall Street banks.

This deal was more beneficial than anyone could imagine for the oiligarchs. First they received a reason to increase the price of their product, secondly they received huge flows of money into their banks.

Rockefeller’s Chase Bank received revenues that reached $14 Billion a year during the peak of the oil crisis.


Petrodollar Era

With the introduction of a new system "the petrodollar", the oiligarchs had more power over the world's economy than anyone could imagine at the time.

The world could never be the same once it had experienced an economy that was backed by a commodity controlled by such a small group of individuals.

If you were a competitor to these families at the time, you would be bought out almost immediately.

The Oiligarchs Wanted More Than To Control The World...

The early twentieth century marks when the oiligarch's decided they had a new goal. They no longer cared about maximizing profits or expanding their control of the oil industry.

It was to control and shape the world itself. Its resources. Its environment. And it's people. LINK

This meant the oil giants needed a public relations makeover. While John D. Rockefelle was alive he was hated by the public. People though of him as the dirty, money driven head of the Standard Oil octopus which was strangling the world with all eight tentacles.


Personal Relations Godfather

Being one of the richest men in history at the time... John D. was overwhelmed by the people waiting outside of his office to seek his help and the general poor condition of the world he had created.

Rockefeller had an answer: Invent the PR industry. This was done by hiring Ivy Ledbetter Lee, journalist turned communication pro. Lee invented the modern public relations industry to shine the reputation of Rockefeller which was tarnished at the time.

A true master of public relations

Lee used the same media which discredited Rockefeller to make him into a credible, sympathetic figure.

A notable classic was Rockefeller "giving their name" to Rockefeller Centre and producing a film with John D. handing out dimes in public.

We have to understand that the power of the new technology at the time (moving picture film) was a powerful tool to spread propaganda.


PR Stunts Do Not Cut The Mustard

The people wanted money, this was easy for Rockefeller to understand.

Rockefeller did however have a plan to profit from this, he would donate his fortune towards the installment of public institutions which would be under his control and were to be used to bend the will of the society which he would be "helping".

In the next part of this series we will learn how how the oiligarchs centralized the education system.

Image sources found by clicking on the image itself.

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