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RE: Thursday's With Uncle Boom #5

in #life7 years ago

So many things...

  1. You on that horse.
  2. "... in the 21st century not every problem can be solved by sticking a big fat shit in someones mouth"
  3. SpamFarmer2: Have you looked?
    Uncle Boom: I most certainly did.
    I am afraid it's shit.
    SpamFarmer2: Can you upvote please?

😭 😭 😭

Auto upvote to follow shortly.


Hehe, I am glad there is more than one thing to laugh at! :0D

The horse pic rawks!!

i so can relate hahahaha
spam farmer got a new cloak now ;)
these days no more links
just chimes about their post - discrete attack

Yes they plan it well now. Often I get pings about my opinion on starting out and then inevitably it turns into perhaps you would like to view my work gaaar

planned indeed!

They are awfy cunning the low folk hehe ;O)

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