Where there is life, there is struggle – you are not too old to learn . 生命不息,奋斗不止— 学习的脚步不停歇

in #life6 years ago


Yesterday, there was a training program for us in the company , all of us were grateful to hear that the world was changing so fast that we didn’t reflect what it was, the next new thing has already started. If you want to keep up with the development of the society, you must keep learning.



Every aspect of life is being updated, and no one can keep it for a long time. Our knowledge, skills, houses and cars will be depreciated as the years go by. Our minds need more innovation.

In the changeable working career, it is even more so. People who are active in thinking and ability are constantly emerging. You are competing with thousands of people every day.

Do you dare to say that you can't keep up with the progress of society when you don't improve your ability? Only by constantly learning knowledge and improving skills can we maintain our own advantages to compete.

花 3.jpg

What Peter James done made us admire him most is that he is an excellent person in his profession, he is not complacent. Instead, he chooses to continue studying, and made his business reach the top. When your work is going well, you should make your effort to learn . When the work is not going well, you will need to learn more and exceed your past grade .

In the future, Professional competition will no longer be the competition between knowledge and professional skills, but the competition of learning ability. If a person is good at learning and willing to keep learning, his future will be bright.


If you know what you need to learn, act out immediately, don't delay, and don't take any excuse.
The old saying goes: "if you have a hole in your boat, take time to fill it up." Otherwise, you will lose more chances to achieve success.

昨天单位有个小小的培训项目,听完之后颇有感概,这个世界变化太快, 在你还没反应出是什么的时候,下一个新的事物已经开始了。要想跟上社会的发展,就要不停的学习。


在风云变幻的职场中,更是如此。思想活跃,能力超群的人不停的涌现,你每天都在与万人竞争,你敢说你不提高自己的能力,依然能跟的上社会前进的脚步? 只有不断的学习知识, 提升技能,才能保持住自己的优势,才能有竞争力。




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Welcome to follow, upvote and resteem@bxt


Peter James done made us admire him most is that he is an excellent person in his profession No Doubt

thank you for your comment .

learning is important to all of us.

yea, you are right .

thank you dear.

You are totally right.. We should keep improving ourselves by learning everyday more and more things. The world is changing so fast. So we should add more skills to us either in business or in private life..

agree with you .

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