Thanks for Women’s Day 感恩节日

in #life6 years ago


Today is March the 8th, women's day. I guess most of the women around the world are celebrating their festival . Today , my company not only prepared a small gift, some flowers, but also some nice to eat and drink, lunch is also very rich at noon, but it’s a pity that I did not take photos . then , in the afternoon , we had a good time together , we watched our performance made by ourselves.

When I got home , my husband has finished cooking , he cooked two dishes that we love to eat , hah , I hope every day is women’s day , how happy I am !

But the happiest thing for me is my house is going to be finished on decorating . The master said it was a gift to be sent to the hostess, thank you for his kindness.

In fact, what I want to say today is also the expression of my admiration for the master of carpentry. There are a lot of cabinets in my home. He can do it for nearly a month or so. It's really not bad. My kitchen is small, he can design it not only think about its use but also think about its beauty. It’s really not easy .


After the cabinet is finished, it is what I want to need . He uses the most space and if I put on the door of the cabinet , I think it must be beautiful . I am looking forward to the effect of the cabinet .

There will always be a little surprise in our life , my flower orchid is going to bloom, for me this is very difficult to keep it well, now , it has the bud , and going to bloom, I am really happy. I only wait silently to see its bloom.


兰花 2.jpg

Cherish every ordinary moment and ordinary day , this is also a kind of happiness. What do you think ?


回到家里还有老公的表现, 自己亲自下厨,做了大家都喜欢吃的菜,哈哈,这天说起来过的还真是好,希望女神节天天有,不仅在一天。

让我更为高兴的是,今天木匠师傅的活也都干完了, 用他自己的话说,今天交工,也算献给女主人的节日礼物了。

其实我今天要说的也是表达对木工师傅的敬佩。我家打的柜子很多,他能在将近一个月左右的时间独立完成,也真是厉害。而让我欣赏的是,我家的厨房地方小, 不好设计,想要功能齐全,节约空间, 美观又实用还真的费些心思。

柜子做完之后, 完全符合我的想法,该用的地方也都用到了,效果还是非常不错的。如果柜门安装上以后,那效果就出来了。 我还是很期待安上柜门后的效果的!


珍惜每个平凡的日子, 这也是一种幸福!


This is wonderful.
Permit me to celebrate my younger sister with this words, though she might not see it.

So her name is Victoria,
I want to celebrate you for your bravery
For your love and sacrifice.
Due to financial situation you gave up going into the University for me to finish first, I love you for this.
For working and trying to be successful in life and in relationships, I celebrate you.
Thank you so much and I will try to make you proud when I'm fully done.
Stay strong for me.
Happy women day, for you are my powerwoman.

And happy women day to every ladies out there.

good post ! thank you .

day kabahagia woman very nice.

thank you , dear .

Hello my friend, everything is going very well, beautiful plants, happy women's day for you!

happy festival ! the same to you , thank you .


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