
Well, if part of my PUZZLE has a GREAT WHITE...

I did leave @cryptocrusaders a 47 METERS DOWN sneak peak MEMORY on the STEEM Blockchain...



You can also avoid the problem by picking a different puzzle!

Just being Josh


Lets just hope I will blogging with you on steemit on shark week!


Yup! I'm still holding you to the pixabay protocol, though...I ain't EVER letting that go, EVER!

On a slightly more serious note, most of the technical analysis on Steemit (except for my watermarked charts, of course!) use coinmarketcap's proprietary pictures. So we may be getting a lot of flags pretty soon! :)


Man you @bullishmoney ALRIGHT!

I really think screenshots or screengrabs from any websites is not warranted as proprietary content that warrants flags on steemit, FB, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIN, and so on...

Yup, you don't have to convince me...I'm 100% with you.

I'm more referring to crusaders who have a tad more legalistic perspective on things! :)

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.12
JST 0.028
BTC 65355.67
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.47