in #life6 years ago (edited)


Human beings are intellect species. They have the capability to think, question and reason to anything and everything around them. But there are times in one’s life when he is provided a stimulus that causes him to over-think the situation and draw conclusions. Sometimes we just jump to conclusions in the blink of an eye, without giving another person a chance to defend himself which can result into drastic effects

As Pete Burns deduced:

“The trouble is that people are all too ready to jump to conclusions about anybody who they think looks a bit strange. They think you must be mentally subnormal.”

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Train of Misunderstandings:

The major problem with jumping to conclusions is that it leads to further misunderstandings. If we take an example of a man, who just helped a women find her way around town, if his wife passes by she would immediately assume that her husband was having an affair from the very beginning, causing a lot more trouble on the side of his husband who has to explain to his wife the situation.

As described by Christina Lagarde who is managing director of IMF:

“I do believe women have different ways of taking risks, of ruminating a bit more before they jump to conclusions. And I think that as a result, particularly on the, on, you know, on the trading floor, in the financial markets in general, the approach would be different.”

Criticism at its Peak:

Jumping to conclusions makes us more like critics, we do not tend to see further into the person or event and just start labelling people according to one dimension only. People should be rational while making decisions. It is not right to judge others on the basis of any incident they were accused to be involved in. Many a time, it has happened that actually innocent people have been stereotyped as bad people, thus damaging their reputation.

As Pamela Mayer had exclaimed:

“A good lie detector doesn't jump to conclusions but tries to understand the person across the table, her personality, and her motivations. Your goal as a lie spotter isn't to point the finger and say, 'You're lying' - your goal is to get to the truth.”

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Judging by Personal Experience only:

Humans are not simple creatures. To understand them it takes a lot more time, which can only be understood if one is to experience being with them first-hand. Since people have a habit of spreading rumours, there is no telling in the first place what the actual story was. The bottom line is that, jumping to conclusions is not a good habit to have. It just makes one more anxious and turns them into critics. It is best not to judge people by their covers either, it makes us ignore the good points of people and just believe such people as bad company. Even if YOU think you are the master in analyzing personalities then you should be more careful enough when drawing any conclusion.

It was Philip Gudelia who had said:

“People who jump to conclusions rarely alight on them.”

End Note:

In the end, jumping to conclusions makes a rational man, practically irrational. He becomes biased in his judgement and the victim does not instantly understand what happened in the first place. So giving calm and mindful reactions during times of crises and anger can strengthen relationships indefinitely. One might never know the actual motive behind other's action if he is quick to judge. He might be actually doing a righteous deed, which instead would be turned into a sin.

As Thomas Mcguane alluded:

“One of the illusions that we live by is that we can really know anybody else, and we're often surprised by traits in people that we thought we knew very well. The struggle to overcome loneliness, which is sort of our universal burden, leads us to leap to conclusions about who other people are.”

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A very insightful post, @bluemist. "Jumping to conclusions" is the worst crime we can commit to our and to the other person's intelligence.

You post brings 3 things to my mind -
1- In a conformist societal structure, a non conformist thought and attitude is confirmed insanity :D :D .

2- Everything has a reference and a context. Things can be understood only in reference to context. Without Reference to the Context, opinions are hollow and often turn into baseless allegations.

3 - We can never know anybody fully. What we know of a person is only how the person's energy interacts with our energy. That is all that we know. The rest unfolds when we look at the person from afar with the passage of time. Time brings more experiences . Experiences change percepts.
So how can we even attempt to know a person. :)
We only know the interaction :)

Great post ! :)

@nehab Thoughtful explanation on @bluemist's post, and I agree with most of what you have said, but I would like to add this...

"Jumping to conclusions" is not a "CRIME" as you so put it. Life is not all about intelligence, facts and figures. Life, to my mind is primarily - emotionally, spiritually and energetically driven. (in fact this is our sole and soul source) So... Jumping to conclusions" is OFTEN driven by instinct, by "GUT" if you will. And in many instances, "jumping to that conclusion" is precisely what affords us foresight and insight. This is by NO means any kind of fault, and should NEVER be viewed as such. Those Impulsive emotional reactions to situations or people that we are in tune with are often our greatest gifts in terms of insight and should NOT be discarded.

"Jumping to conclusions" - is a primal reaction and should be afforded respect. It may not always be 100% correct, but often it WILL BE.

NONE of us have the right to judge another - that goes without saying! We ALL have our moments and issues - acceptance of this is PIVOTAL - and in my opinion, the "jumping to conclusions" / kneejerk reactions play a primary role in this.

There are MANY ways to skin a cat.

Having a one dimensional view on people's "jump to" responses, is really nonsensical.

I am a believer of instincts. Cognitive Logic is not something I practice. I practice Emotional Logic. I follow my instincts. "The heart has its reasons that reason knows nothing of ". :)

I think @jaynie there are two concepts that you are mixing as one.

  1. Reaction to a stimulus. Reaction to a stimulus is always instinctive. And primal. I agree with you. The "gut" reaction.

  2. ) Decision making. When you take a decision, you balance your cognitive and emotional logic. You weigh the pros and cons . Even if you "DECIDE" to "FOLLOW YOUR GUT", you take a decision and "jump off the cliff".

Jumping to a Conclusion is part of the decision making process - FORMING AN OPINION OR COMING TO A CONCLUSION .
FORMING A CONCLUSION is taking your instinctive reaction (GUT) and cognitive logic (INTELLECT), both into consideration before arriving at a stable conclusion which is not rash !

"Jumping to a conclusion" is doing two polar opposite things - reacting instinctively and arriving at a conclusive thought. It makes the decision fickle and subject to frequent change !


I hope you understand what I say, @jaynie.

I too believe and practice Intuition, Vibe, Energetics, Instinctive way of life. I always listen to my "Gut".
But I do not form frequent conclusions based on only my primal instinct. I let things sink before I declare a connclusive thought !

"Having a one dimensional view on people's "jump to" responses, is really nonsensical" . I agree. It applies to both sides of the coin ! :)

Nice interacting with you, Jaynie :)

I hear what you are saying, but I suppose I hold a slightly different perspective to yours.

I do not believe the two aspects to always be separate. Yes, there are instances in which they may be, but there are plenty in which they are not - it is all relative to the context.

Decision making can in many instances be very much instinctual, with little or no thought given to it whatsoever - not at ALL unlike a reaction to stimulus.

Again, as I said - it is all relative to the context as well as the individual. There is no "blanket" description or "umbrella" reference that can be true of all individuals.

Anyway, that is my perspective and experience.

I agree that intellectual thought will always be considered insane. People normally chose not to delve into whole context and form opinion on their own perception only.

Energy synchronization and TIME is very important to understand other person to some extent.

You elaborated whole perception perfectly

Thank you so much for your insight, really appreciate it

my pleasure. I am happy that we resonate :)

our reactions to events directly affect our relationship with people.
If you make quick decisions in the face of events, it will be right to act in conclusion to make the right decision.

thanks for your share @bluemist

You are right and thank you so much for you feedback

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Although, as Buffy points out, sometimes...


For the record, I almost went with this gif from Office Space instead, but once I found Buffy, there was no question. Buffy is always the answer. 😊


Wonderfully hilarious. Just awesome😊

And thanks for the excuse to search through Giphy, amusing myself in the process... 😂

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