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RE: Would you live my life?

in #life7 years ago

Thank you for posting @gnimeets.

Many writers come from Ireland. This well written soul-baring post communicates the tags which you have given it.....pain....sorrow.....bottom...all a part of living life......nonetheless the pain is not lessened by knowing this is life down here on earth....ever since the choice of Adam to reject God's plan for his which time satan overtook the rulership of this planet.

God in His grace provided a plan...a salvation save us from satan's plan for mankind.

For you see...God loved the world (mankind) so much that He gave His uniquely born Son (Christ Jesus) that anyone who blieves in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. John3.16 ...translated from the original Greek text.

Your loss and grief pain my soul and yet I can assure you that Christ is the best friend in time of need.....He is the way, the truth and the other way to the Father but through Him.

Christianity is God seeking a relationship with man through His Son Christ Jesus.
Religion is man seeking the approbation of God through his good deeds.

Faith alone in Christ alone for salvation. The reason we are here...the issue in life...What do you think of you accept or reject Him?

Start with salvation.....God's Plan for each and everyone of us.

Wishing you God's best for your life. Kind Regards, bleujay


Thank you for the kind words bleujay. Personally I believe in more what I can touch and feel. Hope is something which is hard to hold for so many years. How can I not question creation when the supposed creator appears to have abandoned us. I firmly believe in the principles religion preaches. I however do not agree with all the terms and conditions that accompany them. This doe's not mean I would neglect my child's spiritual upbringing. Aileen is a very catholic, catholic girl. I could never belittle her religion but personally it doe's not give me strength, only anger at such a petty world.

Thanks again for your support. I do appreciate it and we have decided to see a counselor on Friday afternoon to try and work things out.

I have never considered myself a writer because I have never wrote anything. Since I was a teenager at least ^^

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