How getting older changes your perspective of life

in #life7 years ago

I'll be turning 27 soon and over the last 10 years my outlook on life has changed dramatically.

I feel like i grew up quite fast, not as fast as some but i was always considered intelligent and smart for my age. I would observe everything and take it in like a little sponge. I'm a firm believer in "knowledge is power" and even subconsciously at a young age i wanted to know everything. not necessarily the sort of stuff you learn in school but peoples secrets, peoples desires. i would be in a room with 30 people and i would zone in on one particular conversation of interest and take anything i could from it. Maybe that makes me manipulative but i like to know more about people than they know about me and if i ever need it to have something to use against them. Again knowledge is power.

I got my first job at age 13, walking dogs for family friends. $5 an hour. As soon as i was able to get e legitimate job i did, I worked part time jobs until the age of 16 where i got full time employment. At this age it was incedible for me, I was 16 making $400 a week while most of my friends were still at school and the ones who had jobs were part time making maybe 100-150 a week.
I was bad with my money but i always thought to myself that life was about having fun so I spent all my money hanging out with friends and partying.

I always had goals i wanted to achieve, i wanted to own a house and have a nice car, i wanted to retire early and travel the world but i never really made any steps to do it. Just kept partying and wasting away my money.
I also consider myself a fairly generous person, I would happily pay for a friends drinks or lend them money, I would donate money to charity's and help people i knew that were in need.
I ended up being homeless and living in my car and struggling to get by, i still worked full time but on a much lower paying job than any i had before so it was tough.

Skip forward a couple of years and i was still pretty much the same, spending my money on nothing, putting alot of it toward other people and not really considering my future even though i knew what i wanted. I remember taking in a housemate that had nowhere to go, she was fine for a couple months but then things got bad. She was disrespecting the house and drawing on the walls in her room, she was later and later on rent and bills and would play her drums loud at night but the other people in the house didn't seem too bothered by it. Well she ended up stopping paying rent completely, she was behind 3 months on her share of bills and one day she just up and left. She left a bunch of her crap at our house and i was left with $1000 bills in my name that no one else contributed to.

I started realizing this wasn't just a one off and it was becoming a pattern in my life. When i needed help there wasn't really anyone around to help me, but i felt like i was always helping someone else. There are only 2 people who have ever truly put in the effort to help me when my life has gotten shit and that's my recently ex-girlfriend and my mum.

I began to get quite cynical and negative about people, I lost contact with friends over petty shit and about 90% of the people in my life just faded away. I've started caring less and less about other peoples problems and trying to help them because i feel it never gets reciprocated. That's not to say i wont help someone in need but nowadays i focus on myself and put a lot more energy into my goals. I still want to retire early and still have a lot of the same desires but the way i view the world is much more realistic now.

I quickly realized that most of the people in this world take and take and give nothing in return and its one of the biggest issues our society faces. Everyone likes to complain about their situation but the more people i tried to help the more people i watched crash and fail for no other reason than themselves. If someone gives you an opportunity or a chance to make things better you take it, not take it for granted. Society is filled with people who care about themselves and themselves alone, they will take what you give and show nothing in return and if you find some who does reciprocate hold onto them.

Now that im older i realize that there seems to be a severe lack of empathy in this world and its one of the reasons i prefer to put my time and effort towards animals. They are always thankful for what you give them and they repay you with happiness and friendliness.
I want to start a family and achieve my goals and if that means that i have to stop trying to help everyone else then so be it. I wont consider myself selfish because i feel like i tried and never received the help i gave outwards back. I never asked for it but there were times when i so desperately needed it and there was no-one there.

I learnt that there is only 1 person to blame for your situation and that is yourself so if you're not happy with how life is going you need to take action to fix it.
I now consider myself a realist as i don't see the glass half full or half empty. i just see that its there.

If you want something go out and take it. We should never rely on anyone else to help us because in this world the only person you will ever be able to 100% rely on is yourself. Put faith in yourself, be confident and be determined, if you make the right moves and do it for yourself no one will ever be able to say you got to were you are from luck or someone else.

The only person i will ever rely on again is this guy


Hey bro, i totally understand how u feel. I have gone thru a shit ton of hard times and lots of uncertainty as well. But i always seem to somehow come out alright and im sure u will too. "Falling down is how we learn"
Today is my 35th bday and i finally think i have life figured out a bit.. i did buy a house when i was 30 trying to follow the lockstep of society but it wasn't for me. now im selling it to buy an rv and travel like i wanted to do intially but got talked out of.
U seem to have the same mantality on life as i do so i would suggest trying ur bus idea before buyimg a house and getting stuck like i did :/
Free souls like us arent meant to be trapped in one place.. we are meant to live free! Good luck bro.. i followed u so i can hopefully see u take ur first steps into ur new journey :)

peace, love n all that hippie shit

" and all that hippie shit" haha love it
yea i feel like hard times are what make you who you become. bus van or rv would be great, i only really considered buying a house because it seems like a safe investment in Aus but knowing ill be tied to a mortgage for so long really puts me off. guess we see where i am in a year or 2 and decide then though :P
thanks for commenting and following man appreciate it. ill follow you back

Hey, at least you have been working all your life haha! I am coming up on 30 and only just having my lift finally sorted and continuing to work on it.

You definitely can only really rely on yourself and caring for others doesn't always work out well and I feel the pain man. I focus more on myself these days and keeping my life positive and if any thinks I am selfish, I will tell them to experience all the pain I have in the last 10 years. :P

Keep Steeming and working and in time, you got your house. :P

im even considering giving up the buying a house thing and buying a bus and decking it out so i can just travel all around aus living wherever :P

Ay, that's a great idea yet. Pretty awesome when you drive along highways and experience the outback with open desert and not all these buildings everywhere haha.

yea i love driving through the forests and the mountains. i reckon id get pretty bored with the trips across the nullaboor and stuff (no idea if thats how its spelt lol)

Haha well... You can only handle so much desert :P
It would be good at first compared to buildings everywhere, but then the forests and other scenery would be great.

Ha! I am older than you :)

I agree that there is indeed a severe lack of empathy and I resort to loving animals, maybe more than humans.

You have come a long way and the road from now on is filled with so many unexpected things but I feel that you are prepared for whatever comes.

Good job @bigdizzle91

I read your post. I saw your picture. I thought I’d reply.

  • What in life can you genuinely take without stealing, if it’s not yours to have? Taking what is not for you, is bad ‘karma’.

  • In truth, people really do have limitations to trustworthiness. This probably explains why God says, “Trust no man”…and Jesus told His disciples to not call Him “good”. Wow, if Jesus wouldn’t wear this label, I know no one else deserves to be called ‘good’. (Isaiah 2:22, Mark 10:18).

  • I’d like to think a person could trust self 100% of the time; but, on behalf of every time I betrayed myself by, let’s say, eating that piece of chocolate cake when intent on eating healthier…not true.

And, on behalf of the junkie who betrayed self by taking that hit that put that monkey on his back…again!…not true.

  • The only Person you can count on 100% of the time is Jesus Christ.
    I don’t know where you are on the faith journey; but, that’s the REAL TRUTH. If you don’t know Him, you might want to talk to Him when you want to experience 100% there for you 24/7/365…no fail.

He won’t look at his phone, and see that it’s you, and drop the call; because, He thinks you will want something.

  • The saying, “No man is an island. No man stands alone” is true. Nobody has ever really become a success without the help of someone else; no matter how much they narcissistically boast.

I realize you may not want me to, but I’m lifting a prayer for you. You’re young, and someday, I’d like to think you will take the gift you were born with and turn it into an income.


Not to take away from your beliefs in anyway as we are all entitled to our own but i find religion in general to be a facade used to control people. If Jesus Christ and God can be counted on then why are so many people suffering from things they dont need to.
If god exists he allows the rape and torture of children on a daily basis. He allows horrible parasites and disease to ravage his creations.
I will put faith only in myself because i can see the things i achieve and i cannot see anything he has done.


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Yes dude, you're old and you'll soon die, do not listen to them, they flatter you to let them go ... do not deceive yourself ....

Thanks for sharing your life with us. Yes we learn from our experiences and get better as time goes. Trying to grow in life better today than yesterday and tomorrow than today is what matters.

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