Protected By Rock'n Roll And Else

in #life5 years ago (edited)


Protected By Rock'n Roll has been with me for some time now. It even appears, that the tougher the going gets, the stronger Rock'n Roll becomes. Good. There is only appreciation for that, here. It lies at the root of the discovery, that has been like a Rabbit Hole deepening like a Fractal. The more piles up, the more various will be the possible solutions to remedy the present situation. Sort of. The Crux of the notion being older than Rock'n Roll itself. There is a reason that Music is for many their first Love and likely their last. Music is Magic - deepest communication via Rhythm and Beat. Just like the Whales, whom We miss a great deal, too. YinYang saw Whales commuting to lunch in Kalapana. They even have an All Men's Choir - The Baleen Whales Male Choir. Music is both, inspiring and healing. It creates and soothes. As to the differing tastes when it comes to Music, whatever rocks and rolls one's boat should be perfectly fine. However, I cannot see someone wearing earphones listening to Death Metal while tending to the Roses. Which does not mean that it would not be possible. Just don't put up Pink Floyd like speaker walls to vibe Your greens out.

Now, listening to Tommy Bolin 'Live at Ebbets Field - 1974', it came finally lose. In a Universe that is made up of vibrations, "Ain't No Sunshine" represents a powerful vibration, that cuts through all the crap like a freshly forged, red glowing Sword through Butter. In my personal opinion, there is no difference between Beethoven and Jimmy Page. None between Mozart and Jimmy Hendrix. At many occasions I wonder how Mozart would have handled a 12-String Electric Guitar. Chopin at the Synthesizer. Having listened to the Star Spangled Banner as interpreted by Jimmy Hendrix, makes it plausible that Jimmy Hendrix might have been any of the great Composers before. Tommy Bolin for sure.

Tommy Bolin & Friends at Ebbets Field, 1974

The personal reason for this breakthrough lies within the fact, that there were many situations and events that made any form of what one could call business as usual utterly moot. It didn't start due to Café con Leche with some Honey in it. Going over the keyboard of the iMac. Because there is not enough space for both. No table, no space - a keyboard spill was to be expected. Unfortunately, what could be a minor issue, can turn into a great mishap in Antarctica. And here. To which I have to add: According to the pre-existing condition of Being not quite able to sustain ourselves the way we all would like it to be. Therefore, when something like this happens - Shit Happens. I am absolutely positive that, provided someone would have a load of surplus green backs, enough people could be bribed and payed off to get a replacement for the exact keyboard within a reasonable time - as fast as possible. The crucial part being "as-fast-as-possible" - because no keyboard = writing with the iPad. Writing with the iPad means Not having access to the main library on the desktop. The poor thing, having served eight years, it succumbed to Café con Leche and the razor sharp teeth of Diva. Ultimately, I don't know which one did it. The Drink, or Diva - the Feline-Keyboard-Early-Retirement-Assistant'.

Getting a USB replacement was the best I could settle for at this time - but somehow getting a replacement for the 'A1243' 109 keys, wired keyboard will remain a priority, as one gets used to a certain layout. It lowers the writing efficiency. However, regardless of all the pesky little changes, I am excited that I found a marvelous electronic store in the process. The main point is, that I did not have to do what I need to do today - driving to town - to get this keyboard. The store is on the main road and easily overlooked. Very friendly folks in this store. You know, when it becomes a pleasure to do, what has been necessary. The most important aspect is, that I am able to write again - to write this update. On the desktop. With access to the library.


Feline Keyboard-Early-Retirement-Assistant Diva

Maybe I should just call it a 'Top', since we have no desk to spill things around. What gets really interesting now, is rooted in a more personal area of my computer. Its personal area. It has acoustic arthritis - the left speaker is no longer only reproducing sounds it is supposed to, but also a very nasty little scratching towards the upper end of the volume. In short, that thing is broken and needs to be replaced, which is not an option here, either. No parts. Part of the whole speaker tragedy is also that I had two sets of very good monitors and lost both in the process of relocating. Like the old German proverb that states Dreimal umgezogen ist wie einmal verbrannt. (Three times moved is like one time burned down.)

Now, the entire event becomes amazing, when my scanning eyes discover a set of computer speakers. By the brand that I prefer over the affordable ones. The studio monitors were of the same brand and superb. Of course I had to ask, that, if they had this model, by this manufacturer, they might be able to get me the one set I care for so much. The lovely Woman told me that she will look into it. Then I can simply plug in the speakers into the desk top and be over with the crackling and rasping. Music is an essential part of my Life. Like in the song of the same title "Music was my first Love..." it is around all day and night long. Until bed time that is. And randomly selected by a random number generator. The Music, which is selected to be played, is a match to, or reflection of Our present vibrational frequency.

Interestingly though, it works both ways. Or I should say 'naturally'. When the Music is able to pull You out of what was occupying Your Mind. As 'occupying' suggests, it is usually less pleasant to be occupied. Be it the Mind or otherwise. In this context it matters only that I will soon be able to listen to the Music again. To Rock'n Roll. Because Rock'n Roll is the ointment for a worn out corpse. It pumps up the personal immune system through its Rhythm and Beat. It's not unlike a rubber mattress that slowly unfolds as it inflates. Rock'n Roll will increase the oxygen blood level and if You throw each other around on the dance floor, You're supposed to be in pretty good shape. Leaving this advanced method of Musical experience behind - I will be a happy camper when the Buena Vista Social Club sounds once more as brilliant as it is.

!Ay Caramba! Ska Cubano

Two days have gone by, including one called "April's Fool". That was a fun day when I was much younger. We played pranks on our neighbors and with growing age also expanded the circle of influence. Like smearing peanut butter and much worse on door handles. Or tying a garden chair with a rope into a tree. Things Kids do up to a certain age - which can be quite advanced, as in a little example. Mind You that's kind of forever long ago.

In our hometown there was a beauty store across the street from the local ice cream parlor. The Place to hang out, drink the best Espresso and eat the best ice cream of The Universe. It may have even been better than that. Regardless. We were a circle of friends that took great pleasure out of watching Who would enter the store and how long they would stay in there. The whole thing was a Sur-Face-Faking-Store with the exception of a few items that could be called useful. Personal stuff. The load of the store however, was to prep up women of all ages to look much better than they deemed looking like themselves. A perfect match.

In conjunction with another mischievous friend of said circle of friends, we schemed a worthy "April's Fool" treatment for the beauty boutique. It had a recurring color identity. Whatever reflected the store chain was in yellow. We considered this exact yellow - of which we took a color sample - to be the perfect color to decorate the store windows from the outside. It would be such a good match, that our creations would blend in seamlessly. We made a professional sign in the vicinity of four by eight inches. To be specific, it was just letters and a frame around them. In a perfectly matching color tone. The sign would read:

"Man kann einen Arsch noch so gut schminken - Es wird nie ein richtiges Gesicht daraus werden."

"No matter how well the make up of an ass is done - it will never become a real face."

Now, the hilarious part about this is, that it did not damage anything, and was easy to be removed - since we used easily removable material for the lettering. It looked stellar and nobody took pictures. Because it was main street and the uniformed members of society would patrol the streets like it was a night about life and death. In truth, it was a night of wisdom and professionalism. I love professionalism. It has become so rare nowadays.

The signs we had adhered on each of the windows, stayed there until Fall. It eluded us if they did not understand the meaning of the signs, that they might never have noticed them, or that nobody ever really looked at them and the window cleaner who did, presumed it being part of the store philosophy - the exact same font type in the perfectly matching yellow, on the outside of the windows. Our favorite spot in the ice cream parlor provided full vision of those women and men that actually read the signs, but never entered the store to fill in the employees about it. It is still considered one of the best April's Fool ever in my former hometown. Among those, who remember what happened a thousand years ago.

Needless to say, but helpful to write, that those days were also closer to Rock'n Roll. The strong breeze of what was once a roaring Hurricane of innovative, emotional and dance-able - most of all danceable - Music that wasn't there before. As You will already know, or might know, or will find out, the fact is that I allow myself to improvise as much as I possibly can. Being The Universe does that to You. Also mentioned previously: When I allow the Present Moment to open up, or better, when I open up to allow all aspects of the present Moment, it is then, that the Mind catches the Delicacies contained in IT. In a time, when more and more voices speak about the fact that all ailments can be both generated and cured by means of applying corresponding vibrations. There have been people all over the Planet engaging in the manufacture of Sounds throughout much of their existence. No matter where one stands in regards to the effects vibrational treatment has on the Living Being, that Music has effects on the Living Being is proven beyond any doubt.

Being The Universe is a point of understanding that promotes the ability to follow the flow of how everything goes together at any Moment of Existence. Like this update was written under the influence of having to let go of my keyboard, due to bi-reasonal malfunction. Now writing with a keyboard that was made for a specific school district in Southwestern China, were the average student has smaller than average hands and fingers. This is their keyboard. For Sausage Fingers like mine, the keys are like walking with snow shoes through the strawberry patch. Having to look down to the keyboard to figure where the letter, or symbol I care to include into my creation, is located. The one good thing about all this is, that it makes obvious connections or relationships, I had not noticed prior to that Mind Set.

It is in all of this, that the Enlighteningment occurred, that Rock'n Roll is indeed a most powerful Vibrational Protector. Not to be confused with a Vibrator Protector. However close Sex and Drugs may be to Rock'n Roll, they are not part of this Elaboratorium. 'Just' the vibrations that are emitted by Music, especially certain Music. A very good example of what I am writing about is the above song !Ay Caramba! by the group Ska Cubano. It is a match for more than one reason. On the one hand, it is simply great Music, played very well. On the other hand, it is a song about the difficulties of a Life that is best described as the Life more and more people are living. The day the spill occurred was an !Ay Caramba! day and so were the ones that followed. Like a cluster of small !Ay Caramba!s, dominating our days. It is quite common in the wider area to have a water tank on top of the house to use gravity fed pressure in the plumbing. Since a few month now, I have been witnessing that the water tank would last less long than before.


Greetings from the Edward Bernays Department of Advanced Obsolescence

It was during the last days, that I noticed a small ripple in the toilet bowl, indicating that the water didn't stop flowing. This very mechanism to control the water level in the tank and thus the amount of water that is flushed away, was replaced with a new one three month ago. It was also three month old in the first place. It will work for some time and then miraculously fail and let water flood the tank and then escape into the overflow and to the side, where there is another opening to install the thing with the water coming from the left. Of course, first there was this drama like paranoia about the plumbing being shot under the house. Which it probably is anyways. But in this case an Enlighteningment whispered in my ear to go and buy a valve to be installed between the water outlet and the tank inlet. Now, when the tank was flushed, one allows for the refilling of the tank and as soon as that has been achieved, the valve is closed. No more overflowing. No more using the pump more often than necessary. No more wasting well water.

water-tank-shut-off-valve-valve_Painterly 4.jpg

The Miracle of El Universo - No more Water running away!

Today is Friday and the entire week has been eventful. The main tank on the roof is now empty and I will refill it while I log the time it requires to be filled. Then I can use this time when I fill it up the next time - setting the timer to warn me of impending over filling, which is as bad as a bad drip. Water is very special and should not be wasted on this side of the screen. And cold it has become again - the well water that is. An apparent sign for heading towards the wet and cold. We are thrilled. One more reason to listen to some Music. The peculiar thing about 'all this' lies within the fact, that everything is connected with, or better 'origins in IT'. Making nothing inconsequential - every thought influences the Whole.

Slowly, but surely I will organize Comida para los Gatos - Cat Food. The Feline part of the family, that has an absolute majority, elected the order for me to go and organize some food. This section of our lives has become very cluttered and I did try Rock'n Roll there, too. However, the desired results are still out. Honeyboy requires a Kidney diet. All others are on a "I'll take whatever You don't have-diet". The advantage of the food that I am about to organize is, that all, but Honeyboy can eat it. Actually, will eat it.

Monday. Unbelievable. Well, I received a note that the speakers I like are not available. Check. Avocado tree transferred into a bigger pot - check. Secured a number of cans with Cat food the ones getting it served will eat. In Flora I started to tend to the vine and did find some more grapes. Amazing. There were so many grapes this year. Although it is our first completion of all seasons here, I had no knowledge of the condition of the yard until I saw it first. There were no leaves, but a large number of evergreens. So it looks always kind of green at least. But nothing compared to the green of Hawai'i for sure. Now the leaves are leaving again and the vine tree will have had a year in which someone took care of it. Something else that relates to Rock'n Roll. Taking care. When You look at any of the truly great concerts of the greatest bands ever to perform on stage - these folks really took good care of their audience. To a degree that would make this improvised inspiration expand like construction foam in space.

So, I am back. On this Tuesday, April 9th, 2019. The night was cold and way to crowded by mosquitoes. YinYang has developed an allergy and she receives anti-allergy medication. However, I know that she takes challenges, or difficulties in Life very much to heart. She knows that I am not doing well and she fears for her family and the large dogs that roam over our land. There is no dog proof fence. It is, however on the to-do-list at the top. You see, we live in a special Animal Husbandry situation. My Feline Compadres are Feline People. Each one is an individual Being, with its own character, behavior and habits. So, there is no difference in having a hard time - a hard time is a hard time. That's for that. One is albeit asked to accept that the numbers of those who can't make an honest living anymore - in spite of the existing possibilities that are simply prohibited by law and regulated upward, that the little People will give up their struggle to come up with any kind of sustenance that is not perceived as competition to their profits by the owners.

The blueprint for a peaceful society exists. It is the only blueprint that does not expire. It is a Blue Print that acknowledges and incorporates interdependence at its core. To know that whatever one is to think, or do, or neither, is influencing the discrepancy to a peaceful society. The way each individual member thinks is either harmonizing with the Blue Print for a peaceful society, or a square peg to a round hole. Disharmony is something not taken lightly in Rock'n Roll either. Listening to a large body of Music, the harmonies are definitely in the majority. The loop closes, when You see Rock'n Roll as a special kind of Sound Therapy. There are countless variations among the roots of Rhythm and Beat. A good example of how it might have happened can be seen in the movie 'Cave Man' - a Anthropological Masterpiece camouflaged in the appearance of a brilliantly corny comedy.

Music does seem to be around for some time now. Even before the Rhythm section in a laundromat. It eludes me why nobody ever did a composition involving dryers and washers. There must be one. The steady and through varying weight and consistence of the laundry changing Rhythm of the dryer can make one fade into sleep quickly. There is a great laundromat in Pahoa. It would be perfect in regards of being able to do it in the first place. Most laundromats give the impression of not being into dryer orchestras. I could always be wrong as well. Maybe that's what they were always dreaming about - but never dared to ask about it?

Since there are other things I like to write about, I will bring this one here to a conclusion. Music is Medicine and Rock'n Roll its best syrup. Gobble some down and enjoy the relieving effects it has on a Life, that is treated as if it shouldn't be. There will be a second part to the speakers' part in the Reproduction of Rock'n Roll Department. Music needs to be felt in order to be effective. It can have to opposite effect when it is turned down to the noise level of an elevator sound system. I honestly never heard of an elevator in Chicago that plays The Blues Brothers with a 1500 Watt Galactic Surround Sound System. "Which Floor, please?" "Take me to the top, please!" "Which song would You prefer to hear?" "I'll take Owner of a Lonely Heart, please." "How many dB would You like?" "All of them! Give me all You got!" "Very well, Mam, here You go!"

Can You imagine how well prepared You would leave that elevator - versus the Edward Bernays style subliminal elevator propaganda? Let the Magic of Music be the leg wiggling Knight with the best moves. In this sense I would like to say Crank IT Up!

All Images ©2019 Helena-Sophia Exel Except for Hyperlinks and/or stated otherwise


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Glad you have recovered from your keyboard crisis!

It eludes me why nobody ever did a composition involving dryers and washers.

You're, obviously, not familiar with the work of Aaron "Attaboy" McAvoy. 😎

... and lest we forget his ledgendary cover of Thunderstruck....

Ha! I knew it when I typed it. It can't be that there isn't someone who loves it as much as I do and actually records it. :-) Once there was a special dryer in our collection. I took the Congas and filled in where it asked for it. That was a lot of fun. Like 'Moby Dick' on laundry equipment. Thanks for being on top of my readership. I love it to have quick responses. It makes it so much worthwhile.

Yeah, "Attaboy" McAvoy cracked me up. 😆

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