Update and News

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Hello my friends! Apologies for being offline for a bit. Between my medical issues which became worse and the loss of my very hard earned CryptoJeep life has been difficult to put it mildly.

Thankfully I have a team of caring doctors and medical professionals and a treasured caregiver to keep me going on the right path to healing right. We humans will heal. The main thing is to heal right otherwise you will have major complications in the near or far future and it's just not worth it.

When you're sick or injured, be sure you take it easy and do all you can to heal your body and/or mind correctly. Eat healthy, fill your mind with good and happy positive thoughts, books, and movies. Do not allow toxic people near you. It's absolutely worth it to allow only goodness into your life, body and spirit during healing, and anyone who even psychologically harms you during this important time must be removed. It's imperative- and not only when injured. Even if you have to force yourself- just do it! The dishes can wait and there's another day the work can be done. It'll still be there ;) You may not. Not if you don't take care of yourself ❤

I have some exciting news. I'm starring in a new weekly broadcast show and I'm considering daily one off episodes to accompany that. And I have two teaching gigs- one my own 501c3. And some of you are already aware I'm acquiring my MFA.

Ah. Shakespeare. It's either a comedy or a tragedy. My latest tragedy forced me to take it easy. Have you ever had to force yourself to look at the bright side and see how an evildoer can be good for you? Silver linings- every situation has them ;) Sometimes you have to think out of the box to see the shiny threads. But they are there :)

I'll be sharing more info on my new job and have a very interesting tidbit I can't wait for you guys to hear about! There's so much that's happened lol. I'll be here daily now unless bad evildoers jump out of the shadows to pull a Psycho on me in the shower ;)

But I guarantee that's not going to happen because the place is wired and boobytrapped to the hilt- I learned my lesson and do not forgeteasily. Not when it's big and important. Even with my Traumatic Brain Injury ;)

I miss you all so much. Even when I'm not here posting I read through your comments and writings. Your prayers and well wishes mean so much to me. You have gotten me through some dark days lately, no lie, and for that I am thankful.

I treasure you all so very much :) I'm proud to have such a wonderful family here <3

The community of Steemit is second to none and I'm proud to be a part of your lives.

I missed you 💕

I'm happy I have you guys. I love you!!!

Be Blessed my friends.


Congratulations on your new opportunities and thank you for the update. It is so important to remove negativity from our lives. Our spiritual health is a side that's too often neglected.

So true. But both go hand in hand, and if ones neglected, the other fails...

It's good to be back :)

Get well soon and take care of you @arbitrarykitten!

It's great to see you!!! Thanks hun ❤

So happy to hear that through all the ugliness you have something that you are excited about. It's also lovely to see you posting again and I have to agree with you on how wonderful the community here is. It has helped me in so many ways too. All the best xxx.

It's good to be here :) Are you on discord chat?

Yes I am. Same name as Steemit.

I can't find you... Can you try me? Same name

I'm glad you're here once again, with all this inspiration, recovering well I guess, I can Smell it in your liveliness, I'm glad you're back.
You can't imagine how I've missed you, sometimes I'd like to ask you a few things, but you aren't here.

Ask away my friend, I'm listening <3

How are you recuperating, when will you finally be back here fully?

There were some days I honestly wasn't sure I was going to make it... But two days ago I felt better than I have in weeks, and I'm officially on the upswing :)

I still have a couple months, at least, of physical recuperation. And they tell me it can take up to one year for my brain to heal, but I'm officially on the mend 👍

I'm back to posting daily now. They may not always be long in-depth articles, but I'll be publishing articles here daily for the most part again. Minus any kid stuff or really bad medical days that arise.

Oh, you don't know how happy I am that I checked what is happening on Steem, before heading off to bed. So glad things are looking up. Very happy for you. I also hope that we all get you your new jeep. When you do finally get it, I would love to buy you that lic plate cover. :-)

Oops, forgot I wanted to add, one day at a time. That is what we need to take. Totally true about toxic people. Glad you are a fighter. :-) @)--`---

Toxic people are probably the most unhealthy thing of all. More than cigarettes and obesity I'm willing to bet ;)

Good thing I have big shoulders ...


Awe, thank you hun!

It's so good to be back ❤ Seriously, it's like I'm finally home :)

good to see you back @arbitrarykitten and glad about your new task.this will make you busy and helps you in your recovery.

Hey sweets!

Yes, you are so right- it'll help keep my mind occupied!

I know sometimes I go a little deeper than most when it comes to comments @arbitrarykitten....................

Well played ;)

Ain't happ'nin to this girl! Not no mo! Lol

For all the 'meh' days: 🤗 For all the good days: 🤗 And for the bad days? 🍨 and a 🤗!
Keep to feeling those positive vibes and taking care of yourself! I wish that your medical injuries hadn't worsened and truly hope that the worst is behind you. Kudos to those giving you care and to you for not giving up and giving in!
Congratulations with being on a weekly show, your teaching, and working towards a MFA! Your hard work and outlook has brought you far and I'm positive that there's even more good things that this life has in store for you!

Thank you so much hun 💕

A positive mindset can create wonders especially when it comes to health. I wish you to get well soon and continue being a beautiful part of Steemit.

That's the most truthful thing I've read all day!

Thank you so much ❤

Good to hear that you are making progress, both physically and emotionally. Concussions are very serious and some take up to a full year to recover from. My youngest boy suffered a severe one back in early May of 17 and he is just now back to his normal self. It was very frustrating for him and us to see him struggle like he was.
Look forward to hearing your new opportunities.

Concussions are scary. Sometimes I'm so frustrated because I know this isn't me-i know I'm not operating and thinking normal. But some other times... Others notice something I'm saying or doing or acting different but to me it's just normal me. I don't know the difference because it feels normal, even tho it wasn't my normal a month ago- if that makes sense. That's what's scary as hell.

Our son had real issues with his short term memory, it was really scary for a good 7 months, he would say he was going to get drink and then walk to the kitchen and couldn't remember what he went in there for, things like that. He would also do like you are saying, he would do things that seemed off the wall, one thing that did come from it that is very interesting that he never did before is he started just cutting up paper with scissors and then started doing oragami, he's gotten pretty good at it too. I think that was a direct result of the concussion, maybe from boredom of not being able to do anything else because he couldn't go on electronic devices for about four months because it would trigger real bad head aches ,

Oh my goodness, I have the same problem with my short term memory. It is quite scary because even though you know it will get better and return to normal in time, what if? I keep having to push those scary thoughts away. It's a real struggle remembering things you were just thinking or doing mere seconds ago.

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