[Blood-type-A, Elimination Diet - Day 1] Kicking this off!

in #life7 years ago

I started 2017 off with a 30 day Whole30 diet because I knew I needed to give my elimination system some time to rest and heal. I was friends with people who raved about it. During that time, I made a steemit post at the end of every day to chronicle my progress and struggles.

The results were that I did step away from having those afternoon energy dips. My energy stabilized some but I never felt GREAT - like others did.

It turns out that a high protein, animal based diet is not a superior match for my blood type.

Sometime in the summer I heard a radio show where the host was telling the caller that her vegetarian diet was making her feel like crap because she has O-type blood and NEEDS meat for energy. I thought that sounded a bit ridiculous, isn't a vegetarian diet BETTER for several reasons including ethics (not that I was vegetarian)? I don't like this blood type diet nonsense.

Then a woman I know who is a trance-channel (yes, seriously) told me that in order to give my elimination system a break for healing I shouldn't eat meat EVER.

I was like "ever? As in NEVER?!?"

She was adamant. "The guides told me, long ago, that eating animals is like eating our children. I didn't argue." ....Sigh

Since I like and respect this woman I considered the words of her message but also that she might be pushing her own "stuff" onto me. I WAS a vegetarian for 6 years before I had kids. I enjoyed it then but now I have two kids and going out to eat is such a nice break and so much EASIER when I eat meat.

Then that blood type diet popped up in my head and I thought I'd go check out what it said about me.

Sure enough, a doctor did research and found out that people with the A blood type thrive on a vegetarian diet. No WONDER Whole30 didn't give me the energetic results I had been after. Bacon, red meat, pork - it's terribly inflammatory for me (unfortunately, so are potatoes, sweet potatoes, bananas and a bunch of other stuff I lived on that month).

Since I learned all of this a few months ago I vowed to only eat chicken (sorry trance-channel friend!) but occasionally I still do bread and peppers and potatoes and other things that are a no-no according to the blood-type list. That's about to change, though.

I hereby declare that I am embarking on a new, self-designed healing plan. I will follow the blood-type A diet but eliminate, also, the foods I have personally experienced difficulties with (ie soy, dairy). I'm still on the fence as to whether I'll do it for 40 or 60 days so may play that by ear for the first couple of weeks.

It's now the end of my first day on this diet and I have a pretty funky headache - probably from not having coffee today. I'll post the pictures of what I ate next but also want to say that I have one other goal besides cleaning up my elimination system. I want to raise the vibration of my body so that it's easier to tune into my spiritual gifts (channeling, clairvoyance etc). I'm looking to get a handle on how to tap into these things for practical use so it will be interesting to see if that progresses as well.

Now that I've completely exposed all of my woo, here's what I ate:

Instead of coffee...

This smoothie made my stomach hurt. I doubt I'll buy any more store bought almond-milk on this diet (it has some cane sugar) but do want to finish this carton up. IMG_6649.JPG

Left over chipotle veggie bowl. I picked out the peppers today since they are not compliant.

If I'm making my own rules then I say these Lara bars aren't really bad. There is a little sugar in the chocolate chips but my toddler at half my bar and I needed an easy snack.

Another snack..

Quinoa and a whole bunch of roasted veggies for dinner.

Also, I had a grapefruit before I put the kids to sleep.

So that's it. I feel like crap and I know my body is detoxing a little. The weather turned cold and blustery here today (rainy and high 50's) so it was an all-around low energy, blah day.

I miss coffee.

What do you guys think - 40 days or 60?

Off to day 2...


woow that diet is very good, I congratulate you for your effort , keep it up

Thank you!!! I appreciate the cheerleading!! :)


Thank you!!!!

awesome. I am following you for sure! need more lightworking in my feed. I am an O blood type i made a post about it. but that means i have to eat meat lol. everybody tells me that the blood type diet is bull though. you are lucky that you are an A because it seems like if you went RAW it would boost you SO much more

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