Traffic Jams on Country Roads in Panama

in #life7 years ago

Lest we forget where we live, we always have the traffic jams to remind us. I have been in three such traffic jams this week due to cows crossing the road. Most farmers around here will have their cows graze in one field, and then walk them down the road to where they milk them. This works pretty well...unless you are trying to get somewhere on time and stuck behind a bunch of cows!


Usually there is a cowboy leading the way for the cows and some poor unfortunate soul walking along behind them to make sure the stragglers do not fall too far behind. They usually have some type of stick that they will push the cows with to make them catch up.


The longest traffic jam usually lasts only a few minutes. I guess it really depends on the size of the herd. The kids always wonder how the cows know where to go. They have done the walk so many times, probably from birth, so they have learned the way to go.


There is a little dose of Panama living for you! How does it compare with your traffic jams?

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In case you missed it, here is why we moved to Panama and part 2.


I bet the pace there is a bit slower than in the states! I long to be able to be in a place where I am forced to S L O W D O W N!!

You know you're a homesteader when you see cow pies on the road and debate picking them up for your garden!

Lol - yep, can't say I've ever seen anyone stop to pick up a cow patty. ;) Perhaps the soil here is already super rich.

Where I am it's goats, their are three different goat herders with their goats that come down past where we live, so we regularly get stuck in this goat traffic jam. I must say it's a whole different experience to living in big towns and cities, give me the goats any day, plus I love the sound of the bells.

Bells on the goats sounds nice! I want to get some goats some day. Probably not a herd of them though. ;)

Traffic jams like these are quite common here too especially on small roads. Haha

Always fun to have to slow down for large wildlife crossing the road!

I think this needs ratification.

Ok...thanks for stopping by.


We live in northwest Arkansas, sort of rural but not really.. since it only takes 30 minutes to get to the nearest Walmart. We wouldn’t mind getting out further, once the kids are grown and don’t need to be toted to town for their sports.
I’m headed over now to read why you moved to panama.... I’m curious!

:) Thanks for stopping by. 30 minutes to get to WM? That would be totally worth it in my opinion. I would be there every single day. I miss WM..........

Hahaha, I remember eating at a bar in a little village when a herd of sheep came through. They were going between the tables! Love the cows!

Lol - that would be totally crazy! Love it! :) We live up in the area of Panama where there are a lot of dairies. This is pretty common but still kind of strange!

When you see these traffic jams, are they usually headed somewhere to sell them? Farms around here generally only need a few minutes to move a herd across a road, I'm just curious why they would actually use the road to get somewhere.

No, these are just moving from one field to another - to eat grass or to be milked. If they are going to the slaughter house, they put them in trucks and drive them down the mountain.

It is funny that you have the same traffic jams I run across is parts of south Texas. There are some ranches here that move their cattle down the public roads , mainly out in the country from town, the ranches are so big that the county RR (ranch roads) may split a ranch in half so the just move their herds from one section to another just like where you are. But here all the cowboys are on horseback and the use cow dogs to keep the cows bunched up and moving. They just move them for grazing here though, dairy farms you never see moving their stock in that manner.

I haven't really seen any cow dogs helping move them along but that sure is a good idea! It sure is a sight to see, but thankfully it doesn't usually take very long. It clears up quickly and we're back on our way.

Cow dogs are a very useful tool the cowboys have and it is really neat to watch them work. There are even competitions that are held for working cow dogs. So when you see pictures of cowboy's with their dogs just sitting around under a tree or relaxing on porch keep in mind that the dog is probably more than just a companion, he is a partner of the cowboy in his ranching work.

I love Hank. ;) We have learned all about cow dogs from listening to his books on CD. ;)

The kind of traffic jam one can live with. Although the view could be better. :)

Lol - yes a better view might be nice. ;) Thankfully they usually are resolved and we're on our way in 5 minutes or less. :)

hahaha. This truly reminded me the good old days when I was a kid, where you get traffic jams by a herd of cows!

The scary part is when it happens late at night.

A friend of mine, died because of that.

Now occasionally in my hometown I still see them whenever I return, but not as such a huge herd as before.


Wow, that is crazy that they would do it at night and a friend died that way. That does sound like a bad idea to move them in the dark.

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