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RE: Time Travelling Through Life

in #life6 years ago

Dear @kchitrah , thank you very much for sharing your most valuable thoughts. Many passages of your experience remind me of myself.

As a child I was so sensitive but open at the same time. I welcomed every stranger with open arms and smiled happy at everybody on the streets. I was very lucky to have an old friend, that when I grew up said to me: preserve what is in your heart, never ever allow yourself to get cold hearted. She said, no matter what will happen to me, I should keep that always in my mind.

For sure I lost a lot of my child wisdom. Maybe wisdom is a word that is to strong ...

When I realised, much of this "child wisdom" was lost on the way to grow up. Since that day I realised, I wanted to get back to my sensitivity and wisdom I had in my childhood years. Wanted to time travel, change my path of live for the upcoming future :)

Life let me on a path, that gave me the chance to uncover, step by step, what I thought I lost. I did not lose it.

It was just covered by a layer of dust.

Every day, more and more, I re-discovered. I take a deep breathe ... and shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh blow away the dust, that has covered it.

Thank you again very much for sharing!


Hi @anutu! It is such a pleasure and honour to meet you. Gosh, I forgot to reply to you here because I got so caught up in looking you up and found THE most amazing post. I believe I was in the midst of leaving a comment there too when my phone rang.

Very childlike with my distractions still!

Wow, I too was like you and @dreemsteem. Being so open a d trusting. I think there's a huge part of me that never lost that. I actually have stranger's come pour their heart out.

There was once when I was talking to someone for 20 mins. My Dad waited patiently as we headed for lunch. When I caught up with him he asked me who the lady was. I said I wasn't sure, I thought she was his friend. He said She wasn't! Hahaha.

Your search and quest to find your family and parts of your history is so intriguing. I hope I get a chance to visit and read the rest of it soon.

Thank you so much for stopping by to say hi!

oh my goodness - this is hilarious! hahahahahaha - yesssssss the other day i just started talking with the grocery clerk and much to the annoyance of others - it ran a little long hehehehe

but she clearly needed a little lift in her day ;)

This is what life makes so so special, I think.

agree <3

I agree with @anutu

This is what life makes so so special, I think.

So glad she had you to lift her day! xx
So glad to have you to lift our days too!

Hi @kchitrah !!! Oh yes, isn't it strange. I have this too, strangers that approach me and pour their heart out.

Sometimes I have it when I ride on the bus ... suddenly people just start talking and tell me thoughts that are moving.

I had it once in the train, that a lady started talking to me telling me her life started crying and ended up so emotional .... I did not even say anything at the beginning ...

Meanwhile I have learned how to handle this, but when it started many many years ago, I was so helpless ... I am more a shy personality ...

hehehehe they're drawn to people who care - its the way of the world :)

they can see it and sense it! :)


But you could hold that space of love, and that's all is needed. And I agree with @dreemsteem, AND whatever the encounter, it is always there to add and enrich our lives in some way.

The lady was blessed to have an angel that day. xx

Yes! you are so right, whatever the encounter, I was blessed with a valuable experience. I am so happy that I can care for others who need it.

Later, when I met people who cannot defend themselves or are not able to speak out for their rights, I had to do my lion roar sometimes.

It's like something that comes naturally, you know, I just go crazy otherwise when it about injustice .... it's such a feeling from deep inside that drives me forward ...

Sounds very much like something you would do too, a natural extension of your caring heart @anutu.


Yeahhh, this is so true ... blush ... a little bit ... blush ... :)

@kchitrah is a very special friend of mine.... i'm so glad that you two have met through one of her posts!!!! you would LOVE @anutu's posts as well my friend <3

I'm actually interviewing him tomorrow on our Antics & Dreems show :)

reading your comment @anutu..... deep sigh I was the same. I remember walking down the street and smiling at people (who would have snatched me up in a second! LOL) and not realizing danger or harm or awareness to be "safe, guarded, and secure"

Every person was a person that just needed to have openness and a welcoming heart in my mind.

And I remember my aunt telling me "You smile at every person. You don't need to say hi to everyone just because they say hi to you."

And it's strange - because of my childhood, I really SHOULD have been more wary of strangers!!!! not just strangers. but I had every reason to be guarded!

If we could only keep the beauty and not let it get covered with dust! :)
so much love for the both of you! :)

<3 @dreemsteem we are so similar
.... we smiled at every person ... we are so so similar,
not only with this point :)

@kchitrah is amazing ...
had to think a long time about her post, still reflecting on it today

this is all so so special xx

There are days when honest to God, I too need to read it again...and reflect. When we get into that zone, we become scribes, and upon's sometimes like I wasn't even there when I read back.

So, I'm with you on that. Lol!

hahahahaha tha'ts a nice feeling though - when you come back and you're pleasantly surprised that you wrote it - right?
that happened a few times with Fireflies for me hehehehe

It is! Ah, yes....Fireflies has so many layers in there .... Mmmm....looking forward to the next year .... ;)

Awww Dreemie! Always so kind. Yes! I did drop in and I would like to read the rest too.

Hahaha, yes, very much the same the three of us. Xx

Im thinking of you. :) You're gonna be in my active thought in progress this week! Hahaha.

Love you lady! Xx

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