TOP 5 influential business books you need to read to be successful

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Reading is the key to success, according to Warren Buffett. If you want to have new ideas, develop new ways of thinking to acquire various knowledge, then you should read books for your career.

The business world is in a constant change, new competitors are emerging on the market. But you can be a winner. You just need to gather information, adapt to the situation, develop strategies and not deviate from your path.


Below I made a top 5 the most influential business books:

1. "How To Win Friends & Influence People" by Dale Carnegie

This book contains Dale Carnegie's teachings on how to create advantageous relationships, gain trust and become influential. He presents effective techniques that will help you to have a better life.

Some of the skills you will learn from here are:

  • How to become a charismatic person.
  • How to make new friends and keep the old ones.
  • How to evaluate and understand the personality of other people so that you can relate to them more effectively.
  • How to sell your ideas, concepts and suggestions to work, relationships with family, friends, and anyone else you interact with.
  • How to act and react when you face difficult people.
  • How to have different opinions without being disagreeable.
  • How to understand and master your emotions and how to understand the emotions of other people

2. Business Adventures: Twelve Classic Tales from the World of Wall Street by John Brooks

The book contains stories of success and failures on Wall Street. In the business world people can prove either genius, spirit of co-operation and wisdom, either stubbornness. Who would have thought the business world could be so fascinating and dramatic?

3. Art of War by Sun Tzu

Use military strategies for your success in business! "The Art of War" was written 2,500 years ago based on the teachings of Sun Tzu, a general and a Chinese philosopher. Its concepts and methods are studied and practiced for centuries around the world. It is a book of excellence for all those who want to succeed in business.

Being an experienced businessman or an amateur investor, in Sun Tzu's Art of War book you will learn how to be the first ... and make more money than your competitors who do not have these key strategies.

4. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

It is the most important book of the 21st century of business domein, sold over 15 million copies worldwide.

From this book you will learn the principles that guide successful people and how you can apply them with excellent results in family life, business and society in general. The seven habits are made over decades of experience and research distinguish the happy and fulfilled people of those who are unsuccessful.

5. The Lean Startup by Eric Ries

The fundamental task of a startup is to turn ideas into products, to evaluate customer response and, of course, to be successful on the market.

The five principles that underlie the three parts of this book are:

  • Entrepreneurs are everywhere.
  • Entrepreneurship means management.
  • Valid learning.
  • Build - Evaluate - Learn.
  • Accounting for innovation.

If you want to be an intelligent person, you should read anytime you are free. ;)




Excellent, I already have 3 of the 5 cards. Now I need time to finish reading.
I like the invitation ! :))

Hehe, yes, it is funny ;)
I know time is the big problem

You are absolutely right, reading helps us in all areas, nourishes our knowledge as well as our vocabulary, enriches us greatly and helps us to defend ourselves against everyday situations, according to the knowledge acquired. The recommended list of books is very interesting. Thanks for that contribution.

Yes, you are right, it is a very good comment. Have a great day, my dear @blessed-girl!

Great list of recommendations. I read a couple of the books that you mentioned. I have heard of all of them, but still defining my next reading list. Here are a few of my previous business readings:

  • Thinking fast and slow - Daniel Kahneman;
  • The power of habit - Charles Duhigg;
  • Outliers - Malcolm Gladwell;
  • How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be: The 25 Principles of Success - Jack Canfield;
  • Rich dad, poor dad - Robert T. Kiyosaki.

Out of these 5, my fav was 'The power of habit' which can really make you understand how to leave the bad habits behind.

Your recommendations are interesting, I haven't read them all, I hope to organize my time better and read more.

That's a good list of books, I relisten the first title at every 3 weeks or so. Tried a few times to read Art of war, but never made it to the end though 😋.
Now I am curious about the 5th title in your list 😁, thank you for that.
I will also add to this list another three titles I do believe are quite esențial, especially in this age.

  • Entrepreneur Revolution: How to develop your entrepreneurial mindset and start a business that works, by Daniel Priestley
    A book written almost ten years ago, which should be readed by any steemian because it fits perfectly with the digital age.
  • The Secrets of Power Negotiating, by Roger Dawson.
    We all negotiate every time when dealing with other people, why not doing it right?
  • Rich Dad, Poor Dad. by Robert Kiyosaki.
    I think we all know this one, but that doesn't make it less valuable


Thanks for the recommendations, I have already read "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki, is one of my favorite books. I will add the others to the list :D

Have a great weekend, Laurentiu!

That is solid list. I will have read a couple but some I have not. I look forward to reading my way through them. Thank you for sharing them!!!

They are quality books with valuable information and I hope they will bring you success. Best wishes, @clivingston005.

Wow! Cool, great, interesting and very useful books. 📕📖📔 👍👍

thank you for sharing information

I'm glad you liked my book recommendations :D

I would also add to the list some Neal Stephenson books, they're more sci-fi and cover some really out there ideas, but they go really in depth with some business concepts. They even predicted things like crypto-coins, VR, and there's still a lot of stuff in there that can get the gears in motion if you're looking for business ventures. Personal favorites: Snow Crash, The Diamond Age, Interface and Cryptonomicon.

And while the Art of War does cover aspects of leadership, recommending it for anything other than warfare always struck me as a bit strange, since it is a literal manual for feudal combat tactics. It's got chapters on the proper way of making encampments so that they're not overrun by the enemy, not in the "oh, this applies to everything" scenario, but in "use the terrain to guard your back" scenario. Or bits like "if you see the enemy gathering water, and the ones gathering the water are the first to drink, the army is suffering of thirst and stopping them will harm the enemy greatly".

I haven't read any book written by Neal Stephenson, is an author with interesting ideas, I will add it to my list :D

Since you're into Crypto, I'd suggest starting out with Cryptonomicon. It's half World War 2 code-breaking, half modern day ('90s) business relating to internet, crypto-coins, data storage. They're intertwined and it takes a while to figure out how the two sides connect to each-other. Snow Crash is VR, surveillance, some organised crime and unexpected surprises. The Diamond Age is post-cyberpunk, focusing on education and its ramifications, DNA computers, how a world can evolve with nano-technology. Interface is all about politics, how it functions as a business and the role of technology in it.

I will start reading the book Cryptonomicon, I like the description and it seems to me the most interesting. Hope to read it soon, then the others. Thank you.

i have heard of a few of the books mentioned here but haven't read it yet.. MAy be i will listen from audiobook.

Yes, it is a good idea :D

Nice post my friend

Great recommendations! Lot of life lessons to be learnt from reading quality books!

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